Monday, October 27, 2014

Dreams come true: manual

Dreams come true: manualWe all dream, are our dreams, only the fact that some believe that all our plans will come true, and others not even hope.

Most importantly

It is important to see the hidden essence. You cannot zakazyvatjsya desire want the car, not thinking about how this machine you will get. Focus on what is really important to you, correctly specify their desire, avoiding the particle "not". For example, you want to meet the man of your dreams - you cannot make a wish "would not only got a freak..." - otherwise such a "handsome and you are sure will meet". Prohibits "ambiguity", type "I want it was good for some, if the beats are good too.

To think, to forget

Remember how unpleasant it is when the soul is someone waiting for you do your job - no need to constantly think about your desire, it will come true, it is important not to be too pushy. In addition, we should not expect that all will come to pass exactly as you wanted. If it is not blue, but brown eyes - it's not the worst thing that can happen.

Zarabatyvat their desires

Often the wish comes true, when it has lost relevance. And so that seemed to make you happy, did not bring joy. Why it happens? Most likely, you did not adjust their dreams... And to do it from time to time. Put up a new, relevant goals and not make that does not affect your destiny. Only the most important and most needed!

And be happy!

And finally, when the wish will come true, don't forget sincerely rejoice this important fact. After all, if you are unhappy from a dream, a dream to be offended on you and never will come true.


Women's Magazine

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