Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Walking with the kid "correctly"!

Walking with the kid With infants often and walk a lot. In modern society there is even this idea of "good" caring mother: all-weather walking with a child at least 2 times a day and each walk at least two hours. Each of us regularly sees on the street walking dads, moms, and grandmothers with blue noses, dancing from the cold, but in good faith Vyazovaya endless miles. Pediatric clinics on the walls hang posters recommending regular long walks. Considering one day of boredom in the queue, the number of hours that were recommended to spend the day on the street 3-month old baby, I was horrified to 8 hours!

What would surprise mom, heroically walking their children in any weather, if they learned that the health of the child for such a long stay on the "fresh air" is not necessary. Moreover, it is many hours of sleep on the street, they have their baby quite certain behaviours, from which they then suffer.

Many years engaged in the care of small children, I see enough moms, not sergstesh in walks, but have a very healthy and happy children. Pediatricians who see them, and sometimes even do not realize that these "students" are doing on the street much less time than their peers. But, how satisfied moms who are not slaves walks and have enough time for household chores and to practice with your child. Why do they do that? Because they follow the simple guidelines of our center on organization trips.

Giving advice to young mothers on the organization of walking, we believe their years of practical experience and study of the physiology of the child. What a child needs during walks? First of all, in the development of new space, much more than something in which he spends most of the time. In addition, he must adapt to temperature changes, which is not exposed at home to the air flow and to learn not to freeze in the clothing for the street. To solve these problems in walks an important progression and sequence.

Walking with a newborn, primarily related to adjusting to a new spatial volume. So before you start going out with a kid on the street it is necessary that he was accustomed to huge for him the space of the room. Approximately 1-1.5 months any healthy baby is able to carry out naked at home about 30 minutes of his waking hours, and he lost sight in itself". The child is always actively inspects the room, turning his head for the lights, looking at the Wallpaper. All this suggests that it is normally adapted to the temperature and space. If the child is in the room freezes easily, inspects the environment mainly looks at the mother or sleep - walking him early! The transition from diapers to the expanse of the room and then out of the room under the open sky on the streets should be implemented gradually and very cautiously. On average, this addiction occurs during the first 30-40 days of life. So to start walking on the street should not be earlier than this. In summer, Hiking can be started before the 20th day, but to hold them in closed balcony, closing the stroller cover and limiting the review of the child.

An inexperienced mothers often raises the question, at what point to put on the child. If it is fed before the walk, the baby in the process of sucking falls asleep, then wakes up during dressing, squeaking, and sometimes so razgulyaetsya" that doesn't want to fall asleep on. Actually, the fact that the baby is awake it's even good, let him look around and get acquainted with the new world. Not necessarily to go out with a sleeping baby! If the mother is not in a hurry, organizes the first walk at that time of day when the baby is always long sleeps, in the process of dressing the child, as a rule, not waking up. If this happened, then once warm, tight clothes, he falls asleep after a minute of breastfeeding and you can go for a walk.

The length of the first walk, regardless of the time of year, should be 15-20 minutes. To extend the walk should be gradual, every day adding 5-10 minutes to a week to bring the duration walks up to 1 hour. After that, in summer time duration of the walks can be increased arbitrarily, depending on the weather and the health of mother and baby. In winter, the duration of the walk can be increased up to 1, 5 - 2, 5 hours and to stop, and if the temperature is below 10 degrees, from walking, you can refrain to warming. Winter frosty air contributes to prolonged sleep of a child, so you can use the winter walks for the big day dream and arrange them on the balcony. If mom has time, she can walk with the baby every day for 1-2 hours.

If mom does not have a balcony, it is not feasible to organize a long sleep on the air, because not in all kinds of weather can afford it. It is better to go with a child on the street, not more than 1 hour and to seek, as soon as possible to begin to walk it with waking, not sleeping child.

The habit of sleeping with the movement of air from open Windows or on the street, not really hardens child. On the contrary, when sleeping on the cold decreases the activity of the immune response, and with frequent repetition, reduced phagocytosis, so the child may get sick more often, not less. No animal in the middle belt are not satisfied with their babies to sleep in a draught! On the other hand, when the child gets used to fall asleep so he often night and demands that he created the same conditions. I have met parents who habituate the child to fall asleep on the street, forced on the night to open the Windows and for a long time to rock the baby in the stroller, because otherwise it just doesn't go to sleep!

When there is a balcony many mothers every day suit baby to sleep on the balcony, and from about 4-5 months, start going for walks during waking the baby, so that he looked outside, saw the world. This walk is limited to the child's behavior. Some children, after the excess impressions fall asleep in the stroller by themselves, others need before to attach. In General, the attachment at the breast at least once per hour and always before going to sleep, it is typical for children breastfed, so the duration of the walk is no more than an hour, actually meets the needs of the child. Those must be applied no later than one hour to have to take home for the winter and feed on the street in the summer. Therefore, some moms walk 2, 5 hours and the other 30-40 minutes. As a rule, those mothers who walk short portions, walk twice, and those who can afford a longer - once.

Thus, recommendations for walks range from the condition of the baby and opportunities moms. For those moms who use the sling - a sling, walking is facilitated by the fact that there is no need to carry the stroller. Short walks so much easier to organize. This is especially important to those who live in homes without a lift and is unable to use someone's help to pull the carriage down.

If mom has the time and desire to walk a little longer, please, just do not forget about the needs of the child are often attached to the breast. Winter to do it on the street just uncomfortable! In the summer, when you have free time mom and good weather, you can walk there all day. In the rain and bad weather, it is better to sit at home - the child is not need to adapt to the cold water. In the winter time to change temperature and good adaptation to the child enough to walk for 1 hour a day, it is enough, more - only at the request of his mother. If the street is in a strong wind, in winter, the walk is better not to walk, not looking at the temperature, and if the weather is calm, with a child older than 3 months, you can walk and at minus 15.

So, dear mother, walking with your baby, do not forget about its needs and its capabilities. Do not make pointless marathons, child health will not be harmed!

Author: Mallorcan Maria Borisovna



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