"We will not cry, will live as long as released. With joy! "said Lyubov Polishchuk, when everyone knew that she left to live very long. But she remained to the end an optimist and a very courageous man. And to the end - actress. It was one of those people about whom we can confidently say: "All life is art. Lyubov Polishchuk not died on the scene, as Andrei Mironov, but played it almost to the very end - in spite of illness, in spite of suffering.
Love the G. Polischuk was born 21 may 1949 in Omsk. Father is a Builder, mother is a seamstress. Luba - the eldest of three children, she was responsible for the economy. But, although she was the main carer parents, anyway - as was recognized by the actress in an interview with our magazine - trouble with her parents was a lot: "the Main problem is poorly studied. Up to grade 5 have lasted a student, and then just never studied physics, chemistry and other science was not given. Still don't understand why the school is so much temporizing spent on items in which "floats" 90 percent of students, why should children be tortured? We need to give something elemental and all. Restless was, temperament gushing over the edge, infinitely someone portrayed, mocked, constantly in someone fell in love and was discussed another love affair with classmates".
Luba from early childhood dreamed of becoming an artist. Parents have this dream of understanding not found. "Only the Builder! And nonsense out of your head throw," said her father. "Or seamstress, like me, is also a profession. And the artist is sho? Shit one" echoed the mother.
Much later a famous actress Lyubov Polishchuk remembered it with a smile. But then, in school, her parents were even opposed to Luba went in a circle singing, and she was no laughing... besides, she considered herself ugly.
"In 16 years I was not just ugly, very ugly duckling, " said Lyubov Grigoryevna. - Very long, so now I'm standing on heels near our models, feel liliputai, and then in class one was this. Very long, very skinny, bandy-legged is a beauty! When some person threw phrase saying that beauty, it always seemed to me is the irony, mockery. I loved to watch the ballet and was always amazed at the beauty and grace of the human body, bought postcards with ballet poses and when there was nobody home, in front of the mirror all these poses rehearsed - to convulsions tried to keep that position. Even Peremena the dishes in the basin (wash we did not have), tried to keep the shape in the correct position. I think its krivonogoj I partially corrected these constant exercises..."
After graduating from school, Lyubov Polishchuk went to Moscow to enroll in a theater, but on the exam late. She finished her studies in theatre, only much later: in 1985, being already recognized actress, Polishchuk graduated from the correspondence Department of the State Institute of theatrical arts. A. C. Lunacharsky. And after the first unsuccessful attempt to learn from the artist, young Lyuba returned to Omsk and came to the Philharmonic "to ask about a job".
"Luba took just as talented she was incredibly, - says the Deputy Director of the Omsk Philharmonic Alexander Dmitriev. And then came a remarkable case: a large group of our Philharmonic - 30 - was sent to study in Moscow, all-Russian creative workshops pop art at ENEA. Especially for us from Moscow teachers staged a theatrical program. Luba was prepared as an artist conversational genre. And that's when we came back to Omsk, started to speak, to tour, to gather halls, it became clear: Luba-star! The audience took its incredible... "
Workshops Lyubov Polishchuk graduated in 1967. In the same year she got married: actor Valery Makarov. In 1972 they had a son Alexei. But Makarov drank, family life was difficult. When the head of the Omsk Philharmonic Yuri Jurowski was assigned to Moscow and became the Director at the table, he was invited to the capital of several actors, who were considered the best. Among them Polishchuk and Makarov. Valery Makarov in Moscow did not like, he would not retract, and he soon returned to Omsk.
And Polishchuk left to conquer the capital with a small child in her arms.
