Saturday, May 31, 2014

Contraceptives: not so simple...

Contraceptives: not so simple...

Today there are many available contraceptives from unwanted pregnancy. A new study says that birth control pills alter the ratio of female to male. Scientists say that if a woman takes the pill, so does the female reaction to the smell of his own men. Masculine scent is a key point in determining its genes. Women subconsciously react to the scent of men in the choice of partner genes which differ from their own.

However, pills, contraceptives can disrupt this natural ability of women to instinctively choose a partner with a set of genes different from his, which, in turn, can result in problems with conception. Moreover, increases the risk of miscarriage, the intervals between pregnancies can be delayed writes

In addition, the lack of "different" genes may affect the child's immune system will become weak. Despite the fact that people have a relatively poor sense of smell compared to other animal beings, women can instinctively tell a partner with suitable molecules major histocompatibility complex (MHC). After the experiment, the researchers concluded that the pill contraceptive literally make a woman to make a choice in favor of a partner with a similar set of genes.




That was a good morning, you need to meet him cheerfully!

That was a good morning, you need to meet him cheerfully!

That was a good morning, you need to meet him cheerfully! The morning hours are the most important in human biorhythms. The body woke up and started its work. So that we with pleasure greeted each new day, use the five rules that will help you get your morning cheerfulness.

1. Wake up while

This does not mean that you have to get up early, because we don't all "larks". Waking up so as not to start the day in a hurry. Often the rise for 15 minutes before can turn hectic morning, threatening stress and delays in fairly calm and relaxed.

The best way to Wake up in time to go to bed on time. Yes, it is obvious, however, many often forget such simple things.

2. Eat healthy nutritious food for Breakfast

Many people know how important it is to eat in the morning, but it's still Breakfast neglect or do not eat it. If you want to lose weight, Breakfast will help.

Even if with the weight you have everything properly, the brain needs fuel in the morning. So eat Breakfast and get the energy you need for work. A good option can be oatmeal or other cereals from whole grains, cereals, eggs.

3. Plan your day

When you come to the office (or sit down at the Desk, if you work at home), do not be tempted to read personal e-mail, log in Sots. network, etc.

Instead, spend 5 minutes on the planning day. What are the main projects you wish to proceed? This is what I should improve in the first hour of the working day. What small, but urgent task, you must do today? Group them and do them all together or spread them through Windows, formed, while you, for example, waiting for a call.

4. Do not be distracted

When you are working on a critical task, do not switch on extraneous things. Close unnecessary browser Windows, redirect calls to voice mail, etc.

When you are distracted, it takes several minutes to re-focus on the main task. Thus you lose too much time on stupid things.

5. Keep the rhythm

Productivity will involve you in a great rhythm, if you remain concentrated: more work than time to do, the more energetic you feel. You will be inspired for new achievements and execution of important work (and not a simple routine and minor Affairs).

To keep the rhythm, learn to recognize and control their impulses. Do not be distracted by Twitter, Contact, and other network - leave this at lunchtime or evening. If you notice that you lose your concentration, take a 5 minute break not at the computer, then immediately go back to business. Remember that in most cases, focus on one task more efficient multi-tasking.



To catch a man in 3 accounts

To catch a man in 3 accountsHow to get the man in your network? How to captivate him and make you forget about everything except their own attractiveness and sexuality? What tricks should resort to your man and to think didn't like about another woman?

We will reveal to you 3 secret of female sexuality, namely those things that should be done for seduction, and you don't tell anyone. Why procreate their own competition? But knowing these 3 secret, you will gain incredible power of seduction!

Pat guy everywhere

"I like it when a girl rubs my back or makes an unexpected and pleasant massage, especially in unexpected places," confesses a certain Igor.

Don't forget about the other parts of the body: RUB him back, and you will show how you care about him.

Be Frank

"Support us when we want to try something new, something that is strange or very abnormal in sexual terms," says Alexander. "Don't say immediately, "No" and do not give up at the same moment".

We are guys, we are curious, especially when more and there is the opportunity to try something new. We just once try and can to some innovations will simply lose interest, but do not deprive us of the opportunity at least to experience new sensations.

This does not mean that you should just give up and agree to anal sex with all their hatred for it, but if it is interesting, for example, handcuffs, or he wants to play in role-playing games, do not deny it, citing the fact that he's a real pervert.

Spare not

Except for the pose, when you're on top, most of the sex positions guy takes a leading role, as it must move the pelvis in a hundred times stronger than you. But this is not an excuse to just lie like a log.

"If you want to be on top, I don't mind, " says Paul. If you want everything to be rude, let's do as you want. We do not object to fulfill almost all the "work" in bed, but we would like to and the girls have made some effort".

Now, after you read this whole list of wishes that you wanted the guy was doing in bed?


Divorced men. What are they?

Divorced men. What are they? High or low, rich or poor, young or not - he is again alone. His previous marriage was unsuccessful. But maybe you are lucky he will smile? The realities of modern life are such that almost every third marriage, alas, ends in divorce, for us, this has its advantages because a divorced man again groom. What he is, what he wants, how to behave with him and hope?

Why he was left alone?

Reasons because of which broke his previous marriage, a huge amount. We do not knowingly let us now consider the cases when a man left a woman for the sake of another. Our conversation about who was thrown out of the divorce, so to speak, in a single voyage. It would be wise not to try in the first days of Dating to make the man a questioning. There is a good chance to get a false answer or be rejected for molestation. But do not fear that beside you inveterate swindler or a loser. His divorce could be due to a rather prosaic circumstances.

Modern families are falling apart, not only because the man is "bad". There are many so-called self-sufficient women who at some point understand that we don't need no man, neither bad nor good. In addition, psychologists have noted low women's adaptation to the partner, bad understanding, unwillingness to endure the difficulties of life together. There is also the problem of sexual incompatibility between the spouses. It may happen that you find yourself from the "breed" of other women. His faults you will not choke, and advantages will seem very remarkable. And you want to create with him what he could not with another woman.

Let's dispense with pity

In any case, divorce is the strongest emotional and mental shock, which does not go unnoticed. In some respects, divorce for men even more painful than for women. At first divorced man wants only one thing: someone to him comforted and said: "Calm down, things will be okay". Of course, it should be pitied. But not you! After all, one of sympathy he still will not be enough, and soon he will meet with anyone, if only not to return to an empty apartment and once more to make sure that women still find him attractive.

In female society, he necessarily a lot and with all the impressive details will talk about his ex-wife. You will be involved in these gossip with "ahs" and "can't be! " need not, because all these revelations be able to destroy the newly established relationship, unfortunately, we often hear how the lady divorced men "secret" tells his friends that "the former he has this bitch was... ". To imitate such a talkative person is not worth it. It will only drop you in the eyes of the elect.

Solely his problem

Perhaps he has nowhere to live, he has financial difficulties, problems at work... don't hurry to consider them as your General, do not take them on their fragile shoulders. In fact, you need it for a very different position. Another unpleasant fact of life divorced. Probably, he is spoiled and health. According to statistics, heart disease is common in divorced twice, and cirrhosis of the liver - seven times more likely than married men. And now psychologists say that in a marriage with a divorced man wise to join two years after his divorce. Let's hope that this time he will improve both mental and physical health. And then divorced in the past and newly married to this man will try to do everything to his second marriage was more successful than the first.

Dangerous types among divorced men

Stuck in childhood

To "chronic" divorce prone man, for some reason delayed emotional development. He for a long time, sometimes forever remain infantile and dependent in relationships with women. A woman is attracted only to the extent that still cares about him and protects him from the hardships and dangers of adult life. Is this care and protection to decrease, for example in connection with the birth of a child, such as the man starts hostile to his wife and eventually provokes her for divorce.

Fatal man

A similar pattern is observed when powerful man looking for a wife. He chooses, and not for the first time, a woman who looks gentle, kind. But it's worth it to take a bit of your will, such as the man begins to feel that she seeks his authority. As such he will not tolerate. It begins to speak not prudence wise unfortunate experience of previous marriages of a man and stubbornness and totalbet. He decides to part with this woman. So, again, divorce and seeking submissive.


Happiness in the family. The rarity or the norm?

Happiness in the family. The rarity or the norm? "Yes they are all my life so lived: loved each other, fight, make scandals, diverged, converged. And lived all his life. And we were happy! " This conversation I once heard on the street. Similarly, my parents lived. They are very much loved each other. And were happy. Although quarrels was enough. or were they not? What a happy family and if there is such a family? Thus was born the idea of the round table family therapists. Maybe they will shed light on happiness in family life? And I have finally caught...


