Friday, October 31, 2014

What and how much to eat in one day to lose weight?

What and how much to eat in one day to lose weight? Complicated diet, like a jealous lover, does not forgive betrayal. Step aside and lowered the weight back. And diet is quite simple and effective. 1-2 fasting day per week - and no extra weight!

The choices

Kefir. Yogurt promotes the excretion of end products of fat metabolism, improves digestion, eliminates the feeling of heaviness in the stomach, improves complexion. The positive effect is felt within one hour - during this time absorbed 91% kefir.

Know-how: 1, 5-2 l fat-free yogurt, acidophilus milk, buttermilk or yogurt without sugar is stripped at 5-6 servings and drink during the day. So hunger is not tormented, each time take 5-6 pills edible pulp, creating a feeling of full stomach.

Curd. Curd fasting days - option for those who do not take yogurt as a meal, albeit lightweight, and believes drink like tea - unless they eat! In this approach, kefir diet seems to be camouflaged by the hunger strike. The cheese has a greater volume in the stomach and absorbed slower kefir, so to unload on him more comfortable - less hungry.

Know-how: 600 g fat-free cottage cheese, 60 ml low-fat sour cream, 2 cups of tea without sugar and 2 cups of broth hips or mineral water divide on 5 receptions.

Apple cider. In apples, many stimulants metabolism of vitamins C, B1, B2, P, E, carotene, potassium, iron, organic acids, and fiber and pectin that binds the fats and exempting them from the body. Preferred acidic varieties (Antonovka, Simirenko): sweet (Goldin) is too high in calories.

Know-how: Buy 1, 5-2 kg of apples and eat them raw in salads, with vegetables or sabaki in the oven with raisins. During the day drink 4-5 cups of Apple juice or stewed without sugar. The rind also eat (unless, of course, does not suffer from gastritis or other diseases of the digestive system: in this case, to sit on fasting diets not only on healing! ). It has a lot of fiber, which creates a feeling of fullness, regulating the intestines, linking dietary fat and removes the toxins from the body.

The cucumber.

Cucumbers are 95% made up of water, and not usual, and the same composition of the intracellular fluid. Cucumber diet activates the metabolism due to the natural catalysts, potassium, folic acid, vitamin C. Cucumber juice rids the body of excess fluid. Freed from unnecessary water (it raises blood pressure and increases the workload of the heart), can per day to lose about 1-1, 5 kg!

Know-how: Eat 5-6 receptions 15-20 cucumbers (about 2 kg). Not necessarily to use them in the form in which grow on the leaves. You can prepare a salad with greens, hash with an egg on kefir or kvass without sugar.


Zavtraki, Abedi and winai oranges - not less than 1, 5-2 kg per day. Each 45 mg of calcium and 100 mg (daily dose! ) of vitamin C. Orange pulp acts as a mild laxative, promotes the excretion of toxins and excess fatty acids that come from food. The orange has a lot of fiber, satisfying hunger, and only 40 calories per 100, However, the propensity for gastritis with high acidity of orange days to make it is impossible, otherwise it will increase.

Know-how: it is Possible to prepare orange salad 6 oranges, 4 carrots, 0, 5 kg of white cabbage, cups of grape berries and 4 teaspoons sesame seeds. The scratch carrot on a small grater, rest, cut, make lemon juice, mix salad is ready! Mix freshly squeezed orange juice with grapefruit (to taste) - this cocktail acts as a fat burner and reduces appetite.



14 easy ways to lose weight

14 easy ways to lose weightDevelopment of technologies of food production has led to the fact that people have stopped there only out of a sense of hunger. Studies show that there are at least five reasons why people start eating from boredom, habit, to make someone company to celebrate something or just because the food is delicious smell". Not last role is played by the external environment, including the way we eat, cook and even stored food.

Enough to make in my life a few basic changes, and you will eat less and more healthily. Moreover, these changes - the most that neither is a household and will require you except that 15-minute revision of the home interior, well, maybe the fridge. So, here they are.

Tip 1. Remove from food TV

Watching TV while eating significantly increases the time consumption and, of course, the amount eaten.

Tip 2. Watch Comedy

People tend to focus on negative rather than positive information. Sad, terrible, tragic stronger draws our attention, and so, at this time, we are less able to control their actions.

Tip 3. Hide all edible

Do not hold candy, fruit and biscuits on the tables and shelves, where they are constantly on the mind.

Tip 4. Not dine at the dining table

Scientists believe that to eat better in the living room, the bathroom or even in the workplace. There are no tempting refrigerator or treacherous batonchikov, nor even the slightest hint of a continuation of the meal.

Tip 5. Use special package

Store food in containers, foil and food film is useful not only for sanitary reasons. Case, again, the availability of food. The more actions you must perform in order to reach the food, the less repeated attempts to eat you will do.

Tip 6. Discard the Cup and family meals

It has long been known that the size of the dishes that we eat affects the amount of food eaten. Large dishes creates the illusion that your portion is smaller than it really is.

Tip 7. Buy fine glasses

Tall, narrow glasses create the illusion of a larger volume of liquid than it really is, and their wide counterparts, on the contrary, what you will drink a lot and don't even realize it.

Tip 8. Please be banks

Do not store the entire stock of his meal in one pot, Cup, box, etc., Even if one dish, spread it in small containers or cans, the benefit of the modern shops of this stuff and it is quite inexpensive.

Tip 9. Buy crude sunflower seeds

The purified product is consumed faster and easier, and eventually you will eat much more than I could have.

The Board 10. Learn to eat with chopsticks

The brain requires about 20 minutes to get the signal that we are full; and therefore, the longer you will be eating the same dish, the more likely you will feel full satiety to the end of the meal.

The Board 11. Do not eat semi

The easier it is to bring a dish to a digestible state, the more chances you have to make full meals, some snacks that you will chew and chew, without even noticing it. Moreover, any cooking process takes time, which you could spend on food, and free of calories, which thus will not be deposited in the form of extra pounds.

The Board 12. Choose your favorite yogurt

Not worth buying five of yogurt with different flavors to "try everything". It is better to buy five jars of the same, and everything else to try then.

The Board 12. Reorganize the fridge

The most harmful and high-calorie food should be put on those shelves, to which you will be harder to get. If harmful products must be stored at the top, push them away and cover some safe saucepan: as we already know, out of sight, out of mind.

The Council 13. Often go to the store

Tocities purchased products for the week ahead. Frequent but modest walking on grocery departments significantly reduces the consumption of food and also gives you an extra incentive to walk.

Tip 14. Buy good bulbs

Quality lighting as well as external temperature greatly affects how much we eat. It is proved that in the bright light of the person eats much less than dim dim lighting; and there in the darkness of the cinema is possible infinitely.


Arguments and facts

Why is he so rarely apologizes?

Why is he so rarely apologizes? Happened? He again offended? And you're totally in vain I sit in anticipation of remorse and apology. How many times this has happened? Two or three? Maybe you've lost count? However, the fact remains that men do not like to apologize and rarely admit their guilt (even if all the evidence is obvious). What are the reasons?

To start, take a closer look to her man (for example, for Breakfast and find out, what is his nature: strong-willed and courageous or pliable and soft. If the first option, I apologize, you can wait indefinitely, because these men just don't know how to ask for forgiveness! They always look forward and rarely pay attention to the "little" errors: "What caught will go on! ". For the second category of men, then things are a bit easier - they are more sensitive and admit guilt. Moreover they even know how to say this out loud! However, they happen "short circuit", and then do not expect an apology.

The main reason why men stay away from fulfillment of moral obligation -

the reluctance to talk about their mistakes. Well this is a real blow to their ego and pride! What do think of his friends, if he will tell some girl (younger than him for five years and the growth of 160) that he was wrong? No, better to see the pouting lips and tear-stained face of his beloved, than to go to such humiliation! The man is very difficult to admit his mistake and say it directly, so often this complex and intricate process going on in his head: "So, I figured, so more won't do! ". And it is not necessary to notify others - most importantly, he understood it. Therefore, in this situation, a woman needs to take special care and sensitivity and not pulling from his men recognition. Because he so wants to be in your eyes a gallant knight and brutal macho, and you stick to it with the requirements of the public apologies!

The next reason, forcing men to keep calm and indifference to women's tears, is

the reluctance to speak sentimental themes and try to Express their emotions and feelings. It is this psychological feature of men - they rarely speak on the subject of relationships, and especially about their feelings. To judge that he realized his guilt or error, it is possible only for a brief confessions and changes in behavior.

