Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Drama because of the kilogram: a diet for kid

Drama because of the kilogram: a diet for kidYou can understand the joy of the parents when the baby eats with pleasure his drink and asks supplements. On her chubby arms and legs mom weleetka, thinking that with age, the child will be corrected and "systemsa".

However, this may not always be often the problem of excess weight in childhood and later turns into serious problems. Child to begin to tease first in the garden, then in the school, all this leads to the complex, a forced solitude that we should talk about the consequences for the health of the younger body? Because of the extra weight affects many systems and organs.

The skeleton of the child has not yet formed, and excess weight it is fraught with complications such as scoliosis and flat feet. Cardio-vascular system full of children have high blood pressure and cholesterol levels in the blood. Due to over weight suffer and internal organs: the liver, kidneys and intestines are sdavlennoy condition that prevents them to grow and function properly. It is also possible the development of diabetes: excessive number of fat cells become resistant to insulin, poorly absorb glucose, and it remains in the blood. Due to the sharp growth of tissues on the skin formed scars Burgundy - stretch marks or striae. The extra weight slows puberty in boys and accelerates the girls.

Full the girl in the future will have to monitor every calorie: from kilograms, typed in childhood, it is very difficult to get in adolescence.

According to doctors, nutritionists, only 5 % of the total children suffer from metabolic disorders, the remaining 95 % of cases of overweight is the result of a banal overeating.

If you want your child to develop properly and grew well, accustom him to eat properly from an early age. Vitamins, fats, proteins and carbohydrates must be present in the menu. Food should be not only tasty, but also useful. On average about three times a day a child after a year should receive dairy products, double-meat and fish, an egg must be present in the diet 2-3 times per week. While dairy products (soups, yogurts, cereals, cheese) it is better to give in the first half of the day, lean meat and fish dishes for lunch or dinner, and be sure to remember about vegetable and fruit purees!

So, if you noticed that your child simply eats "adult" portion and asks for more - it's time to take action. For starters, you should look over your own menu. Of course, the semi - dumplings, pancakes, pizza and the like - it's delicious and fast, but not useful. They have too many calories and almost no vitamins and minerals.

Take into service a few rules of food combining: give meat and fish with vegetables, and macaroni and cheese and greens. Smaller herbs and spices - they increase the appetite. Ketchup and mayonnaise should be banned for a baby, Yes, and your figure these sauces would not benefit. Accustom the child to love fruits and vegetables. Sweet strictly limit, but so that the child doesn't secretly wanted to absorb the forbidden fruit.

For example, in Sweden there is a tradition that the entire family for weeks collects sweets and Saturday regales them. But only one day a week: the rest of the time - dried fruits, fruits and berries.

Don't forget about vegetable salads, which in summer must be on the table every day. Give preference to fresh juices, fruit drinks and fruit drinks without sugar. No carbonated drinks and fast food is very harmful to the immature child's body.

Carefully watch that the family menu was always present products that breaks down fats: cheese, eggs, yogurt, apples, citrus fruits and pineapples.

Take a little imagination: samenai sausages boiled/baked meat, poultry. Sandwiches from grain bread with lean pork own cooking, with leaf lettuce and cheese in the form of a ship with a sail, liking the little gourmet.

- Accustom the child to five meals: full Breakfast, lunch, dinner, afternoon tea, and light dinner - not later than 3 hours before bedtime.

- Never buy sweets for the future: let the table will always be fresh and dried fruits.

Help your child to love vegetables and a variety of them. How? For example, prepare food along with it, turn the food into the gameplay, if the child is small. If older - explain that this is very useful.

- Say "no" to junk food and semi - vari only natural cereal, no flakes and instant noodles.

- Prepare meat and fish products in the steamer and oven, and not in the pan. Choose lean meats.

- Offer sweet baby in the first half of the day.

Once each week the whole family fasting day. Abandon animal fats - better use as a filling vegetable or olive oil.

- So that the food is better digested, with each meal try to give your child fresh fruit and vegetables - they provide the body with enzymes, vitamins and improve digestion.

Put the child in the sports section - exercise will only benefit a growing body.

- Make it a rule more walk with the child. When driving the extra calories will be burned off, and a growing body mobility only benefit.


Woman Journal

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