: Do you agree with the words of Leo Tolstoy all happy families resemble one another; every unhappy family is unhappy in its own way? Or is it two happy families resemble each other?

Alexander Shapiro: I rather agree with Lev Nikolayevich. Yes, each of unhappy families has its own specifics. Interestingly, exactly who assures that the family is happy or unhappy: people from "outside" (the psychologist, friend, acquaintance or family member. By the way, when clients family therapists say that their family is happy, they most often mean another thing: that only one of its members - "media issues", and if not he (she), everything would be fine. Many times I had to hear: "we are a good family, but the daughter ran away from home" or "All is well, only our father drinks heavily... "

Andrew Argus: I absolutely do not agree with Lev Nikolaevich. Each family has a unique fingerprint. And happy, and unhappy. In addition, each has its own history, which makes a family unique.

Anna Varga: If I was a contemporary of Leo Tolstoy, certainly would have agreed with him. In the days of Leo Tolstoy's happy families were similar, because the model of a happy marriage was one. Family roles of husband and wife were unambiguous, clear to all that require children - was also clear. And now happy and unhappy families are not similar to each other, because they have lost the standard "correct" family diversity has overwhelmed us. Each family now decide how to live.

Evgenia Belyakova

: I'm happy families throughout his practice was seen five times, no more. We have not lost standard of good family, we never had it. No cult of the family, human relations, was a kind of cult. This is when the grandmother, the grandfather, the father, the mother can intervene in the life of the spouses, to speak, how to live correctly. There is no concept of private life. Is a substitution of some things, for example the most expensive product intimacy, it happens more often in people who call themselves friends. Families in which such closeness is, I can count on the fingers of one hand. When the family is not a social unit, and help. Not because it is customary, but on other grounds. Maybe these people have grown to love and happiness? Others do not know about it. They consider the norm relations to humiliate each other, the norm, when one dominates and the other is forced to obey. No, I'm wrong. (With irony.We have the concept of a happy family when people long years of living together. If 20 years have lived so well. And the fact that the relations in the family tied to a series of monstrous manipulation, no one cares! He found himself a playmate and happy!

Andrew Argus

: I do not agree that there are families happy and unhappy: every family has in itself a guarantee that the couple can be happy partners. Happiness is a person no one can take away cannot. And if the couple expect the marriage and their partner will make them happy, they will be disappointed. Make happy another cannot. You can be happy. You can be happy in the family and you can be happy and not married.

Evgenia Belyakova: I believe that people can be happy in the family only when he could trust his close fully, without fear of being ridiculed or humiliated. Who among children or adolescents may share a house with his feelings? Yes is not about learning, but about his search and discovery of the laws of life. They try to understand what is good and evil, what makes a person happy or unhappy. Why love someone, hate the other, and the third for some reason do not notice. They are confused in all of this, and their conclusions about the world in which they will live, there are the faithful, absolutely fantastic. Yes relatives that don't want to know! Because families adopted such an interesting game. Called "the main thing is not to upset mommy".

In our families generally taken to hide from each other their pain, fear, loneliness. This is not the preservation of each other, it is the coldness in a relationship. If all apart something to hide, what happiness can we talk?

Psychology: Recently two of my friends broke a serious dispute. One said that his family is parents, spouse, children and all relatives, second objected: this family is just the wife and children. Could you judge who is right?

Anna Varga: Both are right. Beyond the family - a subjective concept. Someone in the concept of "my family" includes only a spouse and children, and someone excludes children from his first marriage, and the most important member of the family this man has a cat or dog. It is difficult, when the husband and wife have different ideas about the boundaries of his family. Here begin really serious disputes: "Why is your mother a member of our family, and I am not? "

Andrew Argus: There is a concept of a large family, extended family, and there is the concept of "nuclear" families, that is, marriage with children. However, the spouses, of course, much closer to each other (in norm) than parents or children. Center family - marriage, and it has a boundary, beyond which (usually) are children, parents and partners.

Alexander Shapiro

: There is a universal intuitive idea of a happy family, but the generally accepted idea of what a "family" in General " does not exist in principle. And it is not only that the family is a subjective concept, and that the variety of definitions of the family is associated with the specifics of those specific areas of knowledge in which they are formulated, are dependent on culture, society, but also that, as shown by research and experience, agreement on this concept just get over it and it is best to accept this diversity as a given. In particular, therefore, family therapists would be happy to see her receive as many "people" in one way or another connected with this family.

Evgenia Belyakova

In the modern world the family is parents and children. As I said, in our country the cult kind of what I think is wrong. When in the beginning of the last century to Freud the consultation began to ride our groove and merchants, he concluded that Russia is still primitive communal system. Everything is decided by a large community. "Whether Vasenka to marry Lena or not necessary? " Or maybe better Vasenka strapaese a couple of times and learn to decide for themselves that it is suitable and what is not? A hundred years ago, such an intervention could be, and was rational. Because people, not relying on her family simply could not survive in the same village. But now it is unacceptable. And we have a child with childhood accustomed to dependence. He is told where to go, whom to marry, how to live like mopping the floors.

Psychology: Yes, the second my friend all the time consults with Rodney than annoying his wife. Tell me, is it true that the man takes the model of behavior in his own family from childhood?

Andrew Argus: It certainly is. The model of behavior in marriage is influenced by many factors, but leading among them is how people in childhood (childhood too, but to a different degree) perceived relationship with their relatives (not foster) parents, and how the family treated him.

Anna Varga

: A person is either not thinking plays a direct model of how lived with his mom and dad with each other, or builds something literally the opposite: "not like them". Well, when both spouses from similar families, then it is easy to agree with each other, what rules to live by. It's great when people are able and interested, not sparing the time to discuss and try a variety of family.

Evgenia Belyakova: Yes, the family-run script from childhood. For example, if the lady seriously assures that all men are scum, it's not like she invented it my mother and grandmother tried. Please note, sincerity and spiritual closeness spoofed in our families manipulations. The child observes this in his family, and later on he other forms of relationships with people simply is not.

Alexander Shapiro: Of course, we all "from childhood", but later "childish" human life is also essential. For example, if the husband married a second time, it will likely be to "take" family script and also from the experience of his last marriage, which can affect relationships in the new family. In addition, people "retrieves" the model of his family behavior based (largely unconscious! ) on the family experience of their ancestors, according to tradition, which emerged in the lives of many generations of his kind.

Psychology: the Feeling that now there are far more questions than at the beginning of the conversation. Still hard to think about what is said and understand what family each of us. And as they say, to realize the problem is half the battle already.


Our psychology

Notes: Anastasia Prikhodko

Notes: Anastasia Prikhodko

My name

- Anastasia K. Prikhodko.

If you look in my closetyou will see all things black.

I love their baby.

Once I was in Chicago and saw Quentin Tarantino.

I've always wanted to have three children...

Summer which I spent in Odessa, I will remember for a lifetime. There I met my future husband!

The most dangerous thing for me - this is my life. I'm afraid for her.

Remember that day I met my husband.

I can't be with the person who is POZ.

I always try to be an example for follow.

If there are people with plans for life, I the man who just lives and builds his life.

I'm good know how to cook to eat.

Kiev - it hero city!

Of all abominations I do not accept the disease. I don't like to hurt, to prostujayutsya and everything!

My husband the best in the world!

Notes: Anastasia Prikhodko

I have no regrets in my life that took part in Eurovision from Russia.

I'm not ashamed for myself ever!

I never will not leave the country.

I love the movie "Go to fight some old".

When I was a kidI wanted to be a ballerina.

My children never be disappointed in me.

Yes, I saw "Malevich", but I saw nothing.

Each has your libido.

It so happened that I I was a woman.

I constantly do what I want.

All I need is the air.

Usually my day consists of... my Director. What will he say, what I have to do...

Party - this evil. But I have to go there. And to pretend that I had a lot of fun!

The fees I receive for their songs.

Happiness is when you enjoy life.

I will not get out of bed if I will need to go to a meeting, which I don't need.

Family for me is the most important thing in life!

Creativity for me is one of the components most important thing in my life.

Notes: Anastasia Prikhodko

I dream to act in films. In some historical or war movie.

Policy - it... Juha! I'm not climb!

I respect the President of Ukraine.

There are peoplethat drink a lot. But I don't condemn it, because it is their life! And I have mine.

Face - it the mapping of the human soul. His condition.

For me it does not matterwhat orientation of the person.

I don't have Maybach.

The future is... let us live to see 2012!

Love are those feelings that cannot be explained!

Old age - it joy.

Now I the most successful and gorgeous!

If I don't know somethingI is sure to recognize!