To educate a man is extremely difficult, and sometimes even meaningless, however, if you are able to build a trusting relationship, you will be able to openly speak on any topic, and the man will find it easier to Express their feelings. Many girls believe that if in the beginning there was some conflict and the man apologized, then he still has some conscience left. However, we should not delude ourselves - he's just afraid of you to lose, and a public apology is the exception to the rule. In the future you can not even expect such heroic deeds.

Men, among other things, often

don't understand why they should apologize because of the conflict always involves two parties, and therefore, he is not the one to blame! In this case, it just takes some responsibility, and to achieve recognition on his part is much more difficult. Therefore, in this situation sometimes it is useful first to apologize, calling men thereby the response.

And finally -

don't expect him an apology. Men intuitively feel when we are all waiting for something or want, so their male nature expresses a protest against the actions of someone's will. Everything must happen by itself, and if not - then you can gently push your character to realize this. We are two different sexes, and often don't even think of that can cause pain to the loved one innocent word or action.


The right portal for women

The interrogation. How to answer too personal questions?

The interrogation. How to answer too personal questions? George Bernard Shaw wrote that "most people are interested in things that are totally not true". And he was right.


Frame comfortable for us to communicate, we may identify themselves. Someone the question "what are your hours" will not confuse, and someone will seem the height of bestestest! One lady with curvaceous on questions where it is possible to buy clothes, call address and stores, and the other will be offended.

Refusing to even respond to personal questions, you'll deprive yourself of the joy of communion and pass unsociable. It is better to remain open, but within certain limits. Can you name the colleague the price of her dress, but on the issue of salary say that the information is confidential. In response to the words of your friends about your obsessive mother-in-law tell a couple of funny stories. But thwarting attempts to see how you get along with this lady: "I am her actions don't hurt".

Change the theme

With the emergence of ethical situations try not to be rude, and steer the conversation in a neutral way. The neighbor, having met you in line to the gynecologist, spescial hands: what a terrible disease brought you here? Calmly answer, that just came to consult or routine inspection. After that it is possible to smoothly switch on topics about women's health, the level of service in this clinic or weather

Find the cause

Sometimes too many questions asked by family and friends, and just to change the subject happens to be very difficult. Mother after another party with a sigh: "no one met? When did you get married? " This is not an idle interest: Mama wants you calmed! Convince her that you're happy. A typical situation: a friend every day are interested in the progress of your novel. Ask a counter-question: "why do you ask? " Can a friend about the problems with his own friend and she just doesn't know how to get your attention.

Down with emotions

Among the curious, there are different types. The majority makes no attempt to hurt you. But there are harmful individuals who enjoy deliberately touching problematic topics.

In any case, the most sensible thing is not to take to heart "slippery" questions and get away!


Woman Zone

How to stop being hurt and offended

How to stop being hurt and offendedEach of us has our own protection. But in an intimate relationship around us borders are erased, and then we can unwittingly cause each other pain.

Someone a lot and quickly says. Someone is silent, and the words will not pull. Someone all the time on duty is smiling and it is impossible to understand what it feels actually. Someone polite and helpful. With all of them. Just in case. Someone on the contrary rude and discourteous. Also with all. And also just in case. Someone greyish mouse sitting in the corner. And someone instantly and totally attracts attention. Options - mass. But they are all screen. A curtain behind which we hide ourselves.

And here comes the time when we receive love. We are talking about conscious age, conscious love. Love, we subconsciously believe that we are loved as we are, i.e. like our personality. However, we are each other strongly demonstrated their screens, their protection. And not because we are hypocritical. But because otherwise, we do not know how. Time goes on. We get to know each other better and better. And become more confident in the relationship and the partner. And we let the person deeper, closer to our essence. Protection gradually weaken, and any shot at all.

For example, you usually all shy with your loved ones feel comfortable. Say sincere. And at this very moment as time and risk getting hurt. Because under our chermocki hide our wounds, which are a bit touch - and they start to hurt with a Bang. At some point you can tell your loved something very personal, something that previously had no share. And he will take it quite indifferently. In the worst case - even and comment somehow failed. You tell yourself: "can't trust Anyone!!! All my life it knew how to keep his mouth shut, and why suddenly trusted? "

And what results you achieve your such conclusions? Only confirm their decision sometime in childhood. But it is wound. And as close fellowship - it is usually quite intense, figuratively speaking, you peel off the bandage covering the wound, and scratch myself every day. In these moments, relationships become farther, we are again back partner for our protection. And it has little chances to be to us really close.

And the partner however has its own song. Their hastily smeared green paint scars. And we are like two prickly hedgehog: just want to get closer to each other, as inject about thorns and razbegaetsya in different directions. And so again and again. To change the hedgehog is not a solution, because with the new barbed other everything will be exactly the same.

What is the secret? We subconsciously strive to heal our childhood wounds. We specially (though unconsciously) choose those people and draw in those situations in which we may live still in pain again. And to make other conclusions. Grow out of childhood experiences, become adults. But to go this route difficult. After all, to let go of resentment and frustration can only be accepted and lived them. And often we save even more.

Is there a way out of this circle? How not to drown in these grievances, how to build a truly intimate relationship?

The first step is to decide what is for you these most intimate relationship, and why you need them. To make a sort of magnet that will be to his pull. So it was worth a try.

The second is to see its protective automatic reaction. But it isn't as easy to do. These cunning animals, which primarily are hiding from ourselves. To catch them is possible only with assistance. And then to see and make friends with them. So the next time the machine in response to the criticism will want to bawl or to cry, to say "Oh! see you, my protection! Thank you protected me for so many years. Now I am an adult and want to learn how to act differently".

And third, to learn how it is different.

- We can develop in one of two directions: to go inside (the way lies through the layer of vulnerability) or going out (this is the way Refine and improve our concrete walls that separate us from others). To solve it only to us. This decision can and should be made aware. Otherwise we like the rubber band will be rocking back and forth, closer or further from the other. In any case, it is important to be grateful for our loved ones, because they help us to achieve our goal!


The Central relationship

Why can't we live without lies

Why can't we live without lies"I broke my computer and had to buy a new one, so the presentation will send tomorrow. And next week I would like to take in addition to three weekends off - you know, move this terrible headache". Total for half a minute of conversation you have lied twice. You missed the presentation because I forgot about the deadline, and for the next week planning a trip to Spain to a friend - went for a mere penny "discounted tickets". However, about a penny you also lied...

Scientists believe that the person telling the truth 3-4 times in 10 minutes of conversation, and in most cases does not even notice it. On an average day goes from 20 to 50 cases lie. Why do we lie?

Afraid of responsibility

Words and actions have to answer, and failed to timely project you may forfeit the prize and the location of the bosses. We are afraid of the reaction to the truth, and this is the main reason lies throughout the history of mankind. This lie is no different artistic fiction, it is basic and primitive. Let's just say a lie like that sort of necessary for survival in society.

And to be honest? You can significantly reduce the share of such lie out of fear, if you take responsibility for delays, broken promises and unjustified hope. Try honestly, without umiliani and excuse a couple of times to plead guilty: "Repent, to blame". It is unlikely you will fall storm of indignation: we are all so used to excuses at the level of half-truths that honesty literally disarms.

So to live more interesting

Well, you went to Turkey. Well, rested, splashed into the sea and a good tan. Vacation - solid "b". However banal stories are not interesting, and the stories of friends one-week trip all-inclusive turns into an adventure series, in which all applicable characters are all unique personalities, the food is delicious blissfully, the weather was beautiful and the hotel is better than in Dubai. And a couple of broken hearts, you will add a rosy picture.

You in the course of the conversation are using a lot of methods of transformation of reality. Keep silent about the average room in a hotel will exaggerate the quality of the food and add a couple of details just art's sake. After all who cares to listen ordinary history? Besides, many of us adhere to the principle of Scarlett O'hara "Let envy than pity".

And to be honest?

Actually, the day we listen to so much priukrasheny, exaggerated stories that do not really believe in the truth of another. There is a much more honest and correct Outlook on life: instead of editing the story after the fact, you learn to look for a truly unique moments in your daily life. They will make on others much more impressive, but the most interesting thing you won't be no longer the case. Inner satisfaction does not need fascinated the listeners.

I want to be better than

You probably have at least one friend "Woman of mystery". Once she read that the mystery paints women, but now pretends that on weekends flies in the family castle somewhere in the MIDI-pyrénées, and distributes about his wonderful person the rumors.

This is a typical example of lying for the sake of reputation. We want to look better, but to boast in General nothing. And then in the course is a proven weapon - free lie that gives us unlimited scope for creativity. For example, the humble clerk turns into "Batman", and the teacher of biology - the secret of the Baroness. Less extreme options: we embellished reality in summary, stretching the truth about the education obtained, discussing on-year experience at the district mail.