"To be honest, life often beat me on the head. Had on his shoulders to drag a lot. Count me was not someone brought up her son alone. I arrived in Moscow from her hometown of Omsk, settled in the Theater of miniatures, where you had to prove to everyone and all that Polishchuk though provincial actress, but not as good as you are, the capital. On tour (they were 11 months out of 12) went with the little boy, " recalled the actress. - In a hotel room - endless clover-malasky, grated vegetables, diapers... And then he had easily and beautifully to vyporhnut on the scene. Well, from here take the ease, when you are her child and the father and mother?! "
My husband and the Love she divorced and they never talked. Valery not only helped financially ex-wife and son, but suing Luba half of the apartment, although the money for housing earned it, after all, her acting career has always been better.
"I had to be strong. Convinced that the woman should work little and kotku. But it worked like a horse," said Lyubov Grigoryevna.
In the movie Lyubov Polishchuk was filmed in 1976. Her first role in the TV movie Mark Zakharov "12 chairs". Cameo: she's in costume and makeup of the 20-ies dancing "tango passion" Ostap Bender - Andrei Mironov. But it created a memorable way, "tango passion" was included in many of the popular "concerts": this compilation video of scenes from the movies were usually before the holidays.
The actress was noticed - and in the film she played more than 40 roles in the films "the gold mine" (1977), "Family Zatsepina" (1977), "31 June" (1978), "the Duenna" (1978), "Babylon XX" (1979), "the adventures of Prince Florizel" (1979), "music-hall" (1980), Aesop (1982), "Theft" (1982)...
She was shot while some of the high chiefs said: "Polishchuk appearance Soviet women. Followed by six years of inactivity.
She returned to the Restructuring - two bright, serious roles, showing the versatility and depth of her acting talent in the movie "intergirl" and "Love with privileges" - both released in 1989, and Polishchuk overnight became one of the most popular and in-demand Actresses.
However, she Love Grigoryevna to its popularity treated with humor. Told: "Domodedovo pre-perestroika period. The ladies ' room. A lot of people. Thrifty designers with a good sense of humor cabins equipped in such a way that the head and feet exposed, while the client is standing. Then head disappears. Then... When my head appeared above economical design, the eyes appeared a weird picture: numerous human streams United into one powerful stream, seeking in one cabin. In the hands of the stream he could see numerous scraps of toilet paper: my grateful fans lined up for autographs. I felt at the peak of fame".
She was shot again and again: "the Shit" (1989), "Womanizer-2" (1992), "the New Odeon (1992), "Shirley myrli (1995), "the Impotent" (1996), "Valentine's Day" (2000), "romance" (2000), "still waters" (2000), "Agent in mini skirt" (2000)... But still most of his acting talent, the Love she gave to the theatre. In the early 1980-ies Polishchuk came to the Moscow theater of miniatures (now the Hermitage theatre), where he worked until 1988. There she played the best their roles in productions of "Features" and "harms! Charms! The shards! or the clown School". In 1989-1996, she played in the theater "School of modern drama" under the leadership of Joseph Theatre, where he appeared in productions of "why are you in a Tux? " (vaudeville Days Sukharev to music by S. Nikitina on the dramatic scene Chekhov Offer) and "a man Came to the woman".
In 1994, Lyubov Polishchuk was awarded the title of people's artist of Russia.
"My husband and I got lucky. God sees who hurt whom to reward. We Lesha 13 years together, my husband I was not. And finally, the husband and I went wonderful! The husband who loves and cares, helps in all cases. Most importantly, he understands me. Perhaps due to the fact that the creative person. He and girlfriend sweetheart, husband, and lover, and counselor..." said Lyubov Grigoryevna in an interview with "the Peasant".
With the artist Sergey Tsigal it was introduced in 1983 Khazanov and Rozovsky. Tsigal first saw it at the theater "Hermitage". According to him, he immediately thought, "My! " - and began to look for ways to explore. "I've been megalocephala, until he realized that he - that's exactly IT, " said Polishchuk. He is all sorts of crazy things done. For example, one day he followed me to the Kiev railway station and what was, sat down with me on the train and went to Kiev..."
First, the artist and actress lived in a civil marriage. Then the Love she became pregnant. Then they got married. Polishchuk wanted a second child, and always the girl. Her dream came true, in 1985, came to light Masha.