Notes: Anastasia Prikhodko


Bokovnja So


Vitaly and Dmytro Kapranov: "the Word "writer" ceases to be a curse! "

Vitaly and Dmytro Kapranov:

Famous writers told our portal on the current Ukrainian literature and what is not enough writers.

- He studied and lived for a long time in Russia. How hard it was on his return to Ukraine to study the Ukrainian language?

"No, on the contrary! Sounds paradoxical. But we Russians taught Ukrainian language. Once in Russia, we realized that we do not like it here, that is on you, roughly speaking, a finger. All because of the fact that we thought that talking in Russian, and it turned out that we actually speak the mixture. And when you point your finger, you realize that differ from all other people. And here it was necessary either to suppress this distinction, or something to do with it. We did not want to assimilate and decided that we will speak in Russian-Ukrainian and strongly emphasize that we are the children of the land.

- And what difficulties due to the language barrier had to face in Russia?

- For the first time we felt the aggression. We are from the South, from Ochakov. In 10th grade we looked in the class journal and realized that we study three Russians. We were in shock! Looks, like, normal people, and the Russians! This is the first time we are faced with the national question. Later, when we arrived in Sverdlovsk, we realized that the national question in Russia is very sharp. And then we still have surprised our Ukrainian tolerance. In General, we had to defend their right to be not such right to be Ukrainians.

"But what are You so offended?

- Arrogant, derisive attitude in the first place! But us two, it was easier. But most importantly, we have achieved is that when we returned to Kiev, our children are fluent in Ukrainian, and they had no problems with the school. Despite the fact that they managed to finish a few classes in Russian schools.

- Do you have a brother does not philological education. Why he decided to become writers?
Is not from education depends! Craving for literature we have from childhood. We loved to listen to big brother. It was almost a nanny. Now, we are constantly told stories, which, as it turned out, he thought. He was incredibly interested to tell two people with two different stories at the same time. Maybe thanks to brother the transition to a literary work for us was inevitable.

We have a creative family. And grandmother, and mother also write.

- Remember your first fee? For what work got it?
- You will not believe! For his books we have received no fee! In our publishing house is the only authors who do not receive fees, we are! For the publishing house to ourselves and it belongs! Why to shift money out of my pocket in my pocket?

And so we get the royalties for literary and journalistic works. But in General it's not the money that you can live a good life.

"Then what do you live?
- We have to earn money in other areas. Both in Moscow and in Kiev we were doing business. Spinning, trying to earn money wherever they can. And then the money we make Ukrainian books.

Vitaly and Dmytro Kapranov:

- Tell me, is it possible in Ukraine modern writers to earn good money only for their job?
"You can, if they will not be published in Ukraine. In our country there are many writers who earn well. But they, again, are printed abroad. All the rest are forced to work or journalism, or somewhere else.

- That is our country writers don't need?
Writers need first of all to ourselves! I write not for money but because they can do it. Unfortunately, the word "writer" in our country has a negative value. Due to many reasons. We give people to understand that the writer is someone who can explain, it is interesting to think of. That's just a good opportunity to bring this information to the reader thanks to the festival Oleg Skrypka "Dreamland", within which we perform with their works. Unfortunately, people are now themselves are not much interested in, so we are ready to present them with information, as they say, on the saucer. As before minstrels went from house to house, and we.

- Do you think that now the country has a truly talented writers or still more of those who are engaged in so-called literary Sanchez?
Ukraine gave the world one of the founders of Russian literature - Nikolai Gogol, Ilya Slovak - one of the founders of Polish literature, Minescu - one of the founders of the Romanian literature. Not that we, Ukrainians, untalented, if we were able to establish foreign literature. Some people believe that over the past 200 years all the talents became extinct. And we say, no, not extinct! They are also a lot of them.

Although writers in General with jealousy relate to each other, we still try all praise and appreciate. Because honestly say talented writers in Ukraine a lot! They lack simple system realization of his talent.

- And who should install this system?

We, writers!

Both of you often participate in public events, promotions. Are there any real result of these shares?

- Of course! If four years on the Krayina Mriy, we had only four stand with books, but today is a whole alley! Kiev exhibition can compete even with Lviv. And the word "writer" ceases to be a curse. And we think this is the main result!

Vitaly and Dmytro Kapranov:


Bokovnja So


Women's Magazine

Liza Boyarskaya marries actor

Liza Boyarskaya marries actorThe star of the movie "Admiral", the Russian actress Yelizaveta Boyarskaya and actor Maxim Matveev, known from the movie "dudes", and plan to get married in the near future.

27-year-old Maxim and 24-year-old Lisa starred together in the movie "don't tell", where he played a loving couple. Feeling segued from the movie to life. For the sake of Boyar Maxim had to divorce his wife - theater actress Jana Sexta, which works in "Snuff". Wedding couples will take place in couple of days.

"This time though, two hundred percent. Lisa and max have already submitted an application, and within this week will sign off. Mark will be out of town," said a friend of the couple in an interview with "Komsomolskaya Pravda".

Father of Lisa Mikhail Boyarsky said repeatedly that he considers its main task to give his daughter in marriage. "I can't find her a man who could say: take this, my friend, I know him," admits the actor.

Fans of his daughter he never complained a kind word. "I don't see them you can't, because men do not have, when I see a man near her, I immediately understand that this is a man".

Mikhail Boyarsky would not like yourself-in-law of a millionaire, because, in his opinion, "in a Golden cage birds don't sing".

"If it gets in the way a real man, my loneliness will end. It should not be an alcoholic, but to him it was possible to drink to the shoulder of the male in the house was that it was possible for two to dig up a flower bed, in the car to dig with a man," said Mikhail Boyarsky in an interview with TV channel "inter".

Before to meet Maxim Matveev, Liza had a few failed romances. But about the relationship wayward actress with men, very little is known.

While studying at the Institute she was in love with actor Daniel Kozlowski. Then Lisa got carried away again, his colleague Sergey Chonishvili. Then the girl doted on the actor Novosibirsk theatre Pavel Polyakov.

It is clear that the owl choice boyar stopped certainly creative young people.



Alexander Ponomarev: "my wife does not live, but love - can't..."

Alexander Ponomarev:

Divorced or still married? Who lives his four-year-old son? Than the artist indulges Sasha Jr., and why he participated in the TV show? All this Alexander Ponomarev told

- Sasha, we hear a lot about Your personal life. Divorced - not divorced. So what You have now is actually a relationship with Vick?
On this occasion I can only say that we don't live together. When will more information - I will tell you.

And another woman, as written by some media, You still there?
- No!

- That is, still love your wife?
"Yes... I loved it... it shouldn't be so quick to love! It does not happen... At least I...

And Sasha is the youngest who lives?
With Vick. But I have often seen him. Now Sasha age howcast. That is, he is interested in absolutely everything that happens. In the computer, the iPad, on the Internet. Imagine, he is absolutely quiet in their four years without my help can download games to iPad! Turns it enters a password, which is actually very difficult. Not four ones! And he sings. And I love it!

- Remember, he's already in the year played football with You!
- We play football with him so far!

And yet, what he more stretches to creativity or technique?
It is difficult for me now to say something... he Has enough mathematical mind, but he sings well, and hearing it all in order. Gifted it to me!

Alexander Ponomarev:

- The pampered Sasha Jr?

Still soup! (laughs)

Our soup is the main course. Probably just happened. I have instilled in him a love for this dish. Prepared every Sunday. Now it has become a tradition!

Now, when we spend time together, be sure to sit down at the table. He puts the plates, podstavochki under plates, takes some cups, he pours the juice. And asks Elena, housekeeper, that she in these plates poured my soup. Then he puts sour cream in a bowl yourself and me and says, "Dad, C'mon STI! "

Sasha Jr. said in Ukrainian?
- Of course! And I'm with Sasha speak the Ukrainian language. I dreamt that my child knew and spoke Ukrainian.

As brought up, when the son does not listen? In the corner, for example, put?
"Oh, no! In the corner is not put, he is now the guy is an adult, intelligent, understands everything. It is enough to make a comment, like, Sasha, you can't do it!

And understands Sasha, that his father is a well-known and popular artist?
- Yes. Sure he was watching me on TV!

- Proud of its star dad?
I very much would like it! Ask him about it when he grows up.

- You now take part in the TV project "folk star" TRK "Ukraine". What struck on TV?
- Probably, I agreed there to participate, to talk to new people. Get new emotions. But the main thing is to distract from what is happening in my personal life.