And to be honest? Tell me the truth right now: does the lie that sort of satisfaction? You look bigger in your own eyes? In fact of the matter. In addition to dissatisfaction with their situation, you get a sense of guilt for endless lies. It is unlikely this will add points to your self-esteem. Stop to lie on the little things, say like it is, and the rich imagination of a better use for its intended purpose: to find ways in fact to make life more interesting and richer.

Too much fantasize

I remember a friend who loved passionately and with great pleasure to lie unknown interlocutors in ICQ about his remarkable life. She lived on the outskirts of Rostov, but in these conversations appeared native genius of the major European advertising campaign. And if you caught it in flight rampant lies, it would read, as it is currently drinking the best coffee in Vienna airport. With Juliette Binoche. Or Catherine Deneuve.

Strangely enough, but psychologists believe that wishful thinking is sometimes very useful. We lie and in the process gradually get used to the new role, try on the dream and look at ourselves. Of course, if not too fond of and maintain a sense of reality.

And to be honest? In Tove Jansson is a story in which a mother and her middle-aged daughter twirl the globe and talk for hours about his travels. Neither one nor the other did not leave without the need of an apartment. Only one lie you never turn your dreams into truth. Move the focus from words to actions, and then in the inventions there will be no special need.

In pairs: looking for freedom

"I'm in traffic," says the husband, when you ask, did he go to the furniture store. Nods in response to the manifestation of your care: "Dear, you're just ate? " Then it will be found that in the store he had not wanted, and not have dinner at all. Why to lie on the little things? Yes then that in response to the truth he will hear a couple of lectures about digestive problems and accusations of irresponsible attitude to repair and the family. So much easier to lie, because you, too, sometimes in words, reduce the amount spent on shopping.

We like to shorten the distance in the relationship, go to dependencies and doing addicted loved one. Concern is sometimes annoying, attention causes almost bouts of claustrophobia. So false it provides a little bit of personal freedom - just enough to do without scandal.

And to be honest? In a relationship there is no place for lies. We accept each other just as we are, so there is no need for deception. And the stronger the Union, so it is more honest. Why are you cheating partner, what you want to achieve and what your character is trying to hide? The true reasons in this case are always deeper and more serious reason for another momentary lie. Maybe you do not have enough mutual trust or should provide each other with a little more freedom?

White lies

"I'm fine! "we say to the mother, although personal life falls apart at the seams at work one after another passes the wave of cuts. Why would she need more time to worry? What little white lies, know and doctors: sometimes it's better to lie and to give hope, than to frighten this truth, from which the patient will lose heart. An example of the constructive lie placebo. Neither of which the effect would not be out of the question, if the doctor said bluntly: this is the normal sugar pill that will heal you if you believe in its miraculous properties.

And to be honest?

Aside from placebo, and let us return to our everyday life. White lies - the subject is extremely slippery, because the definition of "goods" that you chose. And then, under this concept, you can easily customize any, even the most shameless lie. These are habits of mind - he always looks for excuses simpler.

Try to consciously renounce the lie, in what would be an awkward situation you may find yourself. First, it will not be easy, but in the future, the habit of speaking the truth will take you on a completely different level of life and communication. By the way, to lie about moving instead of "burning" trips to Spain never had. The boss was a big fan of Spanish football, and in exchange for favors even drove to the airport. After all honesty is a very charming quality.



Expensive designer clothes, expensive and stupid

Expensive designer clothes, expensive and stupidVery strange look shoes in the shape of hooves. This pair Christian Louboutin adorned with Swarovski crystals, making the price of this Shoe has increased to 6, 8 thousand dollars. For daily life they are not suitable only for a party or masquerade. Oddly enough, these shoes really liked Beyonce. She now has 2 pairs of amazing shoes from Christian Louboutin.

Very pathetic and tasteless looks tunic Roberto Cavalli, which shows the extra flashy print. This thing is estimated at 1.5 thousand dollars, but it is unlikely that someone will be able to appreciate the style of this thing.

Cape from Lanvin embellished with a strange tinge that makes it awfully tasteless. The outfit more suited to women, of course, if they decide to pay for such squalor 2, 3 thousand dollars. Bag Bottega Veneta, made of Python and trimmed matter, similar to the upholstery of the sofa, which creates quite an idiot. And it costs 3, 8 thousand dollars.

To the stupid design of things can be attributed decoration Aurora Lopez Mejia. The bracelet is a little word "LOVE" on vinyl that looks pretty simple. But volume is not less than this thing costs 5 thousand. It is not suitable for adult women and does not justify its price. In other matters, as the topic Norma Kamali. This bodysuit is decorated with a huge number of crystals that looks very ridiculous. However, such a thing can you get for 1, 2 thousand dollars. Its impracticality showed Mou boots. Actually, this is a common Russian felt boots in the British style. Uncomfortable they are what really get dirty very quickly and very hard to wash off. They are certainly not "pull" on the 3000. Coat of polyamide, viscose and Polymetal is 7 thousand. This lace of silver offers us Mars Jacobs.

More tasteless done a thing invented by Meadham Kirchhoff. This jacket is terribly impractical, as the collar Karl Lagerfeld. It is decorated with millions of diamonds and a huge ruby, because of what his cost is equal to 41000$.

Much cheaper and nicer to make a beautiful manicure and nail design with dust, it will make you simultaneously refined and not be forced to spend a lot of money.

Pink color in clothing and makeup

Pink color in clothing and makeupPink is probably the most controversial and ambiguous: someone loves him with all his soul, someone hates. However, this fact has its own background, because our perception of color depends on our psychological characteristics.

Pink color issues in human nature, vulnerable and tender. No wonder mom dressed daughters in childhood in pink, this color is associated with parental care and guardianship. Choosing him for adult life, man projects on his property.

Contrary to popular belief, the color pink is just not natural blondes with fair skin, brown or blue eyes, otherwise, this color makes you look older. Much more he is the brunettes and brown hair, pink highlights warm skin tones and contrasts beautifully with the hair.

Pink can be successfully combined with black, it is a wonderful contrast to the simple, classic shades and soft feminine. Pink accessories or shoes will be able to give a bit of tenderness even to the most simple suit or dress, and makeup in these colours will give your face a fresh look. To fly, you can afford a prank and bags to buy in pink tone.

Pink and white combination will bring together airiness, and the gray is a perfect combination. Grey itself is pretty boring color, but with the right combination of pink it gets warm and gentle, even a few pastel shade.

Pink makeup can be used not only for lips, but eyeshadow - pink shade will give the look of depth and will help visually lift drooping eyelids. They are ideal for blue and brown eyes, and perfectly accentuate the shade of green. However, it should be used with caution in order not to get the effect of "cried" eyes.

It should be noted that women aged close to Balzac should not get involved in pink, but you can dilute them with any outfit. Accessories, bags, shoes will add a touch of romance.

Exotic hair removal

Exotic hair removalTalk about a very interesting variation of hair removal intimate places, which was very widespread. Thanks to this option you can safely wear bikinis. At the same time feel completely comfortable.

For the first time such a depilation presented Brazilian sisters in Manhattan. Demonstrating perfect bikini - they changed this concept in a better way. Brazilian differs from other haircuts full minimalism. This involves removing the hair completely. Only a narrow strip of pubic hair, which will add a special flavor in your relationships with loved ones.

It can be done by the classical method. This involves applying to the zone wax strips from

paper for hair, to buy which is very big problems.. Not every woman approves of such mockery is quite sensitive places. Because there is a less painful procedure. This wax epilation. That's about it we should talk in more detail.

Here, we use hot wax. Under its influence, the skin is very well heated, which contributes to the expansion of all time. Then remove all the hair goes almost without pain. However, it should be noted that this procedure is very long. Here you can spend two hours. It is very important mental attitude. It is no secret that many of us are very shy in this matter. But persistent and assertive women are in for a pleasant result.

Smooth and beautiful skin in this area will be kept for one month. Repeat this procedure is only when grown on one centimeter hairs. Before proceeding to such procedures is not necessary. The wax will not be able to capture too short options.

Another pleasant surprise after this step is that the hair grows thin and soft. In the future, it is already possible to carry out a similar procedure once for a couple of months. It will not cause unnecessary discomfort.

Properly adjust themselves before this process. Because beauty really requires a small sacrifice. No fear, deep and steady breathing, relaxation, and the thought of the very best things in your life. If you carry such procedures are very painful - then it is recommended to take an anesthetic tablet.

Now Brazilian hair removal is done by women and men. This is a very stylish, modern, and sexy.

Heels tuk-tuk!

