Children create energetic. Nothing gives them such a wonderful opportunity to show his skill and will to win games, in which there is an element of competition.
"Places to stand! "
In this game involves two or more people. Players sit around a table. Before each player must lay the slide nuts. The winner is the one who will quickly be able to blow their nuts on the opposite side of the table. Especially ingenious players can try to move them immediately slide. (Three years.)
"Take a running start! "
Great workout for the muscles to throw the ball with. run oddly enough, it turns out that for a high arc the ball flies further than at a low. It's great when the game allows you to give out your own energy. The older the players, the more interest they have games like football and volleyball. Representatives of the winning team feel doubly happy. (Four years.)
"We win! "
The game requires two players. On earth draw a circle with a diameter of two meters. One player stands in it and takes up his end of the rope with a length of three meters. The second player takes the rope at the opposite end and tries to pull the first player from the circle. (Five years.)
"Be the boss"
For a child is a very important success in either started or the game. This contributes to his self-esteem. Help your child to win and secure the success of the new classes. Having won once, the child will want to go further, will invent a new game again to experience this joyful feeling. Success is fixed in the children's consciousness and remains for life.
"What is missing? "
In the bathroom hiding different items: socks, shoes, cubes. Each of the participants, standing in the doorway, trying to see hidden things. Team lead everyone starts to search for them. The winner is the one who will find most things. (Two years.)
"Where is the bench? "
While walking, try to photograph as much as possible items: bench, birch, flower bed... Later, going for a walk, take these pictures with you. The winner is the one who will find more items from those depicted in the photos.
"Close your eyes! "
The child takes the father or mother at home and the parents are bound, but they have to guess where they came. Then the roles change.
"I do what you say! "
Let the child directs your traffic to some of the designed subject: two steps forward, five back, one to the side. The game is designed for children who already know or are learning to read. (Five years.)
"Great tower"
Children - born construction workers. From boxes, plastic bottles, balls built construction. The winner is the one from whom it is higher and stronger. (Four years.)
"Jump over a log"
Sign conductive everyone hurries to lying on the log and jump over it. The winner is the one who the fastest is on the other side. (Five years.)
"What should be the living space? "
Interacting with the surrounding space, the child creates his own picture of the world. But for pull-UPS, crawling, sitting, walking and running he needs not only in free space but also in furniture and special devices, which he initially will rely. (Six months.)
"Do you remember? "
People will remember what he ate for dinner yesterday? Who will remember that I brought my grandmother and grandfather during his last visit? Can anyone list what gifts he got for his birthday? This is a game for two. The winner is the one whose memory is better. The winner knows that his head he can trust. (Five years.)
"On the courtyard grass... "
"Sasha walked down the highway and sucked drying", "On the courtyard grass, on the grass - wood. Do not cut the wood on the grass of the yard" -not so easy to understand what was going on, but still need to properly and quickly to repeat it. But how much joy, if you get it all to speak. (Five years.)
"What's next? "
You begin to tell the story: "You look out the window. In front of the house is your car. The car sits... ". Who sits in the car? Rhino? Maybe a horse? Family with six children? Giant? The child must complete little story and come up for you the following story without end. Then you will understand how his imagination. (Five years.)
"Has a hat, but has no head, has a leg up, but no boot? " (Mushroom). "At first it is white as snow, then green as clover, then the color is like blood; I want this to eat, I again" (cherry). "So from the house out to get, should the tenant walls to break" (Egg). Such riddles develop the mind and thinking. Perhaps soon the child will delight you with a mystery of his own composition. (Five years.)
"I'm here! "
Parents are hiding for a very short time and appear as soon as you see that the baby starts to get scared. If this is repeated several times, the child acquires a firm belief that parents will never give up and always come to him. (One year.)
"I'll catch you! "
Many children love when dad throw them into the air and catch. This game is not only develops courage, and trust in relation to the father. But some children do not like extreme entertainment. Their desire should be respected. (One and a half years.)
"I believe in you! "
Little man is constantly striving to display of independence: he gets himself on a high hill, balancing on a narrow beam, wants to come to my grandmother... For children this is the first test "adulthood", and for parents is an indicator of growing up children. (Two years.)
"I know already! "
The heroes of the movies in search of treasure can climb a tall tree to climb a mountain, swim across the lake... Children often identify with their favorite characters and terribly surprised when they realize that their physical development lags behind development of the characters. This awareness is also necessary for the formation of self-esteem. But how much joy in that case turned out to become a little bit stronger!
"Get down! "
The game involved three: two adults and a child. The kid stands between father and mother. Then begins to fall forward and backward, and you hold him, putting her hands. The game not only allows you to "tickle the nerves of" the child and the parents, but also develops a sense of trust in relation to the native people. (Three years.)
"Now get moving... "
While walking one of the first tests on courage will jump over the Creek. Obstacles you can choose a variety: low fences, small benches... (four years.)
"Where are you flying to? "
The Playground is a good place to practice different kinds of jumps. Who is the farthest jump in the sandbox? And who above all? And through obstacles? (Four years.)
"Well, now would be scary! "
You tell a terrible tale, which included monsters, giants, ghosts castles, marsh spirits them and other related creatures. Some especially impressionable children can really scared. It is important that the child has heard your tone, so you could console him. Then the terrible history will become a beautiful exercise of the child's imagination. (Four years.)
"Night fire"
In order for the child was not afraid of the dark, take it into an overnight trip. Believe me, sitting near the campfire, crackling twigs, adult conversations and stories - all of this will make it a very special feeling. Please note, only that he was not left alone by the fire! (Four years).
If your trip with baby fell on rainy and windy weather, think of interesting and important reason for this trip. For example, you are looking for treasure or house of the old witch. Either your invention will be appreciated by a grateful traveler, and bad weather will be forgotten. Only need to dress warmly baby, so it is not cold. And be sure to stay close to him so he felt safe. (Five years.)
"Our feelings"
Good mood? Bad mood? Rage, anger, joy, over and over again, the child learns to show emotions. It is important that over time he has learned not to give vent to negative.
Everybody knows this situation: something goes wrong, as we would like. But other children do not want to respect the mood of their playmate. In kindergarten can help a kind of "ritual". Find your corner and sit there for a few minutes. Will be able to calm down. (Three years.)
"My dance of joy"
If joyful emotions rage and turn into a strong excitation, then, strangely enough, very helpful "dance of the savage", which allows to Express the feelings rushing out. (Three years.)
"How sad! "
Going to the movies is always a big event for a child. If during the movie the audience begin to look for handkerchiefs, keep in mind that your baby should not be ashamed of his tears. Tears do not need to hide! Such training of the senses is very useful for him. (Five years.)
"What makes you happy? "
The children enthusiastically draw what comes into their head. Ask the child to draw happiness, sadness, courage... (five years.)
"Time to pause"
Personal experience gained by the child in early childhood is a kind of Foundation on which to build further skills. Give him the opportunity to relax, to soak previous experience and have developed a taste for further development.
"My light, mirror... "
With a mirror you can play, presenting itself in the form of a variety of characters, from the evil wolf, to the Commissioner of the television movie. (Five years.)
"Is that you? "
Let your child by means of a mirror or without'll try to paint his portrait. The work will be more fun if you give him a little help. (Five years.)
"How was it? "
All sit together at the table and discussing what is good and bad brought today. And in the end tell me what you would like at the weekend - for example, to go to the zoo. This is, firstly, will allow you to plan some enjoyable for you and your children Affairs, and secondly, develop the child's sense of ownership in the business and plans of his family. (Four years.)
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