Alexander Ponomarev:


Bokovnja So


Sergey Zverev: "How can you not love Sofia Rotaru? It is the same as the Motherland! "

Sergey Zverev:
Recently Sergey Zverev increasingly changing native Moscow to Kiev. In Ukraine sings with Irina Bilyk and starred in TV. This time the famous stylist and singer participated in the program Masha Efrosinin "Dreams come true", which is broadcast on the New channel. Completely disinterested Sergey embodied the dream of a normal Ukrainka. She works as a hairdresser and lifelong dream to see Zverev live. "New channel" to fulfill her dream into reality. And asked Sergey to sing for our Ukrainka.

- Sergey, to make the dream a reality, probably nice?
- Very! It can be said that the meaning of my life! And, believe me, do to me not the first time. I repeatedly took talented students and free taught them hairstyling, make them European Champions, then World Champions. Remember, with whom I write duet songs. Not a Western star with a dog's name, type of Snoop Dogg or Dogg Snot... I don't remember him there. I don't make my face with a dog's name. And I think it's Snoop Dogg, I must pay, then I would think about it and maybe something will sing.

I take young talented girls. And not peruse, and help them become stars.

- The dreams of his son as well carry out?
- Of course! All the more. It is not difficult. He's so childish, banal dreams. Type "I want a car or a computer game".

"How about global? For example, as Angelina Jolie, adopted a least three or four children....
-If possible, visit orphanages in different rehabilitation centers. I sing for them, help with money. My mother herself from the orphanage. We were not rich, but always met with the neighbors, who then will bring, and carried the clothes and food to orphanages. For me it is sacred! And about adoption - I think all the time.

- And what You dreamed of as a child?
"Oh, I have had many different dreams and desires. I grew up in Soviet times. Our village has a kindergarten. And around every half hour went the train or the train. We are so accustomed to that sound, that over time, even during the day, this did not prevent us from sleeping. But very disturbed sleep sun that shone through the large Windows. Money from kindergarten on, the curtains did not. And remember: were terribly uncomfortable cot that we, the children had to sleep. And they had to constantly disassemble - assemble. It was a torture! And now, when I lay down to sleep, dreamed that parents quickly took me home. And, thank God, my dreams came true.

- Serge, and some were in school?
- To be honest, I could not stand! And son all in me in this plan went. Never liked school until the eighth grade. Everything changed when the girls began to form. They became "all" to grow, skirts became shorter and shorter. And when I was in ninth grade, I, like the tallest guy in the class began to appear the first female fans. And only in the tenth grade, I realized that I don't want school years were over.

The first school teacher remember?
- Of course! We had a wonderful homeroom teacher is German Irma Yakovlevna. Remember how she came from Germany - she was there for training. At that time she was the only teacher that had a chic white blouse! Such blouses no longer was anyone in the city. And it seemed that we had the coolest homeroom teacher!

It has United our class that school to finish not wanted!

- And how did you decide to go into the world of art? Immediately after school?
- Actually I wanted to go to drama school in Novosibirsk. But my stepfather wouldn't let me. He said that, it cannot be let go in a strange city: it is across the street will see the kiosk with ice cream and forget where and why they had come. Well, I think, was not released in the theater, go to the world of fashion! And then went to the master hairdressers to learn. Then there was the army, although I could band. And after the army I went back to hairdressing. Over time, started to participate in different competitions. And at 18 I had my first gold medal! Suddenly, I noticed a nice lady - then guru in the world of fashion, Dolores. Thanks to her, I moved to Moscow.

Sergey Zverev:

- Probably, it was hard provincial guy to conquer the capital?
- Yes! For example, on your own machine, especially about his own apartment even dream was impossible. Nastrizhet clothing, food, and on basic things: to pay the rent, light, gas and products. All! But after some time and took a chance and bought an apartment on credit. Got into crazy debt. And only dreamed of when I can them be calculated.

- Who helped to pay off debt?
When I met Alla Borisovna Pugacheva, she said to me: "Serezha, in order to have money, you should sing! " She is a clever woman! And I obeyed. Now, thanks to his singing, as strange as it may sound, I paid off debts. So nothing is impossible! Almost all of my dreams have come true!

Almost? And what true failed?

- A lot of people associated with the fashion world, with the world of music, gone to the other world. Someone did not have time to sing with someone to do the show. It is a pity that recently passed away Lyudmila Markovna.

Of course, I was discouraged her care. Today is the second day when I wear colored clothes. She is my all time dream. Can you imagine?

- And as You dream it?
I talk in my sleep. And before her death I had a dream about a dead black bird. Waking up, I thought: "there will be something bad! " And on the second day they called me and said Lyudmila Markovna died.

- It is a mystery!

Is not the word! The next day I went to bury her. I'm not sold himself, as did other stars. And went directly to the cemetery, where there were few of her acting profession. And all the rest at this time, tears were dripping in front of cameras of different media!

No idea how beautiful she was lying in a coffin! Looked like a 25-year-old girl.

And the same I dreamed about it that night. Beautiful. We sat at the table with a white tablecloth.Actually mark, I now dream of almost every day. Sorry, didn't it have something interesting to do. Maybe the song would sing. Maybe the film would have starred...

- You think about the movie? May already have standing offers from Directors?

In recent times, offers to act in films very much. Somehow more from Western producers. Offer to play himself in Russian. But in these movies too many prescribed explicit scenes, because I don't agree. I'm not ready for it. And anyway, I'm not ready to act in films. Then you need to drop everything: television and the stage. Artists who go to the cinema, forget about show business. They just don't have time.

Sergey Zverev:

Now many artists are dancing, ice-skating. You were not offered to participate in these shows?
- Offer constantly. But I don't dance and don't know how to skate. I don't do that! And as you give me, in General, are dancing on such a platform?

Maybe other footwear put on?
"No, the other shoes I don't look good! The star will be in shock, and everyone will be laughing at me!

- It is easy to walk on such a huge platform?
- To go-then it is convenient for me. Sex tall, though.

That is, when you have sex, You shoes are not removed?
And it's convenient! Not always it turns out to reach the bed. In the train, for example, or in the plane. Where are you bed will find?

Sex and love for You are one and the same?
- I think not. Love can be it home or to the artist. For example, how can you not love Sofia Rotaru? But how can, for example, "fill up"? She W as a mother!

- Now You are in love?

- Yes! How to sing love songs, and most not to love? I lie on the scene can't. And in life do not know how to lie. It is immediately apparent to others.

- Sergey, do not hurt it, that You had the image of a jester?
So it cannot be called. You probably think that You are now I was very offended...

- In any case! Just quoting other people!
Actually I play the character "Star shocked". And this character, of course, should light. And as You can imagine my way, if it's nothing shocking happened? In due time, by the way, my character was like a breath of fresh air. There were no "Comedy Club" and "Projectorperishilton". There was no Ksenia Sobchak. Then I was only - "Star shocked"! Which showed that our lives are not fresh, and interesting. This character does not fit the word "clown" or "the jester". This fashion phenomenon. They say we die glamour. And who has seen this glamorous? You have seen? I don't.

- That is, himself glamorous't you think?
I still strive for that. The image has not grown to such an extent that they could be proud of. For example, I first started wearing costumes with sequins - women did not know that such clothes ever! Then you have, in Ukraine, appeared Boris April. But then I was sensation and in show business, and in the world of fashion. Of course, many stars "Pei" and "sharpeye", - watching me, wrapped himself sequins, began to make itself "tuning". This character has helped many people to open up!

- Sergey, if the scene You are shocking, what You in life? Home take off the shoes on the large platform, put on a Bathrobe and bedroom Slippers, and cook at a plate of scrambled eggs?

"Well, bathrobes will be available I just don't wear. The maximum that I can be home - this body cream.

- So You go home naked?
- If I'm home alone, then Yes. Don't like bathrobes will be available! I in them uncomfortable. But if someone comes to visit, wear jeans or shorts.

- You are a very interesting artist, who, probably, thousands of fans. Do not you tired?
- It's true! A lot of them. Some of them are educated, intelligent. And there are some who have literally insane when they see me. I call them "downed pilot". There is such love that " run run"! Don't know what to expect from them. These are even afraid!

- And finally. What are your dreams?
Probably about the most banal things. No war that became smaller children's homes. Want they are not needed.

And they say that in 2012 will be the end of the world. Sorry. Many interesting things can still be done in this world!

Sergey Zverev:
Photo: Lydia, Tropman


Bokovnja So


Women's Magazine

Vegetable cosmetologist

Vegetable cosmetologistThe zucchini will help from burns, cucumbers - from edema, and onions from freckles.

No money for expensive and high-quality cosmetics and want to look your best? There is a way - Jogging on the bed or on the nearest market for ripe vegetables. The most expensive cosmetic tools created on the basis of vegetable extracts. And about how to help the skin with vegetables, we asked the beautician centre "Ideal" Irina Tomilina.