Heels tuk-tuk! The most important advantage of heels women consider their ability to visually lengthen your legs. Moreover, heels betray the fair sex more sexuality. Indeed, the heel changes the women it will help make you above, and thereby separated from the crowd, change posture: chest flexes forward, buttocks as if to get back, and gait will become more graceful.

With this agrees the most Shoe designers. That is why, ballet flats and moccasins rapidly losing ground before shoes or high-heeled turn in

Sneakers Isabel Marant wedge

. It is very difficult to persuade a woman accustomed to wear high heels from a young age, to abandon the high heel. But doctors say that the constant wearing of high heels has a negative impact on the body of women. For example, orthopedists convince women to wear shoes where the heel does not exceed five inches. Of course, with fashion such councils do not match. Meanwhile, the doctors are adamant: they say that the heel height of seven inches load the foot, which leads to a pinched nerve. Another heel gives a lot of strain on the ankles, back and knees. The doctors are extremely negatively to Shoe heels. Because, according to them, the shoes with this heel gives women the discomfort the most.

Women who can't live without high heels, podiatrists recommend wearing metatarsalgia strip. They can be purchased in pharmacies. They reduce the load on the Central part of the foot. And even doctors recommend shoes with a high heel not more than three hours a day. Incidentally, a lot of famous people have given up on high heels. Celebrities wear high heels only when published. The rest of the time they prefer to wear simple and comfortable shoes. In turn, the Shoe manufacturers produce models that are aimed at preserving women's health and fashion trends. They ensure that the Shoe was comfortable, the insole is comfortable and heels as little as possible loaded when walking back and legs.


Jewelry"Full of eyes will not be able to get enough never is the saying of the great Solomon could not be more apropos describes the impression of the works of jewelry art. All of them, from a very simple ring with a single stone, to the masterpieces of the great masters is the result of painstaking work of jewelers and artists.

Incredible, fascinating spectacle - the transformation of the metal sheet as the basis for rings or bracelets, and nugget - cut stone is ideal forms, which perfectly complement each other. Gold, silver, platinum, diamonds, emeralds, sapphires, in skilled hands, it can turn into amazing things which we want to enjoy forever.

The popularity of jewelry has always remained the same. Beginning with ancient civilizations, gold jewelry can be found among the artifacts of many cultures. Gold, unlike silver or bronze, it was much easier to get, no need to process rock.

In the middle ages jewelers increasingly worked on the decoration of churches, icons and other religious paraphernalia. Icons, chalices, books instructionals precious and semi-precious stones and metals. Masters of the Renaissance began to take svestka stories, the authors tried to get away from the clutter of multiple elements on a single product, highlighting accents.

And in today's world, everything becomes easier and the selection of jewelry is no exception. Often, wealthy families were ordered jewelry from jewelers personally to stand out, now the factories are so huge selection of all kinds of jewelry that you can stay original. The world wide Web gives us an additional opportunity to comfortably acquire jewelry - online jewelry store.

In the new age rage jewelers become floral motifs. Cvety were everywhere: in the pins, brooches, chains, reminiscent of floral garlands. Century flower and diamond art historians named XVII century. The grandest of jewellery was the song "Palace reception in Delhi on the day of the birth of the Great Mogul of Aureng Seba" German masters brothers Dipingere. The length of this miracle was 142 cm, width is 114 cm, and a height - 58 see "birthday ... " contains many figures - workers, guests, elephants, made in different techniques and components breathtaking in its scale ensemble.

Went scandalous biography Lady GaGa

Went scandalous biography Lady GaGaBiography Lady GaGa, written by John Morgan, talks about the early life of the flamboyant singer. In addition to the unknown facts of biography in the book has a rare photo of Lady GaGa from her personal archive.

Italo-American singer Stefani Joanne Angelina Germanotta from early childhood was fond of music, and for four years he learnt to play the piano and soon began to record songs by Michael Jackson on cassette tape.

"My father, an Italian by birth, adored rock, so from childhood in my house sounded Springsteen, Zeppelin, Pink Floyd," he told Lady GaGa to his biographer.

Future star studied in one of the most expensive private schools in Manhattan for girls - the Convent of the sacred Heart.

"I was very naughty, wore to school some terrible things. I had a habit to tuck the waistband of the skirt, so that it becomes shorter, so the local nuns did not know. what to do with me".

Leaving school, Lady GaGa tried to enjoy the music, but the attempts were unsuccessful: knew about the unit.

Until 2007, the mother monster Lady GaGa remained unknown to a wide audience of music lovers in new York. After another disastrous performance in a small club she decided to hell with it and made a bet with my father: a year later she would become famous. And so it happened: the debut album of Lady GaGa The Fame that has already become platinum, swept off the shelves in the first days of sales.

In the book called "GaGa also tells about the relationship of the singer with performance artist Lady Starlight, which has greatly assisted the winner of "Grammy"-2011 Lady GaGa find your on stage and taught her how to Express themselves through clothing.

Biography Lady GaGa was published on the eve of the 25th anniversary of star (singer will celebrate birthday March 28) and has already gone on sale in the United States. About when the book will be translated into English, is still unknown.


Burn fat at the gym

Burn fat at the gymLook facts in the face: most of us stepped on your favorite cardio equipment, not really thinking, what results it will lead, or simply as God blesses.

Many have favorite programs, but we usually vaguely imagine, do they help to achieve goals or, conversely, prevent to burn excess fat and improve physical fitness. It turns out that the popular program "Burning fat" (Fat Burning) is not the best way to burn fat and calories. For this purpose more suitable program "Spacing (Interval) and "Hill" (Hill).

In order to improve its shape and to burn maximum calories, include in your program two types of training: uniform and interval.

Uniform training

Perhaps you have already mastered this type of training. On the computer of the simulator you choose manual (manual) mode and doing it in a slow or average, but constant pace for 20-30 minutes. After some time, when you are developing your endurance, you will be taken to a higher level. You will burn more calories faster and strengthen the cardiovascular system, which means your heart and lungs will be more efficient to supply the muscles with oxygen.

May slightly reduce or increase the intensity of your workout to catch my breath. A small increase and decrease in speed will allow you to maintain a stable load (and heart rate) when you are a bit tired, or on the contrary feel that you have gotten a second wind.

Interval training

The alternation of intervals when you are engaged alternately with high, low intensity, will help you lose weight and improve physical fitness much faster than under uniform load. The intervals of the average intensity, when you use both the downhill and uphill or combine running and walking, are called aerobic. When alternating intervals of moderate or high intensity (ION 5-7) low (ION 2-3) pulse rate is higher than in the uniform practice, so burns more calories and you start to train in mixed aerobic-anaerobic mode.

Intervals of high intensity is a more advanced form of interval training. Its essence is to do with the intensity that you can sustain no more than 30-60 seconds (ION 7-9), then briefly to slow down - to recuperate before the next effort. In this mode, burn more calories, and you train the heart and lungs to cope with more anaerobic load.

Because of this you will be able to deal with a higher intensity with less effort. However, if you have long been engaged and your body is not accustomed to such loads, do not rush to master this kind of training. You will need advance preparation. We offer you an exercise programme. It consists of two even and two interval workouts, which become increasingly difficult as improving your form. After interval training high intensity you must rest one day to recover energy the body needs 48 hours. If four workouts a week is not enough and you want to do five times, to this program, add another uniform training of medium intensity. And two interval training sessions per week in any case be sufficient.

Where to start?

If you are a beginner or haven't trained for the last three months, you need to prepare your body for the implementation of our program. Start with a continuous uniform training of low or medium intensity and a duration of 20 minutes two times a week, resting at least one day between classes. In the next two weeks, gradually increase the duration of training up to 30 minutes. On the third week, or when you feel physically stronger, add another uniform training of medium intensity. On the fourth week, add the fourth day of classes, in which you perform aerobic interval training. Gradually increase the intensity, so as not to stagnate and to improve their results. Your ultimate goal is a minimum of four cardio per week, including one interval training high intensity. If you have followed cardiopatia two or more times a week, every week add one uniform training until their number reaches four. On the third week, or when you are physically ready, replace one uniform training aerobic interval. On the fourth week, replace one uniform aerobic interval. Starting from the fifth week, you'll need to do two uniform training, one aerobic interval and interval training high intensity.

When you have fully included in our schedule of classes, each of your training will last approximately 30 minutes, including warm-up and the hitch. But after cardio is very important to stretch muscles, especially of the anterior and posterior surfaces of the thighs, buttocks and legs, to avoid injury and muscle pain. In order to achieve the best results, hold each stretch for 20-30 seconds.

On what button to press?