"It was in my childhood, stupid, preposterous dream: if someone can do that, not less than... Lenin in popularity and the impact on the masses. Now now, no more, no less. Lenin was not remembered Love Grigoryevna. Of course, there are dreams that never came true, well, what now? But there is more. I, with all my employment with all this crazy life, gave birth to children, to create a family. About it, honestly, and did not dare to dream".
The Lyubov Polishchuk and Sergey Tsigal was very happy marriage. Cozy and warm house. They loved each other until the very end.
His last role Lyubov Grigoryevna played on television in the popular television series "My fair nanny". It was a comic role for Polishchuk it became a sort of professional achievement. By the time the Love she was already seriously ill. She wore a special brace that supports the patient's spine. Tired fainted. But still worked along with others, from 8 a.m. to 12 midnight. By the end I could not stand, sat, leaning back cushions. Sometimes sweep such acute pain that the actress cried... and then laughed to soften the impression, to distract others. She hated when she sympathized with, didn't want to notice her illness.
"I've always wondered how the actor, who broke his leg and barely moves in life, on stage suddenly starts dancing. This is such a profession. At the time of the show you always healthy, " said Lyubov Polishchuk a few years ago, in an interview with the newspaper "Arguments and facts". I could not go on stage only twice in my life. The first time prevented hypertensive crisis. From back pain (I had a very serious spinal injury) gave me the medicine that went up pressure. But in the theatre I arrived. Although I don't remember how sat behind the wheel. Was the performance Trushkina "ibidem, at the same time" with Bones Raykin. I'm even wearing one eye, and then fainted. Soon the ambulance arrived, I "paroli" something for pressure reduction, and then I. my tongue failed. Spoke something completely inarticulate: "m-m-Bau-e". The audience waited for another hour, but I was taken to the hospital. Or play "Temptation". Three weeks before graduation, I got into a horrible accident. Apparently so deeply involved in the way - there all starts with traffic incidents. The premiere was played in "the collar" in the accident got a terrible displacement of the vertebrae, a concussion. I couldn "focus", not understood, where there is a partner. Six months later, before they could play".
First injury of the Love she received in 1976, during the "tango passion" which launched her career in cinema.
The second injury happened again while working on the scene. It was after a very difficult delivery: the actress did a caesarean section, and soon after was inflamed Appendix and needed a new operation.
Hardly risen to his feet, still weak, the Love she returned to work. "And I flew out on stage in the play "Straw hat" two discs of the spine, " recalled the actress - because the whole load went back and stomach muscles are not worked. Up to 35 years, I no hurt. And then once in a row: the back, then I got sick with the flu, sinusitis. Spent a month in the hospital".
And in 2000 did that car accident, before the performance of "Temptation", and it has already become the third injury. And the Love she not only played the show in "the collar", but after a while got on Pointe in the new play "why are you in a Tux? ". Itself at the same time over a laughed: "Well what the hell I'm 45 years old got on Pointe shoes?! As said Zhvanetsky, mind prastio. Do I need it, with a bad back?! ". But apparently that incinerated her creative fire was stronger than natural survival instinct. She appeared on the scene - sick, she danced in orthopedic corset.
Joseph Theatre, Director of theatre "School of modern drama" in which the Love she has worked for several years, said: "She is the actress who absolutely did not regret, she had back pains from his youth, and in recent years it was very hard to play, we even in the dressing room made a special Kostochka for her, she had played the first act of the same "Coat", or "a man Came to the woman, "Antigone in new York" and then the whole interval was lying and that is called, writhed in pain, and then went out and continued to play fun and easy".
On his last day of shooting in "My fair nanny" Love the G. asked for leave from the hospital. Preserved videotape her farewell with the crew. She stood very straight. She was presented with a huge bouquet. She applauded. She said, "I love you all very much! Thank you very much! " And no one knew it was goodbye forever. Still hoped that she would return.