Zucchini is rich in vitamin C, which is involved in the production of collagen and thus smoothes out wrinkles, and vitamin a, which is useful for hair and skin silky soft.

From burns. Take 1 slice of zucchini, 1/2 tsp. of pumpkin oil, 1 protein, 1 tbsp starch. Zucchini grate, shake with protein, add oil, then starch, all stir thoroughly. Apply on face for 15-20 minutes, rinse with warm running water, then rinse mineral.

For Mature skin. Zucchini grate, squeeze the juice out of it and mix with mashed egg yolk. Apply the mask on the face, and after 15-20 minutes, remove with a cotton swab dipped first warm and then cold water.

For the heels, like a baby. Rough skin on the heels could be mitigated by putting in 30 minutes chopped zucchini - organic acid will dissolve the" rough skin. The legs then you need to wash and cleanser.


In onion contains plant pigment carotene, which the body turns into vitamin A. It is essential for the skin, hair and teeth.

For oily skin. RUB two onions, squeeze out the juice and add 1 tablespoon of lemon juice. This mixture, wipe the face, and after 5-7 minutes, rinse with warm, then cool water.

For dry skin.

Bake a couple of bulbs and mash them to a puree. Add 1 tbsp. of honey. Keep the mask on for 10 minutes, remove with a damp cloth.

From freckles. Onion juice: mix 1:1 with liquid honey and apply on face for 5-10 minutes. Rinse with warm water.

For problem skin. From irritation on the skin can be removed, prepare the mask from the onion: 2 tbsp chopped onions mix with 1 tbsp. sugar. Add half a liter of water and cook on low heat for at least 1, 5 hours. When the broth has cooled, add 1 tbsp. of honey, stir and strain. The resulting solution clean face morning and evening.


Everyone knows that carrots - a storehouse of vitamin a, which accelerates the process of replacing old, dead skin cells with new ones. And yet there are essential oils that nourish irritated skin.

From flaking.

RUB on a small grater 1 small carrot. Add 1 tsp. of vegetable oil and 1 egg yolk. All mix well and apply the mixture on face for 15-20 minutes. Then carefully remove with a cotton swab and wash with warm water.

For tanning effect. If your skin is pale, and you want to give it a nice shade, then 3 times a week, morning and evening apply grated carrots in gauze.

For hands. On a small grater, grate 1 large carrot, squeeze the juice through cheesecloth and mix it with sterilized for 15 minutes in a water bath oil (olive, pumpkin, corn, or flax), in a ratio of 1:3. In the resulting solution, moisten a gauze napkin and wrap them around the wrists. From top to wear plastic gloves and warm mittens. Keep the compress for 15-20 minutes, then rinse. The skin will become soft and nourished.


The cucumber consists of 95% water, and this water is "alive", that is structured (which is instantly absorbed by the cells of the body). Therefore, the cucumber is a treasure for dry and aging skin.

Swelling of the eyelids. Swollen from lack of sleep or too long working on the computer eye can ruin even a very beautiful face. To solve the problem will help the cucumbers, put on eye on the slice and soak for 10-20 minutes, then blot the eye with a napkin.

For dry skin. In a glass put a few slices of cucumber, pour the fresh unboiled milk and leave in a cool place for a day. Obtained milk strain and wipe their skin in the morning.

For aging skin. Small cucumber RUB on a small grater. Add 1 tbsp sunflower oil, 1 tablespoon of milk and the same amount of cheese. Mix all thoroughly. Mix, apply on face and rinse off after 15 minutes of mineral water.


Tomatoes are rich in pigment lycopene, which does not allow our skin to age, and organic acids that dissolve the upper Horny layer of the skin, thus giving her the ability to breathe.

For oily skin. Take a ripe tomato, wipe it off with a little water and mix with 1 teaspoon of Apple juice parsley. Pour this mixture into molds for ice and frost every morning wipe their skin.

For problem skin. Ripe fresh tomato, cut into thin small pieces and put them on the face for 10-15 minutes. Then remove the mask with a cotton swab or a soft cloth and rinse the face with cool water.

Hair. If you tortured oily roots and dry ends, take two or three tomatoes, bell pepper, garlic, lemon. All this grind on a grater and mix. Apply the mask on the hair roots, leave on for 15-20 minutes and then rinse with warm water.

For dry skin. RUB one large tomato (without crust) on a grater, add a few drops of olive oil. The mask keep on face for 20 minutes, then rinse with warm water.


Beetroot contains many nutrients that help combat premature aging and improve skin elasticity.

For oily skin. Mix 2 tbsp. of grated beets with 1 teaspoon of camphor alcohol. Apply a slurry in a well-cleansed face. After 20-25 minutes, gently wash it off with warm boiled water.

For dry skin. Take one small raw beets, egg, sour cream. 1 tsp. grated on a coarse grater beets add half of egg yolk and a teaspoon of sour cream. Mix thoroughly and apply on cleansed face. After 20 minutes, rinse with cool water.

For problem skin. If your skin often appear pimples, try to get rid of them using a simple recipe. Press the beet juice and pour it into molds for ice. Beet icicles will improve skin texture and help to remove redness.



Care décolleté

Care décolletéWhen insufficient care for the neck and décolleté area prematurely age and fade. Daily intensive care prevents fading, tones the skin, strengthens muscles, slows the aging process.

Daily toilet neck and décolleté by using water and soap, and for very dry skin - with the help of face lotion. Rinse with cold water and gentle massage brush improve the blood circulation of the skin.

Many women, lubricating face cream, forget about the chin, neck and décolleté. Meanwhile, the skin on the neck and décolleté, as on the eyelids, almost devoid of fat lining. Not surprisingly, her earlier than on the face, folds and wrinkles. She ruthlessly age of the issue, despite the well-groomed face.

Usually, creams, used for face, are also suitable for the neck. If you use face creams with a little fat, then for the neck, you should use a special cream with a high content of fat.

In the evening, apply on the neck and decollete fat cream using circular and linear movements of the thyroid gland in any case you should not massage). After 30 minutes, remove the excess cream. Tapping in the chin with the back of the fingers will protect against the formation of a double chin.

Exfoliating treatments décolleté not contraindicated but should be a maximum of sparing. In any case, you cannot use the same peel for legs and neckline. Only special soft creams - gommage without damaging the skin mechanical particles.

If the skin of the neck and décolleté area faded, good hot compress: soak a towel in hot water, wring out and still hot put on the neck. Leave the compress on for 10 minutes, then wipe the neck with ice, and then apply the cream.

If the skin of the neck and décolleté area is very dry and has wrinkles, can help warm the oil compresses. Prepare a compress made of several layers of gauze, dip it in warm sunflower oil, gently squeeze and wrap the neck and décolleté. Leave the compress on for 15 minutes, then remove the excess oil using cold compresses. Repeat this procedure at least 2 times a week.

Vegetable masks for the neck

• 4 tablespoons fresh chopped parsley pour 250 ml of hot milk. Put the paste on a cloth, apply to the neck, cover with a towel and leave for 20 minutes. After removing the mask, neck and chest area should be washed - leave to dry completely, and then apply the cream.

• Cucumber is an excellent tool for masks. Lay the pieces of sliced cucumbers on any fabric and tighten the neck and décolleté. After 20 minutes, wipe, remove and lubricate the skin greasy cream.

• Mask of strawberries. 100 grams washed with fresh berries, mash with a fork into a puree. Generously spread the skin of the chest and neck. After 15 minutes rinse with warm water.

• Mask of Flaxseed make the skin smooth and soft. Cook flax seed (2 tbsp 2 cups of water) to make a paste. Lubricate her neck and chest area, cover them with parchment paper and towel. Then sprinkle these places with cold water and apply the cream.



How to remove a double chin

How to remove a double chinExercises from Alena Rossolinski aimed at one of the biggest enemies of a woman's face - chin. Hope you like it: to get rid of it, will have to work hard, because it, along with the fat accumulates and lymph, and these "deposits" will need to stretch every day (this should be done very carefully). But just after a week of daily practice, as says Alain Rossoshinsky, you will notice that chin will start to "melt". Before proceeding to the main exercise of this complex, good promassiruyte head. Fold the fingers of the claws and make small circular motions with the pads counterclockwise across the head. Keep the fingers themselves were not displaced by the skin and tightly adjoined to the head. Continue for a minute. Premasiroval scalp, firmly grab myself for a tuft of hair at the roots, squeeze them together and carefully pull up. And so go over the entire head. Do this exercise for a minute. And then proceed directly to the exercises on the elimination of double chin. Remember the Golden rules face of building to face touched with clean hands, and do everything in front of the mirror and with a great mood, talking to his reflection: "I am the most charming and attractive".