To train on a standard program is about the same as take advantage of the strength trainer, but not with free weights: you almost don't need to make independent decisions. But how do you know that by clicking on a specific button, you will get exactly the training and the results that you need?

We offer a detailed description of the six standard programs, which are usually laid in the computers of cardio.

Manual - Manual input

If you plan uniform training or want to set your own interval training, you will need this program. It allows you to choose the speed, resistance and incline.

Hill - Slides

Imagine that you run or ride a bike with a hill on a hill. Such loading will offer this program. During training, the computer constantly changes the speed, intensity and angle, so you burn more calories and also you do not become bored. But if your goal is to achieve a certain heart rate, it is better to use the program to enter the manual settings and create your own slides.

Interval - The Interval

It resembles the previous program, because the computer itself is constantly changing parameters. The objective of this exercise is to get you beyond the usual load level. In her alternate intervals of high intensity anaerobic intervals, and changing sharper than in the aerobic training program.

Aerobic - Aerobic exercise

Uniform training of moderate intensity; speed and incline change slightly. The load on the heart during this workout is less than an interval, but you develop aerobic endurance, so this program is also useful for strengthening the cardiovascular system.

Fat burning - fat Burning

The name is deceptive. You should not think that the uniform training of low intensity burns more fat than other programs. As mentioned earlier, in this mode you burn more fat, but the total number of calories burned less, because the load is small. And it was the latter value determines how quickly you will lose weight. This program is more suitable for beginners or for those who are not particularly want to strain.

Random - Random

This workout is an arbitrary alternating intervals of high and low intensity, but the load varies more sharply than in other programs. And you never know, with what intensity you have to do in the next minute, so no boredom is guaranteed.

If you are unfamiliar cardio workout, start with the lowest load levels (level 1 or level 2), even if you are in excellent physical shape.



Miracle Bunting

Miracle BuntingIs it possible to lose weight on the oatmeal? Oatmeal diet is one of the most effective and useful. Grits perfectly cleanses the body from harmful toxins, helps lower cholesterol, removes free radicals. Besides oatmeal is beneficial to the digestive system and may be recommended even to people suffering from diseases of the stomach. Oatmeal diet allows you not only to lose weight, but also improves health and skin condition.

Oatmeal diet refers to a mono-diet, daily diet consists of only one product. This requires the manifestation of willpower and perseverance.

The term diet on the oats for 7-10 days, during which allowed to eat only oatmeal and other products from oats. To prepare oatmeal is better on the water. You can cook it directly before a meal, and you can pour cereal with cold water after 12 hours there is obtained a slurry. The second method is the most useful. If you eat oatmeal on the water there is absolutely no desire, it is possible to cook it in milk. Porridge can be prepared from whole or crushed flakes. For Breakfast you can add a little dried fruit. Of dried fruits, it is best to choose prunes, as the consumption of large quantities of oatmeal sometimes leads to constipation. Porridge is prohibited to salt or add sugar and honey.

During the diet on the oatmeal should drink more fluids - tea (green or black) and water. But you can drink only between meals.

Oatmeal is very good saturates, the feeling of hunger does not appear for several hours. The amount eaten everyone chooses special restrictions no. To lose weight on the oatmeal will work even with large portions.

The effectiveness of diet

- 3-5 kilos per week.

To enhance the effect osanai diet, it begins with a preliminary purification.

The purification procedure lasts up to 30 days, but mostly it is recommended 7-10 days. On the night of 4 tablespoons of rice pour 1 liter of cold water. In the morning the rice boil on a slow fire for about an hour before Coleoptera state. After drinking the resulting jelly is prohibited any food or liquid within the next 5 hours. Then you can eat, and the diversity of products and the volume is not limited. But still it is better to control myself and not overeat. 5 hours before sleep is also necessary to exclude any consumption of food or liquid. In the case of severe thirst, you can drink a glass of water. An alternative purification is the use of a decoction of oats for weight loss.

Diet to oatmeal porridge is recommended not only for weight loss but for overall health. The results of the oat diet can be quite positive for total body strengthening and toning. If you have tried many diets, but did not achieve the desired results, we recommend you to try the oats for weight loss, oatmeal diet can work wonders!


Women's Magazine

Nine juices - nine Alexiou health

Juice-the very life of the plant. Take the force of flora, you bring the priceless gift of your body, presented by the universe.

A list of products, the juice of which has long established itself as an effective tool in the fight against diseases.

Nine juices - nine Alexiou healthCarrot juice
Carrot juice improves complexion, helps to normalize digestion, helps to get a natural looking tan (a glass of carrot juice drink for an hour or two before taking a sun bath or Solarium). Also carrot juice is useful in diseases of the heart, stomach, intestines. If you have problems with these bodies folk medicine recommends that you take half a Cup of carrot juice (preferably previously assigned to it a spoonful of honey) for half an hour before meals several times a day. Better to start with a single admission and, if there is no negative reactions on the part of the body, to increase the number of receptions of up to 3 times a day.

Cucumber juice
Cucumber juice is a well - known tool for cleansing kidney, effective diuretic, and urolithiasis is recommended to use cucumber juice combined with carrot. Receive mode: take half a Cup (with a spoon of honey) 2-3 times daily, preferably before meals.

Cranberry juice
Cranberry juice is known from childhood the cure of colds, flu, sore throats, as well as many diseases of the kidneys (especially important to drink cranberry juice for pyelonephritis). The bill is well-removes toxins from the body, so cranberry juice is recommended to drink while taking antibiotics. Receive mode: 1 tablespoon cranberry juice (it is desirable with honey) 2-3 times a day.

The juice of potatoes
The juice of a raw potato helps to excrete toxins, so it is recommended in the recovery period. Take potato juice 1 teaspoon 1-2 times a day for half an hour before food.

Lemon juice
Lemon juice has a disinfectant and antimicrobial action, so traditionally it is drunk for colds. Also, lemon juice is useful in kidney stones, problems with metabolism, atherosclerosis, and to improve the stomach and increasing the production of gastric juice. Receive mode: the juice of half a lemon added to a glass of water and drink 2-3 times a day.

The juice of the dandelion
Unexpectedly, but the juice of dandelion is useful to normalize the production of red blood cells, has a beneficial effect on the liver and kidneys, has a mild tonic and restorative effect. Receive mode: 1 tablespoon

Nine juices - nine Alexiou healthjuice of dandelion (preferably with 1 spoon of honey) 2-3 times a day.

The juice of the nettle
The juice of the nettle improves metabolism and replenishes the lack of the main complex of vitamins. Take nettle juice 1 spoon 3 times a day after meals.

Pumpkin juice
Pumpkin juice is useful in diseases of the kidney, liver, heart. Possessing a pronounced diuretic, helps to cope with edema and kidney stones (in the initial stage of their formation). In addition, pumpkin juice is a wonderful restorative tool (useful in the recovery period after an illness, when junk food is undesirable to use, and fiber and vitamins should be plenty). Receive mode: 1 Cup (preferably with 1 spoon of honey) after meals 2-3 times a day.

Celery juice
Juice celery much important for the human body salts, so 3 tablespoons of celery juice (one 3 times a day) substitute pill-vitamins. You can add 1 tablespoon of celery juice in a glass of carrot, beetroot or cabbage juice to obtain maximum benefit with minimum hassle. In addition, this combination of celery juice is slightly better absorbed.

Celery juice is useful for improving the work of the heart (as it contains magnesium), optimization of the composition of the blood (celery contains iron), stabilizes the nervous system (celery juice is useful for stress and nervous overload). Celery is well established in the treatment of diseases of the kidneys and urinary tract.

On материалам

Rejuvenating gulls slimming

Rejuvenating gulls.. and losing weight as a side effect

Rejuvenating gulls slimmingAnd not only rejuvenating. Still pohudatelny.

Drink - and right eyes turn into slender young beauty with the grace of a Gazelle and the figure of the goddess. Will tell the tale? Yes no. Just ginger tea.

The effect of ginger on the organism studied and described many times and in different languages: it is known for its magical qualities as in traditional Western medicine, and non-standard Chinese-Tibetan.

According to the Tibetan classification, ginger belongs to the "hot" products that stimulate circulation and accelerate the metabolism.

Do not argue with the ancient and modern physicians: essential oil of ginger has properties that improve metabolism and help remove toxins. For magic, in my opinion, quite sufficient scientific justification.

To prepare ginger tea, one ginger. If you want to strengthen or diversify its action - always keep on hand honey, lemon, mint.

Need to lose a substantial amount of weight, you have to be still and garlic. Want to treat kidney - find cranberry leaf, fighting female diseases - prepare the hips.

