Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Double life after divorce

You have decided to divorce. Now we have to prepare a child to live in two houses. How to do it? Regardless of how the husband hurt you, baby, he will always be loved dad. The main thing is not to force the child to choose between you. Even two-year-old child will feel that something has happened, and three will require explanation.

Double life after divorce

Therefore, if the kid sees the confusion caused by the divorce, don't put off the conversation for later. Otherwise, he might think that was naughty, and it is only his fault. You must state the reason for the gap: "daddy don't love each other as parents." But in this case, the child may think that you will stop loving him. Explain that the child's mom and dad love always, even if they live separately.

Don't talk about ex-husband is bad, even if you parted on his initiative. The phrase "daddy left us, because he loved another woman", you're hurting the child. He must believe that the father will always love him.

If the husband is building a new family, explain to the child that this is natural: without a woman a man feels lonely. In any case, don't say, "now the Pope will not be for you time." On the contrary, 't tell him otherwise.

You should behave in such a way that the child adopted a new situation. Tell the kid about the new prospects: he will ride in dad's new apartment, going to the movies with him. Make sure that your child took home favorite thing: soft toy, book or his plate with the Teletubbies.

Be prepared that Sunday the father of the child will be a great time. Therefore, you will compare. Soak comments like: " my dad is better, it allows me..". Calmly explain that in your house there are rules that you once came up with a father. Do not give in, when you hear in the store: "And dad would have bought me! " Don't take it to heart. The child can use the confusion of parents to violate frame.

It may happen that an ex-husband with a head dive into the job and will be rare to see the baby. If a child begins to get bored, ask to look at family pictures, to draw the Pope or call.

However, remember: you don't need to build the image of the ideal father at any cost. If the child asks about the reason for not joining the Pope, let him ask the culprit. When the guilty man, the child must claim him, not you.

And if the child returns from his dad and tells you that you're the culprit divorce - do not be ungrateful. Defensively, explain that the marriage breaks up because of both adults. It is important that the baby to feel equally loved by both parents. He must be sure that has not lost a single one of you. And even though you moved away from each other, still love your baby.



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