Your face is in your hands

They say that the age of the woman give the neck and arms. But, in my opinion, the most telling evidence is the person. Wrinkles around the eyes, floated the contour of the face, the crease between his eyebrows - all of these age "charms" most of us are already familiar to 30 years old. And like longer be maintained. And we go the traditional way: zakupaetsya all sorts of creams and serums. And the older you get, the more any jars of our tables. Someone goes on the more crucial steps: puts his face under injections or knife. But before that it is not possible to bring, if you take my face in his hands": every day to do special exercises, through which facial muscles will be toned. And if they are in good shape, nothing will swim to SAG, etc. And you will say: "75 - Baba berry again".

For each problem areas on our face has its own set of exercises. In the category "Health" shows the founder of Studio fitness facial R. O. S. A. Alain Rossoshinsky in our special project "Your face is in your hands.

Exercise with Cams

It is best to do this exercise standing under the wall. It is necessary to press the heels, hips, shoulders, nape of the neck. While the back must remain flat. Thanks to this position, your head will not go forward. So, put the Cams under the chin and squeezing them with his chin. Hands as if to resist. Hold this position for 10 seconds. Repeat 3 times. When you get used to doing the exercise, standing by the wall, and learn not to put forward the head, it is possible to do it directly in the workplace, sitting on a chair and resting his elbows on the table.

Hidden exercise language

The tip of the tongue press down hard enough on the line to the top of the sky (under the tongue you should feel a ribbed surface) and for the lower teeth. You can put your fingers underneath the jaw and feel the muscle tension. Repeat 20 times.


Lick out your tongue as far as possible and make 20-25 "like movements of the tongue. It is very important that your lips were not strained.


Open your mouth and stick out your tongue now most forward, stretching the muscles of the tongue. Then, potnis them down, up and sideways. Make 10 circular motions in each direction. Lips when performing this exercise should not be strained.

Be careful not to parante the tongue against the teeth, you can put between the tongue and teeth handkerchief or napkin.

Gymnastics for the face will retain youth

How to get rid of wrinkles between the eyebrows



Bran in the bathroom rejuvenate!

Bran in the bathroom rejuvenate! Wheat bran contain large amounts of vitamin b, magnesium, potassium and phosphorus. Baths with bran recommended for people with problem skin. This procedure due to its healing properties, normalizes metabolism in the body and provides a tangible rejuvenating effect.

Ingredients: wheat bran 1 kg

Bran in the bathroom rejuvenate!

milk 2 liters

Bran in the bathroom rejuvenate!

honey 1 tablespoon

Bran in the bathroom rejuvenate!

Method of application baths:

Boil the milk
Bran pour the milk and allow to infuse

In the infusion add 1 tablespoon of honey

Carefully stir

Pour into a tub filled with water

The water temperature should be not less than 37 degrees


Take a shower before the procedure
Take a bath sitting (to the waist)

're in the bathroom from 20 - 30 minutes

After the procedure, take a shower and put on a Bathrobe. Also it is recommended to relax under the warm blanket. Nice treatment!

Make a proper correction of the bending eyebrows

When shaping your brows, remember the cardinal rule: priority must be given to the natural shape of the curve of the eyebrows. Farther is entirely your taste and fantasy.

Make a proper correction of the bending eyebrows

Grab a pencil and attach it to one of the wings of the nose vertically. The place where it will intersect with the eyebrow, is the ideal starting point

Make a proper correction of the bending eyebrowsthe eyebrows. All the hairs closest to the nose, should be plucked. The end point will be the intersection of eyebrows and eyeliner running from the wing of the nose through the outer corner of the eye. All vegetation behind this mark will also be deleted. The highest point in the perfect eyebrow obtained as the intersection of the pencil, directed from the wing of the nose through the outer edge of the iris, and your eyebrows. Now, to understand how to make the perfect eyebrows, you need to decide on their thickness. Eyebrows "strings" long gone out of fashion, in fashion today naturalness and the line density of hair. If you have a big facial features, make eyebrows thicker, if the miniature is more subtle. From the beginning to the upper point of the perfect eyebrow must have the same width, and then to become subtler.

Make a proper correction of the bending eyebrowsHow to make the perfect eyebrow

Naturally, eyebrows should be perfectly symmetrical, and their start and end points is on one level.

Left to remove unwanted hairs, and for this purpose it is necessary to know how to pluck eyebrows. Prepare special cosmetic tweezers, wipe his hands and rubbing alcohol, steam out the skin. If the skin is very sensitive, abessole her any external means on the basis of benzocaine. With one hand pull the skin around the eyebrow, and the other visibilite hairs sharp movements. When this capture them closer to the root and keep the tweezers at an acute angle to the skin. There is one important rule, how to pluck eyebrows. The hairs are removed only from the bottom of the eyebrow (on the inside). After the procedure, lubricate brow gel or cream. The shape of the eyebrows should be kept up, removing the excess hairs as they grow.

How to choose the perfect color eyebrow

Of course, it is important to choose the correct color of the eyebrows. The brunettes are advised to choose it for a couple shades lighter than the hair color, blondes and the owners ashy hair - on the contrary. Black eyebrow pencil can be used only to owners of very dark hair, brown - brown, light brown - red and blonde.



Olive oil: 8 beauty recipes

Olive oil: 8 beauty recipesOlive oil can not only be eaten, but to use it as a cosmetic product - exactly as his love Sophia Loren, who does not know the best tools for the beauty of hair, and Julia Roberts using oil for skin care hands. Today we will try to add to your Treasury of useful recipes, in which the first violin plays this valuable ingredient.

Olive oil promotes elasticity of the skin, improves its elasticity, nourishes and moisturizes. It contains large amounts of vitamins such as a, E, B, D, K - their effect on the skin it is difficult to overestimate. The oil is especially good for dry and aging skin: it permanently retains moisture without clogging pores, helps to regenerate skin cells and prevents the appearance of wrinkles.

For skin

Excellent cleaning properties of cucumber lotion with olive oil. This tool is suitable for dry skin. To prepare it, you will need the following ingredients:

- 3 tablespoons olive oil

- 4 tablespoons of cucumber juice

- ½ Teaspoon baking soda

- 1 teaspoon rose water (you can buy or cook)

All components should be thoroughly mixed. The mixture should be applied on the face, hold for a minute and rinse with warm water. Cucumber juice spoils quickly, so keep the tool can be no more than 3 days.

Oily skin

fit lemon lotion. For its production the following list of ingredients replace the cucumber juice with lemon, and soda salt. This tool is prepared and applied as cucumber lotion.

For all skin types suitable toning mask with olive oil. With its help you can quickly restore skin elasticity. Mix one teaspoon of olive oil, sour cream, lemon and carrot juice and add a tablespoon of yeast. The mixture was put on face for 10-15 minutes, then rinse off with cool water.
Use the oil can to provide food to the most delicate skin on the face area around the eyes. Lubricate this area a little warm olive oil and make a gentle massage careful patting padded ring fingers, and then lie down in a relaxed state for about 30 minutes. Remove excess oil with a paper towel. This procedure is perfectly moisturizes the delicate skin around the eyes and helps to smooth fine lines. It is desirable to hold her every night.

Against stretch marks

Olive oil promotes regeneration of the skin due to the high content of vitamin E. This property is a gift to anyone who wants to get rid of stretch marks on the Breasts, abdomen, buttocks and arms. In addition, if you add in the olive oil a few drops of your favorite scented oil, the procedure will be especially pleasant. Add to olive drop of lemon or orange oil and RUB the mixture into the skin.


Even in Ancient Greece, olive oil was loved by means of women for hair care. Remember chic braids of Helen? If in life they were just as beautiful as in the movies, that, perhaps, this recipe should adopt. Before you wash your hair, dip fingertips in olive oil for 10 minutes to massage your scalp. Then rinse the hair with warm water, then wash them as usual.

Olive oil is wonderful nourishes hair, leaving it silky, smooth and shiny. Quickly give your hair a superb view will help this remedy: mix 2 tablespoons of olive small 1 egg and 1 spoon of Apple cider vinegar or honey. All the ingredients must be thoroughly mixed, and then apply to hair and leave on for 10 minutes. After this, wash the hair with warm water. You'll notice that your hair looks better, has acquired volume, easier.

Once a week is recommended nutrient poultice of olive oil for hair tips to prevent cross-section. Lower the tips of the hair in the glass with a little warmed olive oil for 10-15 minutes. Then secure them at the nape and wrap the head in a hot towel. After 30 minutes, wash off the oil with water.