Now combine our ingredients according to recipes ginger teas.

Tea: ginger base

Ginger root cut into thin slices, put in a thermos, pour the boiling water. Cooked tea drink during the day, for weight loss - at any time and with any frequency, for rejuvenation - a half hour before eating.

Tea room two: harmony and health

Cut the ginger thin strips, pour water over low heat bring to a boil and cook for a quarter of an hour. Let cool to room temperature, add the honey and lemon juice, if desired mint or lemon balm.

Tea room three: renal

Recipe number two added cranberry leaf.

Tea room four: women

Put in a thermos of ginger, sliced thin petals and rose hips in the ratio of 1:1. Insist about an hour. This tea is a powerful antioxidant and a fighter against cancer cells.

Tea room five: armor

Say, this tea is able to cope with arbitrarily solid weight. Brew in a thermos part of ginger, some garlic cloves in twenty parts of water. Drink during the day.

And one warning: don't drink ginger tea before going to sleep - they are very invigorate.

And the rest - a truly rejuvenating gulls!

Author: Alexander Aleshkevich


to be continued

6 steps to renounce sweet

6 steps to renounce sweetSugar has become an integral part of our modern diet program. We consume it, not knowing what products it contains. Of course, to permanently eliminate sugar from your diet is not easy, but the result of your efforts you will not be able not to please.

1. Do not add sugar in food. Refrain from 1-2 teaspoons of sugar, which you like to add to coffee, tea or porridge. Disclaimer this habit will surely take you some time to get used to the new taste, but soon you will notice, as it will become natural for you.

2. Reduce processed carbohydrates. Carbohydrates can be a great source of energy, but can also be converted into sugar, which is then transformed into fat. Therefore, try to control the consumption and serving of your favorite bakery and pasta products.

3. Control the consumption of fruit. In addition to fiber and nutrients, fruits contain natural sugar. Not to keep sugar in your body as fat, limit the consumption of fruit in the amount of two pieces a day.

4. Avoid fruit juices. Juices do not contain any nutrients and fiber, which is found in raw fruits and vegetables, so it is best your choice to stop at last.

5. Find an alternative to sugar. Try the desserts instead of sugar to add fruit puree. The magnificent "sweeteners" when added to vegetable dishes are cinnamon, garlic clove and nutmeg. The rice can be made sweeter with the addition of cinnamon, ginger or cardamom.

6. "Paint" your diet. The variety of colors you consumed products is the hallmark of a healthy diet. Fruits and vegetables with bright colors are an indicator of freshness and low glycemic index foods.



Diet Barbara rolls kills weight, bypassing the hunger

Diet Barbara rolls kills weight, bypassing the hungerSatiety is largely determined by the volume of food, so even a light meal can satisfy his hunger. Lean on fiber-rich soups, stews, vegetables, salads and casseroles - and you will lose weight quickly and comfortably.

In order to decrease the volume, make your menu surround. Due to foods rich in water, fiber and protein

Who first started? Professor of the University of Pennsylvania Barbara rolls (Barbara Rolls, one of the most respected in the U.S. experts on nutrition and obesity. The basis of its volumetric diet - numerous clinical observations. Rolls noticed that each day a person eats about the same amount of food. But calories from day to day can vary. It can be reduced to 800 calories a day and not even notice it, if the right choice of food.

In essence

The same calorie foods have different energy density (energy density). This term rolls understands the number of calories per 1 g of the product. For example, two cups of grapes and a quarter Cup of raisins contains 100 kcal. But in the first case, you will be satisfied, and the second will only razjasniti appetite. A portion of the breast grilled to 110 kcal "easier" equal amounts of fried breast.

The level of energy density of all the food can be divided into four categories: very high, high, medium and low. The more fat content in the product, the higher its energy density. The more water and fiber is the lower. In water, it is equal to zero, the fiber - 2.

How does diet

If your menu is dominated by products with high energy density, you run the risk of unnoticed to gain weight. On the contrary, by introducing a diet food with low energy density, you can even increase servings, reducing the calorie intake. That is to lose weight, without feeling hungry.

As it go

Make your menu volume at the expense of foods rich in water, fiber and protein, reduce its energy density, limiting fats.

Experiments rolls showed that if you start a meal with soup (no more than 150 calories per serving), you will eat 20% less calories than if you do without first.

Add slices of raw vegetables to sandwiches and sandwiches, and stews - to side dishes like buckwheat, rice and pasta. To reduce the energy density and to increase the portion, ideal cucumbers, tomatoes, bell peppers, leafy greens and sprouts.

On the day you should consume at least 25-30 mg fiber and up to eight (for women) or ten (for men) glasses of water.

Learn how to calculate the energy density of the product. To do this, its caloric value is divided by the weight (g). For example, a slice of low-fat cheese (28G) contains 60 calories. Dividing 60 by 28, we obtain the energy value of this portion: 2, 1. The lower the number, the more of this product you can use without fear of gaining weight.

Pinch the fat during cooking to a minimum. Use pans with non-stick coating, vegetable broth and water instead of vegetable oil. Instead of mayonnaise and sunflower oil / butter choose sauces with low-fat: salsa, horseradish, natural yogurt and low-fat sour cream, mustard, balsamic vinegar. Actively use spices.

Which ones should be removed

From foods with high energy density. First of all rolls advises to exclude crackers, chips, cookies, chocolate and caramel, brownies and cakes, butter. Significantly limit the hard and soft cheeses, nuts, vegetable fats and alcohol. Only once a week you can afford to eat pizza or ice cream.

What to focus

On products with low and medium energy density, that is, those that contain high water and fiber. First, it is non-starchy vegetables, chicken soup with rice and vegetables, vegetable soups, stews, casseroles with vegetables and meat, fruit, smoothies, wholegrain bread and pasta. Secondly, protein foods: lean meats and fish, legumes, egg whites, milk and natural yogurt low-fat. Thirdly, don't forget healthy fats: omega-3 and omega-6 found in fish, olive and Flaxseed oil, walnuts.

How many times a day should eat

Three main meals and one or two small, if you are hungry.

The duration and the result

1 kg of excess weight is about 8 thousand calories. Minus 500-1000 kcal per day will allow you to lose 0, 5-1 kg per week. Volumetric diet you can stick all my life - to achieve the desired weight and maintain a slim figure.



Must be a woman some mystery...

Must be a woman some mystery...Such women usually say that they have something, a certain "flavor" charm. Men coveted look after them, and women, especially from the category of failures, angry and powerless gnash the teeth: "And what's so they are all in it to find?! ".

Indeed: why one person is able to bring someone strong feelings, and the other a single string in the soul will not be affected? Why do people fall in love? Poets, singing love, trying to find its roots in spirituality, scientists are looking for a chemical rationale, but both are far from the goal. Such uncertainty is quite true to the concept of "sex appeal" of sex appeal - sex appeal, exciting sensuality.

Mysterious vibes

Everything in his life met a sexy women. Talked with them as neighbors, worked in the same team, friends, watched from the side. What can I say? How to describe its difference from others? Views and characteristics will be many, but perhaps most will agree on one thing - this is an extremely attractive woman, she derive some fluids, a special magnetism that attracts men. In short, this past which will not pass. That's it, short and clear and nothing concrete.

Nobody is going to argue that the appeal is necessarily connected with beauty - although the appearance of women is of considerable importance, but only for the initial interest. The interest of this need, rather than something to support. There are women and a large stretch of the imagination can not be called beautiful, but men stick to him like flies to honey. A sexy woman is not necessarily a sex bomb. That's according to feelings, inspired attractive woman, the hero of the story by guy de Maupassant "Hairpin": "Looking at her, I felt frantic need to open arms to squeeze and strangle her. In the depths of her eyes there was something treacherous and elusive, suggesting to me the disgust, and for this, maybe I loved her. Feminine, repulsive and maddening, it was stronger than any other woman. She was full, crowded with them, and it came from her intoxicating and poisonous fluid. She was a Woman more than anyone ever and ever."

The appeal is not synonymous with sexuality, which characterizes the woman, her need for sex. Often these qualities are combined, but not necessarily. Psychologists still argue: to classify whether these rock enslaver to the category of psychological vampires or, conversely, the number of donors? But because of the mention of them can remember the terrible stories about how men tormented themselves and their loved ones, "dry", Chah, fought a duel, make rash actions, even die because of unrequited love for these women with a flair! All it seems to be clear about their vampiric entity, no wonder they look and find "hell", and "devilish gleam in his eyes", and "fatal attraction". But on the other hand, the presence of nearby sexy women always makes men to shake things up, to deploy the shoulders, to feel the surge of strength and energy. Moreover rash acts in honor of the beautiful ladies are very beautiful! And the years of "suffering" spent with such a bright woman, men remembered as the most happy and fulfilling years of his whole life and thankful for these sweet pangs of love.