In 2005, Lyubov Polishchuk was hospitalized at the Botkin hospital: the usual back pain suddenly intensified and became unbearable. Then she was diagnosed with cancer. The actress underwent a course of treatment at the Institute named after Vishnevsky. Then at the research Institute of neurosurgery named Burdenko she had surgery, removing part of the spine. Doctors assessed her condition as critical, but the Love she seemed to have started to recover. However, the perceived relief was only a brief remission. Friends tried to help her, got the newest and most expensive drugs. Lyubov Grigoryevna was treated at a private clinic in Israel. But her health was getting worse and worse and she wanted to return to Moscow.
She came in early March 2006. Doctors advised him to rest, but the Love she immediately started filming in "My fair nanny". Probably didn't want to lose time, which, as she knew, she was a little bit left.
"Luba worked until the very end, " says the actress Maria Aronova. - Just a few months before his death were shooting, we discussed plans - she continued to star in "My fair nanny", "Thai trip stepanych" - despite the fact that pained her very much. All that was planned, she did, didn't disappoint, did not disappoint... "
Back pain resumed, the actress was back in the hospital. But the treatment didn't help and Love Grigoryevna was discharged home. The last few months she lived on strong painkillers. In the summer she was able to go with her husband in Koktebel, rested on his beloved country. Back in Moscow, the Love she came to the survey, and showed that the disease progresses. During the regular deterioration she got to the hospital, but when her situation was hopeless, she was discharged home. She wanted to be with family. "To die, the doctors wrote actress home... Friend says that in his last days the Love rarely come to. And... screamed from the pain so that you could hear the neighbors. Son Alexei questions on who you replied to, like, sit with Sergey and Masha Tsigal near her bed and waiting more nothing can change... Went Polishchuk morning in a dream... " - wrote in "Komsomolskaya Pravda" immediately after the death of the love Grigorievna.
November 28, 2006, at six in the morning at home Love she died. But it will remain among us forever. Her smile, plastic, voice, gaze, she gave it to her roles, presented his heroines. And her name in the closing credits of each film, starring Lyubov Polishchuk.
Filmography Lyubov Polishchuk







Prokofiev E.
Love the G. Polischuk was born 21 may 1949 in Omsk. Father is a Builder, mother is a seamstress. Luba - the eldest of three children, she was responsible for the economy. But, although she was the main carer parents, anyway - as was recognized by the actress in an interview with our magazine - trouble with her parents was a lot: "the Main problem is poorly studied. Up to grade 5 have lasted a student, and then just never studied physics, chemistry and other science was not given. Still don't understand why the school is so much temporizing spent on items in which "floats" 90 percent of students, why should children be tortured? We need to give something elemental and all. Restless was, temperament gushing over the edge, infinitely someone portrayed, mocked, constantly in someone fell in love and was discussed another love affair with classmates".
Luba from early childhood dreamed of becoming an artist. Parents have this dream of understanding not found. "Only the Builder! And nonsense out of your head throw," said her father. "Or seamstress, like me, is also a profession. And the artist is sho? Shit one" echoed the mother.
Much later a famous actress Lyubov Polishchuk remembered it with a smile. But then, in school, her parents were even opposed to Luba went in a circle singing, and she was no laughing... besides, she considered herself ugly.
"In 16 years I was not just ugly, very ugly duckling, " said Lyubov Grigoryevna. - Very long, so now I'm standing on heels near our models, feel liliputai, and then in class one was this. Very long, very skinny, bandy-legged is a beauty! When some person threw phrase saying that beauty, it always seemed to me is the irony, mockery. I loved to watch the ballet and was always amazed at the beauty and grace of the human body, bought postcards with ballet poses and when there was nobody home, in front of the mirror all these poses rehearsed - to convulsions tried to keep that position. Even Peremena the dishes in the basin (wash we did not have), tried to keep the shape in the correct position. I think its krivonogoj I partially corrected these constant exercises..."