For those over 30: diet Alicia Silverstone

For those over 30: diet Alicia Silverstone

This three-day diet the Hollywood star Alicia Silverstone (Alicia Silverstone) shows women "transitional age". Its characteristic feature is the presence of soy protein that helps to successfully deal with various unpleasant symptoms of menopause.

First day

Breakfast: 170 gr of grapefruit juice; full Cup coarse cereals with soy milk.

Lunch: 170 gr of vegetables in the form of a hamburger; ½ Cup of cooked beans.

Dinner: 115 gr superhard tofu, toasted with a Cup of mushrooms and a Cup of green peas for two cups cooked steamed rice.

Desserttwo patties with rice plus 2 chain. spoon jam or jam

Second day

Breakfast: two pancakes with fresh berries (strawberries)

Lunch: a Cup of vegetarian chili; on the cob hot boiled corn, a Cup of fruit salad.

Dinner: two slices of pizza with cheese; a big bowl of vegetable salad.

Dessert: two plums, a Cup of sherbet.

Day three

Breakfast: two slices nizkokalorina bread with soy cheese cream.

Lunch: a Cup of steamed vegetables, a slice of rye bread.

Dinnertwo large peppers stuffed with rice and corn; Cup cooked steamed broccoli.

Dessert: a Cup of low-fat yogurt Cup strawberries.


Women's Magazine

Step-by-step. Step aerobics.

Step-by-step. Step aerobics.Step aerobics is probably one of the easiest and most effective styles and directions in a large family of aerobics. "Step" in the English translation literally means "step." Let this be your first step towards a beautiful and trained the shape that you create yourself. Step aerobics is ridiculously simple, it does not require excessive concentration and the concentration of thought on the proper absorption of certain movements. All you need is to be able to walk nicely.

Only do not think that it means monotonous walking in the sports hall or your own apartment. Step aerobics interesting and varied. Song Whitney Houston "Step by Step", which literally translates as "step by Step", can literally become your motto; she, by the way, is quite suitable as the perfect musical accompaniment to your practice. Don't be surprised a few years ago, step aerobics was officially recognized as an independent sport, which hosts competitions.

Step aerobics became popular around the globe and every day becoming more and more followers. This is not a new sport, it is known for more than ten years, while in Russia about him, unfortunately, learned recently.

Step as gymnastics or aerobics (not to be confused with dance) was invented in the United States well-known fitness instructor Gina Miller. She tailored it to their daily training after suffering her knee injury. The first simulator, which she used for healing, were the steps of the porch of her home.

Gina was so fond of movements, in which there were many elements of the descent and ascent that I could not see how flying time, and came to his senses only when completely recovered and acquired its former shape.

She learned that the simplest workout on the stairs just gave remarkable results. That is what prompted her to create a completely new kind of aerobics, which she decided to take the exercise from your home rehabilitation complex. This is the story of another great sport step aerobics, which not only adds to the mood, improves the shape and revitalizes the entire body.

Step aerobics is unique in its kind. You don't have to buy expensive exercise equipment. Enough of the minimum, which can certainly be found in each apartment. This minimum consists of step benches, wide rubber ribbon, ball and two small dumbbells, which will give the desired load on the shoulder belt.

The distinctive features of this new sport are: you will not get a mountain of muscles in the wrong places and get a harmoniously developed body, beautiful posture and can develop a beautiful, expressive and precise movement. Step aerobics is one of the fastest ways to "make" yourself waist. But the main train body part will be all the same leg, which will be slim and strong.

Benches for Stepan are different. The main requirement for them it should be easy for them to do. Ideally, the bench should be from one to five feet in length and not less than 40 cm wide. But we must remember that too wide bench is also not suitable. It will be uncomfortable to do.

A good width is from 40 to 60 cm, and the height of the bench depends on you. The higher it is, the greater the load gets engaged to her man. Some benches that offer specialized shops, equipped with retractable legs. If you purchase ordinary, do not rush to buy high, deemed sufficient height at 30, see

Not less important is the surface of this, at first glance, a simple sports projectile. She in no case should not be slippery. As a rule, it is covered with ribbed rubber. This is done to prevent possible injury.

Unfortunately, not everyone has the opportunity to purchase sports special bench. What to do in this case? First of all, of course, not to get upset. After all, its quite easy to make yourself. Knowing what size it should be, you will easily be able to make a bench from a suitable material.

If step aerobics decided to do Housewives who do not have any carpentry or slesarnyi tools, they can use a baby chair or bench with appropriate parameters. For lack of this, we offer you to take advantage of suitable size book, box or drawer.

Wide, thick, rubber tape is also useful in the practice of step aerobics. It is their great diversity and increase efficiency.

The ball will fit almost anyone - from a little tennis before a rather large football. The only decisive factor here will be your comfort.

In step uses the same exercises as in the classical gymnastics. They are all aimed at training the muscles of the heart, for the production of better coordination.

But there is one important difference from Stepan classic gymnastics. This is something that, in carrying out similar exercises, you can achieve a much higher load and therefore the result will be felt much more quickly.

Step aerobics affects the body holistically, with delicately adjusts the shape of the legs, developing the desired muscle group. Your body is more slender, flexible, pliable and resilient.

Aerobics has a positive effect on the entire body, strengthening the respiratory, cardiovascular, muscular and nervous system, and it also normalizes blood pressure and the activity of the vestibular apparatus.

It is very important that this aerobics quite effective for those muscle groups that are very difficult to use: buttock, rear thighs and causing the muscles of the thighs.

Scientists from the United States conducted a series of scientific studies that have studied the impact step aerobics on the prevention and treatment of various diseases. It turned out that step is indispensable for arthritis and osteoporosis, which are usually caused by physical inactivity, i.e. the lack of movement. Today from inactivity suffers almost half of humanity, which includes the youth and students.

In addition, step useful for professional athletes who can use the exercises as a good warm-up.

It is worth remembering experience Gina Miller and include step aerobics to practice in the recovery period. How to do step aerobics - one or in a group? This is not the last question. It is resolved individually. Beginners should start classes Stan in the sports club, where you will learn how to properly train. Group classes are fun, dynamic. Moreover, beginners there is always enough, and you will not feel clumsy.

Psychologists have long noted that if we want to win the one that we for some reason have recovered, we completely involuntarily begin to repeat his movements, facial expressions, and some even breathe in the same rhythm. This phenomenon was given the name - mirroring. People who have mastered mirroring to perfection, can use it for their purposes, engaging in large groups in the gym. So when you do step aerobics, repeating the motion with the instructor, you get moral satisfaction from collective action.

Emotional mood created by the group, much stronger. Very nice people, which beautifully, smoothly carry traffic under the rhythmic music.

And you can work out individually with the instructor. Then you will quickly learn how to control your body, calculate the individual load. And our book will be your assistant in if you want to do step aerobics at home. After reviewing the exercises below, note the groups of muscles that will be involved in. People with a weak vestibular apparatus and poor coordination of movements we traditionally recommend to start with the most simple, and then move to more complex.

Moreover, no matter how long you will perform light exercises, the time here is not the criterion, the main thing is your health.

Those who can easily tolerate physical exercise, too, should not be in the first days of practice to get too carried away, especially if you don't have the original physical training.

As a service, you can choose almost anything. Main, than you should use, do not wear thick wool socks or socks because his feet quickly you will sweat.

As they say, love and sports for all ages, so step aerobics can be done by any, with virtually no restrictions. No harm this gymnastics to bring will not be able.


The first exercise is a simple step. He will serve as a good warm-up.

1. Stand up straight, straighten your shoulders, just lift the chin. Good posture is one of the conditions for correct execution of the exercises.

Feet at a distance of 7 to 10 cm from each other. Arms slightly bent at the elbows, freely lowered along the body. Start on the treadmill. Try to keep step was springy. Hands should rise accordingly. If you started the exercise with the left leg, right hand lift to meet her. Try to keep your posture, especially pay attention to the shoulders.

Follow 5-7 minutes.

The first exercise is designed to strengthen the calves and thighs. In addition, if you wish, you can change the gait, to make it more light and springy.

To complicate the exercise by using a wide range of sports gum. She is put on the hips and gradually descends lower and lower. Now to do the seemingly simple steps, you will have to put more efforts.

The lower the band, the greater the load on the legs.

2. The second exercise is a side step. Start him on the floor. First make springy side steps, then increase the tempo. The second part is "moving" side steps. They are slower than springy. Try to get in the rhythm of the music.

Take on extra step 3-5 minutes.

3. Again, this steps without benches. They are called "Solest".

First you do one attached springy step, then one slide, then another sliding, tighten the heel to the buttocks.