All beauties for the belt!

It is naive to assume that sexy women master the tricks of female coquetry or years to hone technique gait, seductive habits, ability to wearing things, to wear makeup and stuff. Such women do not really need all these women tricks and stuff. They are perfectly happy without the whole set of ladies ' charms and virtues. Moreover, there are examples of confident in his dazzling ladies with a flair deliberately ignore attention to their appearance. They can be short and frankly ugly, with a complete lack of good shape, with thick legs, besides tasteless dressed.

But these women one known to them the way inspire a fierce passion many men. Where here does not believe that there is some kind of "devilry"! Unattractive in appearance, they can possess analytical mind, therefore, to seize the attention of men costs them nothing - those listening to them for hours with bated breath. The lack of external data seductress fully compensate for other beneficial qualities, and very successful. And sometimes treacherous rock ladies your appearance and improve don't think intentionally choose an image of complete inattention to their data, they say, let love what is...

The game by their rules

Still, many similarities can be found in these eye-catching from the General mass of women. First of all, protruding all of them noticeable appeal is their natural state all day. They like, when they are caring for many men admire them irresistible, charm. They are extremely flattering, when the beauties of nature pales before their merits. On the other hand, relations with the opposite sex they see as the game is very addictive and extremely fun. In her they are ready to play all my life, however, by their rules.

Sexy woman, despite their ability to circle the head men, are not always successful in his personal life - alas, success secrets of a happy fate, and she sometimes fail to disclose. Like other ladies, it can be difficult to quickly find the "tools" impact on the only man to become a master in his life. Not always tricks and all sorts of things can have such an effect on men that they are willing to commit follies in honor of the original in the actions, the feelings of women. It's all about luck...



Love addiction. How can that be? Pass the test!

Love addiction. How can that be? Pass the test! If we are not alone and we have a partner in life, even if we are loved and love with all our heart whether we can say that they are satisfied and that brings us suffering? Are we always remain a person? Do not dissolve if we loved one so that we no longer devote time to its development, to think about their desires, to pursue their goals?

If you love to bring suffering from failure to take their shooting, such relations are called dependent.

What can you do? To live their lives or to live someone else's? First of all, you need to avoid extremes.

Two extremes that spoil us a taste of love

First - when in fear of losing themselves and their freedom, girls or women refuse to relationships in General. They understand that it is so easy to become "dependent" on another person, with the result that, because of the fear to disappear, choose loneliness.

Second - this is when relationships seem to be the only thing in life. As if nothing but them does not exist. This is when the man next to you owns your life completely, when in his hands all the way up to your mood. When you are worse than death itself is the idea that we can leave.

Comes even before that some women are willing to make a scandal if a man pays them little attention. And if it comes to blows from men - they are happy about this, because he "noticed".

Where does the desire to addiction?

This may seem strange, but this is a fairly common problem. The roots then grow from social traditions of society, where relationships are built on domination, unlike a partnership, in confrontation, in contrast to compromise on the opposition, in contrast to the values of individuality.

Society not interesting that you were independent. Think about it: we are from childhood "accustom" to the fact that everywhere has its own hierarchy. School, social institutions, the army and the work is often built on domination and hierarchy. Family is no exception.

Also the reason that you're dependent relationship, hidden in the history of your birth and development from infancy to adulthood.

The law of development is that the person needs to go through all stages of their psychological birth. Each of us gives life a certain time step, we have to go and work out in the end, a certain quality. For example, independence. If something happened a certain stage in time failed to pass, it will be in all ways seek to end, life will always throw up the situation so that the phase is completed, you this as yet developed. Train problem will be to reach out for you, requiring its completion, and the next step will fail as it should, so everything is interrelated, it is difficult and requires coherence.

So, dependent relationship is inevitable, if immediately after birth you did not take on his hands, did not provide full comfort and safety, there was no direct contact not only with parents but also with their families, who were later your education. Touch contact first 12-24 hours is particularly important. Contact skin to skin. Negatively on the mental health of the child, if the time is wasted, and it will have to make up for much longer and harder. And so full of comfort (physical and psychological) and the safety, maximum sensory satisfaction from birth and up to 2-3 years, gives the opportunity to pass the stage of dependence, and go to the office. Then the world is safe, it is possible not to be afraid and to actively explore. Not having this full of warmth and security, we unconsciously seek dependent relationship in adult relationships, only to be born as a person, as an individual.

After phase separation much more needs to happen in order to become independent, however, without passing through the first stage, it is impossible to move on to the next. So we remain dependent.

Unfortunately, self-help in this case do not work. The good news is that the problem is solved as in individual work with a psychologist and group lessons on this topic. It is also useful to solve the problem together with your partner, but only when he also realizes that the problem really is. Why you were searching for such a relationship? Then, to finish and to compensate. Remember, the most important thing is the awareness that the problem exists and that it should not be so.

That gives independence?

Award for long-term work on yourself will become your inner freedom, independence, feeling of fullness of life.The independent person is able to define and defend their psychological boundaries. Such a person is easy to be myself. He has no desire to control the listener's opinion, no painful need and desire to be desired. He is not afraid to give a bad impression - he prefers to trust their own views, perceptions, feelings and beliefs.

Become an independent person is not easy, but to be truly worth it.

Test for independence of the object of love

Put the numbers 1 to 4 in brackets before each question:

1 - never

2 - sometimes

3 - often

4 - almost always

( ) I am inclined (inclined) to take responsibility for feelings and/or behavior of other people.

( ) I find it difficult to identify their feelings, such as happiness, anger, embarrassment, sadness, or excitement.

( ) It's hard to Express their feelings.

( ) I feel fear or anxiety at the thought of how others would react to my feelings or behavior.

( ) I take to minimize problems and deny or modify the truth about the feelings or behavior of people with whom you communicate.

( ) It's hard for me to install or to maintain a close relationship.

( ) I'm afraid to be rejected (rejected).

( ) I'm trying to achieve the perfection and judge themselves harshly.

( ) It's hard for me to decide.

( ) I tend (tend) to rely on the opinions of others, and not to act at their own discretion.

( ) I tend (tend) to put the wants and needs of other people first.

( ) I tend (tend) to appreciate the opinions of others above our own.

( ) My sense of self-worth comes from outside, depending on the opinions or actions of other people who, I think, more versed in this.

( ) I find that hard to be vulnerable (vulnerable) and to ask for help.

( ) I always subjected to control or seek to control, and Vice versa, always watching, never to be responsible (responsibility).

( ) I'm too loyal (loyal) to the other, even in the case when this loyalty is not justified.

( ) I have the habit to consider the situation on the principle of “all or nothing”.

( ) I am very sensitive (sensitive) to inconsistency and mixed orders.

( ) In my life are emotional crises and chaos.

( ) I am trying to find a relationship where you feel “right” (“right”), and then try to save them.

Counting points: to get a General result, add the numbers.

To interpret your personal level of emotional maturity, use the following scale:

60-80 points - a very high degree dependent models, which is expressed in the sense of their dependence on the people stay trapped in a humiliating you, controlling relationships, low self-esteem, the need for constant approval and support from others in order to feel that you everything goes well, the feeling of powerlessness to change anything in the relationship, the need for alcohol, food, work, sex or any other external stimulants for distraction from their worries, uncertainty, psychological boundaries, feeling himself in the role of Martyr or the jester, the inability to feel a sense of true intimacy and love.

40-59 - high degree codependent patterns.

30-39 - medium codependent and/or contravening models.

20-29 - very little codependent and/or a high degree of contravening models. Independence is expressed in the ability to determine their psychological boundaries, you don't only produce a favorable impression, you can easily be yourself, don't try to control the listener's opinion, not trying to be necessary, trust their own views, perceptions, feelings, or beliefs, have good contact with his spiritual essence, confident, successful, and easily cope with the difficulties predict the situation, use intuition, live in harmony with the outer and their inner world.


- willingness and ability to work on yourself, with your partner, psychologist or support group;

groups, classes and workshops, where you can get support from other people who are really ready to change their immature models.

trust, conscious relationship of cooperation;

psychologist who understands the essence of personal maturity and the path to the development of individuality.

According to the foreign MEDIA



Transparent relations in the price of both sexes

Transparent relations in the price of both sexesGirls have always been very demanding of men. Ladies are dreaming, the dream will dream about love, and this love without deceit, which is built on honesty, trust and understanding.