After graduating from school, Lyubov Polishchuk went to Moscow to enroll in a theater, but on the exam late. She finished her studies in theatre, only much later: in 1985, being already recognized actress, Polishchuk graduated from the correspondence Department of the State Institute of theatrical arts. A. C. Lunacharsky. And after the first unsuccessful attempt to learn from the artist, young Lyuba returned to Omsk and came to the Philharmonic "to ask about a job".
"Luba took just as talented she was incredibly, - says the Deputy Director of the Omsk Philharmonic Alexander Dmitriev. And then came a remarkable case: a large group of our Philharmonic - 30 - was sent to study in Moscow, all-Russian creative workshops pop art at ENEA. Especially for us from Moscow teachers staged a theatrical program. Luba was prepared as an artist conversational genre. And that's when we came back to Omsk, started to speak, to tour, to gather halls, it became clear: Luba-star! The audience took its incredible... "
Workshops Lyubov Polishchuk graduated in 1967. In the same year she got married: actor Valery Makarov. In 1972 they had a son Alexei. But Makarov drank, family life was difficult. When the head of the Omsk Philharmonic Yuri Jurowski was assigned to Moscow and became the Director at the table, he was invited to the capital of several actors, who were considered the best. Among them Polishchuk and Makarov. Valery Makarov in Moscow did not like, he would not retract, and he soon returned to Omsk.
And Polishchuk left to conquer the capital with a small child in her arms.
"To be honest, life often beat me on the head. Had on his shoulders to drag a lot. Count me was not someone brought up her son alone. I arrived in Moscow from her hometown of Omsk, settled in the Theater of miniatures, where you had to prove to everyone and all that Polishchuk though provincial actress, but not as good as you are, the capital. On tour (they were 11 months out of 12) went with the little boy, " recalled the actress. - In a hotel room - endless clover-malasky, grated vegetables, diapers... And then he had easily and beautifully to vyporhnut on the scene. Well, from here take the ease, when you are her child and the father and mother?! "
My husband and the Love she divorced and they never talked. Valery not only helped financially ex-wife and son, but suing Luba half of the apartment, although the money for housing earned it, after all, her acting career has always been better.
"I had to be strong. Convinced that the woman should work little and kotku. But it worked like a horse," said Lyubov Grigoryevna.
In the movie Lyubov Polishchuk was filmed in 1976. Her first role in the TV movie Mark Zakharov "12 chairs". Cameo: she's in costume and makeup of the 20-ies dancing "tango passion" Ostap Bender - Andrei Mironov. But it created a memorable way, "tango passion" was included in many of the popular "concerts": this compilation video of scenes from the movies were usually before the holidays.
The actress was noticed - and in the film she played more than 40 roles in the films "the gold mine" (1977), "Family Zatsepina" (1977), "31 June" (1978), "the Duenna" (1978), "Babylon XX" (1979), "the adventures of Prince Florizel" (1979), "music-hall" (1980), Aesop (1982), "Theft" (1982)...
She was shot while some of the high chiefs said: "Polishchuk appearance Soviet women. Followed by six years of inactivity.
She returned to the Restructuring - two bright, serious roles, showing the versatility and depth of her acting talent in the movie "intergirl" and "Love with privileges" - both released in 1989, and Polishchuk overnight became one of the most popular and in-demand Actresses.
However, she Love Grigoryevna to its popularity treated with humor. Told: "Domodedovo pre-perestroika period. The ladies ' room. A lot of people. Thrifty designers with a good sense of humor cabins equipped in such a way that the head and feet exposed, while the client is standing. Then head disappears. Then... When my head appeared above economical design, the eyes appeared a weird picture: numerous human streams United into one powerful stream, seeking in one cabin. In the hands of the stream he could see numerous scraps of toilet paper: my grateful fans lined up for autographs. I felt at the peak of fame".
