How, in your opinion, who is more concerned about the female body: strong or weak floor? With full responsibility: it excites while more men, but day to think about it capable of exclusively women. Not about the abstract body, and on its own. And if all the time to think about one thing, you can move. That happens from time to time.
For example, you will receive the obsession of a series of "Ah-Ah!!! I have thick thighs! " Or "Ah-Ah!!! I have a huge belly!!! " Such thoughts arise even among girls whose weight is close to the weight of the lamp, and the body seeks the same. But they occasionally raise their hands-posting: "God, I'm fat! Need to lose three kilos! " A beloved man thousandfold echo replies: "Yes, what you're fat?! Where? Show! " When this guy twice already ready to kill his skinny half. First, for the fact that I reached such angular condition. And the second time for something that is not going to stop.
In his hands
Well, how can you explain that a man loves not only the eyes, but with his hands? We appeal not only to look at your pleasant roundness, but also to hold them. And the best time of my life squeezing luxurious, sorry ass, not the skin, which snugly over the bones of the pelvis on the principle of a travel high chair.
So why deprive yourself of your favorite calorie and beloved body? Especially if the satellite is everything to your liking? Yes, I'm aware that you are much more important to like yourself first and then others. But this does not mean that others will like what you will become. It is better to take advice of a professional. And in this case is that man whose heart you dream to hold in his clinging arms as long as possible. Want it to not run away, " listen to what he likes. And match.
Lord, why do I say that? You all will do the opposite and will destroy the fat shop that offend you. Want to look like models? But it is impossible to distinguish one from the other, because everywhere the standard 90-60-90. You become angry, saw in the crowd a girl to the same with you cloak? But to meet girls with the same shape right?
Stay strong personality, not unlike any other, better and more interesting. It is not necessary to adjust the appearance under the taste of an average man. First, all men are somewhat also individuality. Secondly, saying "tastes differ" suggests that we have different tastes. And than to spend years fighting this awful stomach, it is better to take it to the warm sea. There you will find a dozen men, which gets such a cute tummy. And delicious thighs, which for some reason you wasted a ton of anti-cellulite cream.
A thick layer
By the way, about the cream. For you, this substance is the same faithful and daily attribute of life, both for us razor and lotion. The only difference is that you kiss us after shave much better than us after you cream. Especially if it is not absorbed.
One of the most brutal and disgusting calving is when meeting kiss you a pleasant woman on the cheek... and you are in the cream, damn it! Feeling like kissed a bread with oil, only oil overdue and horrible smells. I know that you still have a whole battery terribly tasteless lipsticks, but worse of cream still nothing came up.
The second case of women's life - the fight against wrinkles. Some gossip you said that men can't stand wrinkles and terribly afraid of them becoming infected. In fact, the wrinkles you go. No, I'm not a pervert and sincerely believe that wrinkles - it touches to the portrait. If a woman is kind and funny, these same facial lines will only add to her charm. The problem is that there they have it earlier than the dull friends, on whose faces the day is never any expression. And then, kind, positive woman will diligently fight wrinkles.
The result will be horrible moment: you meet in the hallway, woman, kiss, you get to the cream. And that's all. Further no charm will not save a man keeps kissing to a minimum. Of course, evil women wrinkles also appear. Then the cream will have a dual effect. Because to her, and so few people dare to approach. And if you dare - 'll get herself into the cream. Life alone is guaranteed.
I am no expert, but have some period for which even the most nasty and greasy tool must be absorbed and stop to smell. So allow this time, if no cream can't. And do not occur in places where there are men, until it disappears. I hope I partially made it easier your life. Let's not lose weight, not to fight wrinkles... Maybe nothing at all with them not to do, since men are so omnivorous? Don't be fooled. You can't relax.
Manicure and pedicure, for example, we just care about. You won't believe, but bright pedicure for men sometimes more important than the shape and length of the legs. While the lack of a pedicure can drop the rating to a minimum, even if you have long and slender legs. And again it is not necessary to consider me a fan.
My friends and I consulted, they think the same way. I have recently read that in modern beauty clinics are able to lengthen your legs. However, first there mercilessly break. Bypass those nasty place for a mile, even if your feet end where my friend start his knees. After all, you can wear different beautiful shoes. While this long-legged luxury can not afford to always. And flat shoes look much worse than you on the studs.
As you can see, problems with appearance in women is much less than with the head. Manic habit to take care of ourselves and parallel the feeling that someone behind you is watching, can lead to no good. So think less about yourself. And more about us, men. Because we are so selfish!
How to survive any weight
Wanting to gain weight is dedicated to
Chersky And.
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