But sometimes men and women are not able and can't even understand each other. That is why they build their relationship is not as I want, and in accordance with a known pattern. All this in any case causes frustration on the part of both sexes. Harmony never comes. In order to achieve the understanding needed love without deceit. Women still continue to think that young people need only one. Often this is the cause of resentment at the whole male gender. In this case, about romantic partnership may not be out of the question. This is very sad.

Honest communication

Love without deceit is that it is important not only for the ladies. Men also want honesty in a relationship. They expect in most cases that the girl spoke directly about what she wants, and did not hide their grins and all sorts of hints. Young people need specifics. They are not going to spend much time trying to figure out what the girl them want, and that means all of her hints. Sometimes ladies resent the fact that men can't understand them, while at the same time, about anything not ask and do not explain anything. Representatives of the stronger sex are sometimes not even aware that there is some kind of problem. So you should be honest.

Male resentment

The reason why sometimes love without deceit cannot be in a relationship, is based on the shyness and fear of girls all to say. Sometimes women just are afraid to Express their discontent, because they can hurt a man. Others just leave it as it is, because they believe that the young man did not understand, and there is no sense to him to explain something. Silence will not help to solve problems. They will be accumulated, and in consequence will result in a big scandal, which can have very beneficial effects for the development of relations. Men also have feelings and are sensitive. They just need to explain that there is a problem. He is only grateful for the truth.

Women's confidence

Representatives of the stronger sex I want to love without deceit was present in their relationship. They do not want the girl was with them from despair, and no matter what, whether material or emotional. It is very strongly hurts. They want an equal partner. The girl must be active and independent, have my own opinion and judgment regarding a particular issue. Women often think that they should need in a man. However, it is not so. In this issue you must remember one important rule - you need to be self-sufficient and confident personality.

Manipulation in relationships

No one will endure to manipulate. Men do not want to be forced to do something. They set out to choose the pace of development of relations. Representatives of the stronger sex will not be tolerated, if the lady fraudulently will force them to take the blame. They will not be a long period of time to be under the heel, bending from manipulation. To build long-term relationships, you need to learn how to directly ask what the lady wants to know.

Emotional experience

Men near need a girl who can laugh at themselves and boldly to face the difficulties of life. The woman should be stable emotionally, and to have the internal strength. Girls think that young people need to just have fun and have a good time. However, it is not so. Very rarely, when a young man needs a supermodel with long legs and a perfect figure. They choose ladies who know how to manage their emotions and control, and it does not depend on their appearance.



Women's desires or Well, what do they want?!..

Women's desires or Well, what do they want?!..Men say that women never know what they want. And I'm starting to believe them. I know for myself - I only had to make some more or less logical generalization about their sexual preference, as after some time I found that I like quite another...

Do women negotiate?

Agreed. What I find most annoying is the "negotiations" about the time and place for sex. I sincerely believe that talking about it does not need.

When the lover asks me about a specific day and time (something like "let's do this in a production environment you tonight"), I always find it difficult to answer this question. And not only because I don't know what I will do on Wednesday night. But because I don't know what my mood will be " would I have sex at all?!

About current arrangements (such as "Can we go have sex? "I can say only one thing. Talking about it does not need. First, a man must see whether you've set a woman to sexual intercourse. Secondly, if her reluctance is not satisfied, he has "something to do with it" - man must "make" a woman so that she attacked him, and not to ask stupid questions.


. Of course, spontaneity in sex more preferable planning. However, spontaneity is often accompanied by haste. Feelings shade due to the lack of emotional readiness. In this case, would not hurt a bit the "sweet expectations", but without falling into extremes - no entries in the diary "Wednesday, 20.00 - sex".


The silence of the lambs. Sex can be attributed to the so-called "non-verbal" communication. How to make communication mutually enjoyable? How to "read" the willingness of the partner to guess the appropriateness or otherwise of their actions? How to adjust the frequency, the depth, strength and tenderness, to choose a pose? Here, it is essential reaction partner.

When I do blow job, always watching the breath of a lover. On it I understand how to do it faster or slower, what movement of the tongue and hands him more like. Yes, in fact, how else?

Alas, some men are so silent in bed, which inevitably forget their native language. I had such a man - he almost never moaned. A light groan was heard only during orgasm. I will say more when I can not hold back, screamed, he told me: "Hush" - and had to cover his mouth. And this despite the fact that he had his own apartment and to prevent we could do what his neighbors. To say that I had a hard time with this man, is to say nothing. I could never draw conclusions - that he liked more and which less. The understanding of this very suffered...

Good or bad? Sometimes a completely different mouth when men are just not closed. The question is, "Honey, you okay? "always baffles me. "What is not seen? " - I always want to ask me. This question is so irrelevant! Especially when I'm on top struggling to get an orgasm.

Strength or tenderness?

Tenderness. Remember my 19 year old boyfriend Lesha. That's really where it was more tender tender! From this bliss then I just fell asleep. Then counted stars on the ceiling. In short, any explosion of emotion, nothing, what would have captured the spirit knocked the breath, butterflies in the stomach... Then I wanted it showed force grabbed me, squeezed in his arms and "walked" me on...

Power. Let's be honest, there were times where I wanted to be the man clutched my chest to bruises, spanked with a belt on the ass was arched as he wants, and pulled her hair. But I always wanted under a certain mood, when such manifestations of power were appropriate. But it often happens that a man absolutely does not feel your mood - you want the alternation of power and tenderness, and he roughly throws you in different sides of the sofa and treats you like a rubber doll, not responding to your cries.

The uniformity or diversity?

Missionaries again in honor? You won't believe, but still there are men who use only the missionary position. Moreover, these men are not inexperienced youngsters (long 30), not degrading individuals (and intellectuals), not dense provincials from the Russian heartland (and residents of the capital). When I saw this for the first time, to my surprise there was no limit. I didn't know what to think: whether it is so convenient, whether this is the result, and the process is indifferent?..

Tedious diversity. Strangely enough, but when one "receiving" changing 10-12 POS, it can also be tedious. Will not have time to properly enjoy one, as after a few minutes, you turn on your back, on your belly, on your left side, then right, then arches, then lift up on the back of the sofa...

Underestimation or overestimation?

Sex is probably one of the few areas in which their "power" we are unable to assess adequately. And there is a logical explanation. First, sex is a lesson for two", where the assessment gives you a partner. Secondly, you can't objectively compare themselves with their competitors (this can be done easily in business) because of sex other people we only know from their words (subjective and not always reliable). So about their abilities in sex (good or bad I was in bed), it is best not to speak. But even if a person does believe it's still not worth it.

Underestimation. Roma in his 23 years was a virgin. Of course, when I started to meet him, didn't even know about this. Only one phrase was confused and bothered me. When I was on the phone (we lived in different cities) began to fantasize about our future sex, Roma said, "Marina, I beg you - don't flatter yourself! " I didn't know what to think...

I did not understand what he meant, and when we played Roma were in the same bed. Yes and how can we guess? Confident steps, perfect technique, ability and desire to deliver a woman pleasure... It really made me so called "cosmopolitan". With him in bed I felt an orgasm every time.

One day (at that time we slept in the same bed for several months) Roma told me that before me was a virgin. Frankly, I was shocked. First, I don't believe that taking a joke. Then long wondered. Finally told him that ability he is gorgeous, and there was nothing to frighten me with the phrase "don't flatter yourself".

Reassessment. Once we were all three sitting at my house: I, Roma and his friend Sergei. Watched some romance. Watching a movie with some erotic scenes segued into a conversation about sex.

- How can you make love just a few minutes? - began to resent the movie, accusing one of the heroes of the film "impotency". What do you think, Serge?

- The main thing is not quantity but quality, " said Sergei and smiled mysteriously.

This phrase inspired me. Now, I thought, this man certainly knows a lot about sex.

...It so happened that after some time I stopped to meet with the movie, turned out to be in one bed with Sergei. I can't say that sex with him was not pleasant to me, because I was in love with him (when you love, as you know, the technique takes the last place; the main thing is to sleep and Wake up with a loved one). But the "quality" that I so hoped, was not. Active prelude (Blowjob) only from my side, only two poses, 8-10 minutes and... bainki.

Once at leisure (when I have not met nor Roman, nor with Sergei) I analyzed the sexual abilities of their former lovers. Especially was asking for a comparison of the movie (the virgin with gorgeous Arsenal of ways to meet women) and Sergey (opinionated 29-year-old man with their low quality standards). How uncertain was the one and how arrogant the other! And it was Vice versa. I know - tried for yourself!

So, what did women want? I would say that women want appropriateness. And in order to be relevant, you need to be attentive and flexible. This is often not enough men...


Tomovska M