4. Continue to warm up the muscles of the thighs. Do almost the same steps, but now my knee every 2-3 side step advances to the chest. What to do extra steps - moving or springy - completely depends on your desires and music.

It is logical that under the rhythmic music is more suitable springy steps, and Vice versa.

5. The fifth exercise is developed on the basis of the first. Original position, see exercise 1. You're two steps each leg, then one big step towards the first left, and after the following four steps right leg.

Well, if after some time instead of big step you'll be able to do a small jump.

Time can increase from 5 to 10 minutes. It depends on your desire. To complicate movement: pick up fast music and try to gradually increase the tempo.

You may not immediately get the jumps or large steps to the side, but do not despair, over time you will learn it.

Exercise develops agility and improves coordination.

6. For step aerobics will need a bench, which must be installed at a minimum height (about 15-20cm).

There are several starting positions for exercises with the bench. It all depends on what movement you are going to do. The original position may be facing the bench sideways to her left or right side, and behind.

You should carefully read the instructions and then decide which side of the bench to stand with wide or narrow.

All of the above positions generally range in order exercises have involved larger groups of muscles and thus would not be monotonous.

Starting position - stand in front of a bench, hands on the waist. Take two steps toward the bench, then step on the bench. From the bench you jump ahead and start the exercise on the other side of her.

Be careful not to try from the outset to walk at a fast pace, it is better to gradually increase it.

The complexity of this movement in the following: try simultaneously with steps to make turns body to the right and left. If this seems too difficult, add to the steps only alternately clapping above his head, in front of him.

The exercise is designed to exercise the thighs and calves.

7. Performed with a bench for step aerobics. Starting position - 2-3 step away from the benches. Arms slightly bent at the elbows lowered along the body.

Take two steps toward the bench and two steps back. Again do step to the bench and jump on it (try two legs). Saprykina, take a deep breath and usmania hands. After you do this step from the bench, not turning around.

The duration of the exercise to detect not worth it for the reason that the speed with which it is performed, the individual. Deemed sufficient 7 - 12 reps.

Be careful: if the distance from the bench to you too, take two steps and then jump.

Complicate movement, gradually increasing the height of the bench or speeding up the tempo run. So it was easier to do, pick a variety of music, arrange the songs so that their pace gradually increased. To the steps in front of the bench, be sure to add dance moves hands. Because step is a pleasure, not a tedious task.

The exercise trains the muscles of the abdomen, thigh and calf.

8. Starting position - standing on the bench, hands on the waist. Movement is very simple: first you jump towards the left leg, then in the opposite direction - right.

Follow quickly, vigorously. Try high to jump up and down with one foot on the floor and the other on the bench.

Typically, this exercise does not need any complications, but to achieve more tangible results, you can increase the height of the benches.

Be especially careful. We talked about the need to pay attention to the floor of the bench. It is important that it is in any case does not slip.

9. Standing sideways to the bench. Next, take one step away from the benches, then jump both feet together in the same direction. Returning, to change the sequence:

first jump, then the step - and then, once off the bench, jump on it with both feet at the same time.

Making the jump to the side, slightly squat down, then the load on the muscles will increase, and the exercise will be more effective.

Drop down from the bench to the other side and repeat all the movements in sequence: step, jump, then jump (don't forget that jumps on two legs), but towards the bench. Again take a step, jump on the bench and go back to where we started.

Exercise is fun, complicated by increasing the height of the benches and rhythm. Finding good music, repeat three times in each direction.

This exercise improves coordination and agility, and trains the muscles of the thighs.

10. Starting position - standing in front of a bench at a distance of 1-2 steps. Hands on his belt.

Take one step back, then a small step forward and jump on the bench with both feet simultaneously. Repeat the jump several times in a row. For those who are jumping hard, it is necessary to repeat the 2 at Once, people are more sports - lie less than four jumps in a row.

Then again step. If it is hard to jump, it is possible to make equal the number of hops or steps.

11. Exercise is very simple, but effective. Starting position - face to the bench (standing in front of its wide side). Hands on his belt.

First you make the left leg step up on the bench and simultaneously raise your left hand on his shoulder. Then step up on the bench with your right foot and simultaneously lift up on the right shoulder with the right hand.

Next release from the bench at first the left leg, along with which the left hand returns to the waist. Then, accordingly, the right leg and hand repeat the same thing.

After lifting so try to diversify: raising the left hand simultaneously with the foot, place CE at the right shoulder and the right to the left.

Try to increase the tempo, and do not forget about your posture.

After a few days, this exercise can be converted into power and take up a small dumbbell.

12. It is almost a duplicate of the previous one. But it does not involve the hands, i.e., they remain on the waist. You only need to perform steps. It would seem simple? But will have to do it with a maximum speed of which you are capable.

Gradually increase the height of the benches. Perform 3-5 minutes. It all depends on what movement you will include in the training.

13. Stand facing the bench (wide part) and start to raise first the left leg, then perestavlaete to her right. When both legs will be on the bench, do a small jump and climb down on the other side of the bench so that she was left behind you.

Now turn around and do the weight again. Implementation devote not less than 4 minutes or do 8 - to 10-repetition. You can split the exercises in two parts, combining with some other. For example, suitable stretching exercises or power.

Do not worry if the first time not all will turn out. For a start, do it slowly so that the body itself is remembered movement. Because all the exercises associated with coordination, and she of all people individual, rhythm depends on you.

If you are in a group, first carefully observe the movements of the instructor and listen to his explanation, only then do yourself.

14. Starting position - standing in front of the bench. Put the left leg bent at the knee on the bench and move it all the weight of the body. Now try to straighten it. At the same time bend the right leg at the knee and pull it up, and then sharply lower down on the floor. Perestavlaete to her left leg. The exercise is finished. Repeat starting with the right foot.

This exercise stretching, it warms up the muscles of the thighs. Enough for 3-4 repetitions on each leg.

15. Here are the steps interspersed with jumps that adds to the fun and ease. So you got it, start with a slow pace to avoid injury. After a few repetitions, increase the tempo, add a clap or lunges hands right and left.

Starting position - facing the narrow side of the bench, i.e., in front of you it should be long. Step PA it first right and then left leg. Then drop down so that his legs were on either side of the bench.

Then, to be on the bench, you have her to jump. Then go down first the right leg, then left. When both feet are on the floor, take a short break and then stand up on the bench steps, then dropping down with her.

Meaning that if you climb on the bench steps, the initial position return jump. And Vice versa - jumping on the bench, down the steps.

16. This exercise can be called "transition". It lies in the fact that you go from the starting position standing in front of a bench in the same for her. Transitions can be made in various. For example, diagonally, on a narrow side and a wide. Well, if you combine them. It develops coordination and network diversity.

When moving the surface of the bench may be one leg, or both. Again, this is at your discretion. I advise you to try both ways. Alternating between them, you will be able to come up with additional traffic.

Try a few dance on. For example, putting the left foot on the bench, laid ka bend it at the knee, then, as in the attached springy step, even her right leg.

17. Raise up your bench 30-40cm, depending on your height and physical training. What these indicators are, the greater should be the bench height.

Standing by the benches to the left, sideways jump on it with both feet at the same time. Then try to make a jump, standing on the bench, trying to do as much as possible turn around itself.

Turned out? To begin in the starting position on a bench back for four jumps, then three and so on, Be careful. Repeat everything from the beginning: standing on the floor, jump on the bench and start jumping around. First move clockwise, then counterclockwise.

Next jumping for someone to become more complicated, and someone will seem easy. The fact that you have to jump on one leg. Standing by the benches to the left, jump on her right leg, on the same make jumps with rotation. Be especially careful on one leg to keep his balance much more difficult.

Change feet - first right, then left leg, and then change again. Combine jumping on one leg by jumping two at a time.

Don't be afraid to dream! Step aerobics is one sport which has a place of invention and creativity. Compose your own dance compositions, because the fans Stepan are rightly considered to be good dancers.

Do not try to do only a sharp, jerky movements, learn how to perfectly control your body, then it will be the subject of your pride.

If the execution of an activity is not given, ask the instructor to work with you individually to explain complexity.

Doing individually, it is much harder to master everything. But difficult, in your opinion, movement replace most are similar, but easier, and in some element.

Although do not forget about a little failure, after some time, please get back to it and once again try to overcome it.

Pay attention to the music. It should be bright, cheerful. It is desirable to use familiar tunes, because even on a subconscious level people should involuntarily musical rhythm. In order to make it more fun to do at home, you can connect children and together with them to learn step-aerobics, including animals, which seems to move.

Take your bench and go out into the fresh air, on the street or even on the balcony. Cheerfulness and positive emotional charge, you will be provided!
