Monday, October 27, 2014

Give nails a "marketable"

Burnt during the winter nails, literally asking vitamin foods. Fragility and unevenness of the nail indicates a deficiency of certain trace elements.

Take into consideration set of products that positively affect the outer layer of your nail.

Give nails a

Give nails a Curd. Necessary for nail growth, it perfectly combines the necessary calcium, phosphorus and vitamin D.

Vitamin A. Prevents the occurrence of cracks and delamination, increasing the elasticity of all tissues. Vitamin a is rich in cod liver oil, eggs, purple and orange vegetables and fruits.

Marine fish and seafood. They contain iodine, which is essential for beautiful hair, skin and nails.

B vitamins. To enhance the health effect daily take two tablespoons of dry yeast.

Citrus fruits. The vitamin C contained in them, will strengthen the overall immune system, will help to avoid dizbakterioz and nail fungus.

  • To give your nails an attractive, well-groomed appearance, widely used special multivitamin creams. They contain special ingredients (Shea butter, myrrh extract, vitamins E and C), through which the nails are transformed. The cream should be rubbed into the nails and cuticles.

  • Strengthens nails wraps of the following composition: mix 70 g of water, 5 grams of alum, 25 g of glycerin. Compresses for 10-15 days a week, a month can be repeated.



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