She was shot again and again: "the Shit" (1989), "Womanizer-2" (1992), "the New Odeon (1992), "Shirley myrli (1995), "the Impotent" (1996), "Valentine's Day" (2000), "romance" (2000), "still waters" (2000), "Agent in mini skirt" (2000)... But still most of his acting talent, the Love she gave to the theatre. In the early 1980-ies Polishchuk came to the Moscow theater of miniatures (now the Hermitage theatre), where he worked until 1988. There she played the best their roles in productions of "Features" and "harms! Charms! The shards! or the clown School". In 1989-1996, she played in the theater "School of modern drama" under the leadership of Joseph Theatre, where he appeared in productions of "why are you in a Tux? " (vaudeville Days Sukharev to music by S. Nikitina on the dramatic scene Chekhov Offer) and "a man Came to the woman".
In 1994, Lyubov Polishchuk was awarded the title of people's artist of Russia.
"My husband and I got lucky. God sees who hurt whom to reward. We Lesha 13 years together, my husband I was not. And finally, the husband and I went wonderful! The husband who loves and cares, helps in all cases. Most importantly, he understands me. Perhaps due to the fact that the creative person. He and girlfriend sweetheart, husband, and lover, and counselor..." said Lyubov Grigoryevna in an interview with "the Peasant".
With the artist Sergey Tsigal it was introduced in 1983 Khazanov and Rozovsky. Tsigal first saw it at the theater "Hermitage". According to him, he immediately thought, "My! " - and began to look for ways to explore. "I've been megalocephala, until he realized that he - that's exactly IT, " said Polishchuk. He is all sorts of crazy things done. For example, one day he followed me to the Kiev railway station and what was, sat down with me on the train and went to Kiev..."
First, the artist and actress lived in a civil marriage. Then the Love she became pregnant. Then they got married. Polishchuk wanted a second child, and always the girl. Her dream came true, in 1985, came to light Masha.
"It was in my childhood, stupid, preposterous dream: if someone can do that, not less than... Lenin in popularity and the impact on the masses. Now now, no more, no less. Lenin was not remembered Love Grigoryevna. Of course, there are dreams that never came true, well, what now? But there is more. I, with all my employment with all this crazy life, gave birth to children, to create a family. About it, honestly, and did not dare to dream".
The Lyubov Polishchuk and Sergey Tsigal was very happy marriage. Cozy and warm house. They loved each other until the very end.
His last role Lyubov Grigoryevna played on television in the popular television series "My fair nanny". It was a comic role for Polishchuk it became a sort of professional achievement. By the time the Love she was already seriously ill. She wore a special brace that supports the patient's spine. Tired fainted. But still worked along with others, from 8 a.m. to 12 midnight. By the end I could not stand, sat, leaning back cushions. Sometimes sweep such acute pain that the actress cried... and then laughed to soften the impression, to distract others. She hated when she sympathized with, didn't want to notice her illness.
"I've always wondered how the actor, who broke his leg and barely moves in life, on stage suddenly starts dancing. This is such a profession. At the time of the show you always healthy, " said Lyubov Polishchuk a few years ago, in an interview with the newspaper "Arguments and facts". I could not go on stage only twice in my life. The first time prevented hypertensive crisis. From back pain (I had a very serious spinal injury) gave me the medicine that went up pressure. But in the theatre I arrived. Although I don't remember how sat behind the wheel. Was the performance Trushkina "ibidem, at the same time" with Bones Raykin. I'm even wearing one eye, and then fainted. Soon the ambulance arrived, I "paroli" something for pressure reduction, and then I. my tongue failed. Spoke something completely inarticulate: "m-m-Bau-e". The audience waited for another hour, but I was taken to the hospital. Or play "Temptation". Three weeks before graduation, I got into a horrible accident. Apparently so deeply involved in the way - there all starts with traffic incidents. The premiere was played in "the collar" in the accident got a terrible displacement of the vertebrae, a concussion. I couldn "focus", not understood, where there is a partner. Six months later, before they could play".
