Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Kinesitherapy: life in motion

Kinesitherapy: life in motionThe human organism as a self-regulating subsystem in the system "organism-environment" is not just balanced with the environment, but actively adjusts, adapts. In the process of this adaptation it is, on the one hand, improved structurally and functionally, and actively modifies and adapts the environment.

Movement is one of the main mechanisms trim system "organism-environment". In view of this movement as the main biological quality of living matter evolves and develops together with the evolution of living nature. The highest perfection of the movement reaches a phylogenetic human development. During this development it becomes specific, qualitatively new character, due to the conscious, socio-biological nature of human activity. As in humans, the primary means of communication and interaction, active adaptation and employment, the movement is also used as a powerful factor in the prevention, treatment and rehabilitation.

Various forms of movement as a result of mechanical energy on the human body is widely used as a prophylactic and therapeutic agent in the beginnings of medicine. With the development of medical science using various means and forms of physical activity for prevention, treatment and rehabilitation gradually expanded and enriched.

Modern medicine came to the conclusion that some of the techniques that were previously perceived as an additional course of physical therapy can be of significant value in and of themselves, when dealing with problems of the spine and muscle tissue.

It turns out that the movement can be an effective treatment method that can overcome many diseases.

The term kinesitherapy, i.e. treatment by movement, as the most General definition of the use of various forms of movement, physical activity and the natural motor functions of a person, very controversial. Despite this, we believe that it reflects the great variety of different forms and means of propulsion used for the purposes of prevention, treatment and rehabilitation. The term physiotherapy should not be understood in the sense of his legacy use. The concept of therapeutic exercise, using citizenship and reflecting the use of means of physical culture for therapeutic purposes, does not exhaust the concept of treatment through movement. The term kinesitherapy widely, since it is through the kinesitherapy tries to encompass all types and forms of movement as a healing factor.

The kinesitherapy in its most common characteristic can be divided into two main sections: active physiotherapy and passive kinesitherapy.

Active kinesitherapy

characterized by active and conscious participation of the patient, which performs volitional movement. This section covers the use of active exercise, labor, motor activity, walk as one of the most automated locomotor skills, movement and crafts, household and ordinary character. This kind of kinesitherapy include some active specialized kinesitherapeutic methods: proprioreceptive neuromuscular facilitation, the system of yoga, policarpio etc.

Passive kinesitherapy covers forms and means in which the patient participates passively, does not volitional movements. The movement is performed or manually by another person, or using a special apparatus and devices that mimic normal physiological motion (passive physiological exercises), or produced motion of individual tissues or body parts with the help of specially organized methodical systems (massage, manual manipulation, mechanotherapists treatments, massage under water etc).

The kinesitherapy usually refer to the group of non-specific active therapeutic factors. Various forms and means of movements alter the General reactivity of the organism, which increase nonspecific resistance, destroy pathological dynamic stereotypes resulting from disease, and create new, providing the necessary adaptation. Along with this kinesitherapy is also pathogenetic therapy. Most diseases and injuries of the nervous system and musculoskeletal system occur with impaired motor function. Other diseases conditions treatments require bed rest and reduced physical activity, which leads to hypokinetic disorders. In this sense, as kinesitherapy has the main task to restore or contribute to the compensation of the detuned motor function, and to promote the training of limiting physical performance of the cardiovascular, respiratory and other systems, it is in the nature of a specific therapy.

Kinesitherapeutic factors are an integral part of other physical factors (natural - natural factors, and preformed physical factors). They are an integral element of a comprehensive physical therapy. In this regard, specialists in physical therapy and rehabilitation should be aware of and competent to use kinesitherapeutic funds for prevention, treatment and rehabilitation of patients.

Looking kinesitherapy in unity with all the other physical factors raises a number of questions about the place kinesitherapeutic funds in General, physical treatment and rehabilitation: compatibility and incompatibility of different physical treatments, on the order of their application, synergistic therapeutic effect and other Proper resolution of these issues is of great importance for the effectiveness of physiotherapy.


to be continued

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