First injury of the Love she received in 1976, during the "tango passion" which launched her career in cinema.
The second injury happened again while working on the scene. It was after a very difficult delivery: the actress did a caesarean section, and soon after was inflamed Appendix and needed a new operation.
Hardly risen to his feet, still weak, the Love she returned to work. "And I flew out on stage in the play "Straw hat" two discs of the spine, " recalled the actress - because the whole load went back and stomach muscles are not worked. Up to 35 years, I no hurt. And then once in a row: the back, then I got sick with the flu, sinusitis. Spent a month in the hospital".
And in 2000 did that car accident, before the performance of "Temptation", and it has already become the third injury. And the Love she not only played the show in "the collar", but after a while got on Pointe in the new play "why are you in a Tux? ". Itself at the same time over a laughed: "Well what the hell I'm 45 years old got on Pointe shoes?! As said Zhvanetsky, mind prastio. Do I need it, with a bad back?! ". But apparently that incinerated her creative fire was stronger than natural survival instinct. She appeared on the scene - sick, she danced in orthopedic corset.
Joseph Theatre, Director of theatre "School of modern drama" in which the Love she has worked for several years, said: "She is the actress who absolutely did not regret, she had back pains from his youth, and in recent years it was very hard to play, we even in the dressing room made a special Kostochka for her, she had played the first act of the same "Coat", or "a man Came to the woman, "Antigone in new York" and then the whole interval was lying and that is called, writhed in pain, and then went out and continued to play fun and easy".
On his last day of shooting in "My fair nanny" Love the G. asked for leave from the hospital. Preserved videotape her farewell with the crew. She stood very straight. She was presented with a huge bouquet. She applauded. She said, "I love you all very much! Thank you very much! " And no one knew it was goodbye forever. Still hoped that she would return.
In 2005, Lyubov Polishchuk was hospitalized at the Botkin hospital: the usual back pain suddenly intensified and became unbearable. Then she was diagnosed with cancer. The actress underwent a course of treatment at the Institute named after Vishnevsky. Then at the research Institute of neurosurgery named Burdenko she had surgery, removing part of the spine. Doctors assessed her condition as critical, but the Love she seemed to have started to recover. However, the perceived relief was only a brief remission. Friends tried to help her, got the newest and most expensive drugs. Lyubov Grigoryevna was treated at a private clinic in Israel. But her health was getting worse and worse and she wanted to return to Moscow.
She came in early March 2006. Doctors advised him to rest, but the Love she immediately started filming in "My fair nanny". Probably didn't want to lose time, which, as she knew, she was a little bit left.
"Luba worked until the very end, " says the actress Maria Aronova. - Just a few months before his death were shooting, we discussed plans - she continued to star in "My fair nanny", "Thai trip stepanych" - despite the fact that pained her very much. All that was planned, she did, didn't disappoint, did not disappoint... "
Back pain resumed, the actress was back in the hospital. But the treatment didn't help and Love Grigoryevna was discharged home. The last few months she lived on strong painkillers. In the summer she was able to go with her husband in Koktebel, rested on his beloved country. Back in Moscow, the Love she came to the survey, and showed that the disease progresses. During the regular deterioration she got to the hospital, but when her situation was hopeless, she was discharged home. She wanted to be with family. "To die, the doctors wrote actress home... Friend says that in his last days the Love rarely come to. And... screamed from the pain so that you could hear the neighbors. Son Alexei questions on who you replied to, like, sit with Sergey and Masha Tsigal near her bed and waiting more nothing can change... Went Polishchuk morning in a dream... " - wrote in "Komsomolskaya Pravda" immediately after the death of the love Grigorievna.
November 28, 2006, at six in the morning at home Love she died. But it will remain among us forever. Her smile, plastic, voice, gaze, she gave it to her roles, presented his heroines. And her name in the closing credits of each film, starring Lyubov Polishchuk.
Filmography Lyubov Polishchuk
Prokofiev E.
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