The Minister began to explain that Jackson is the most popular singer in the world and he came to the actress to interview her. "He's in a white limousine and he's a monkey," he finished description guest Concierge. "Tell that I don't give interviews to the monkeys," said Dietrich and hung up...
Officially the future film star was born in 1901, although on the eve of his ninetieth birthday, she will try to prove that actually born four years later. School never was interested in, and she gave up studying long before receiving a matriculation certificate. However, the dummy she was never. While still a schoolgirl, Marlene wrote in the album of a friend: "Happiness finally comes to hard".
From an early age the girl loved two things - music and cinema. Received certain information address movie star of the century Henny Porten every day she came under her window and played for her Serenade for violin. And then took a job at a local cinema orchestra, which was soon dismissed because, according to the conductor, the girl was distracted by musicians for its stunning legs.
Legs Marlene conquered not only musicians. Soon they will be worshipped by the entire world. While sitting in one of the theaters, Dietrich goes on stage, falls and makes a "bike". In free performances time removed in advertising tights. Around Dietrich born first hearing - her legs are insured for 1 million marks.
Film debut in 1922 in the movie "Little Napoleon" is not an actress fateful. Later, Marlene wrote that, seeing himself on screen, exclaimed: "God, I look like a hairy potato". Came out the year before married Rudolf Sieber and given birth to a daughter, Dietrich did not think to associate with the movie of his life. She meets with a star cabaret Claire Waldoff, which takes her under his wing. It is Claire taught Marlene enchant the audience with a song, not having a significant voice. Because of the relationship with Claire, had not made any secret of his love for women, Dietrich start talking more. She openly rotates in bisexual circles of Berlin, the public appears in a tuxedo and a monocle. But while Marlene is only "one".
Fateful was the meeting with the famous Director von Sternberg in one of the cafes in which Dietrich was sitting in the break between filming the next mostacciuolo film. Sternberg then write that immediately saw how clever she was. Rare for an actress, the most beautiful.
They exchanged glances, and von Sternberg invited her to dinner. Dietrich did not come. The Director reiterated the invitation. Marlene came into the restaurant this time. Intrigued Sternberg, which until then no one dared to refuse, personally came to the actress and asked what was the matter. "And on the subject of what you want me to meet? "a few haughtily she asked. It decided all.
The Director was looking for a performer for a role in his new film "Blue angel" and decided to try Marlene. Such a stunning success that will have a picture around the world, nobody could have expected!
Sternberg together with twenty-eight-year Dietrich go to Hollywood, where eagerly awaited the release of overseas celebrities.
According to the script of the movie she was supposed to appear on the set in costume for America it was a shock. However, not only for her.
In Monte Carlo Dietrich was not allowed in casinos in London had to move from one hotel to another, the administration of which has not been resolved to settle the actress openly telling about their lesbian passions. In Paris Marlene, walk around in the press, at any moment could be arrested by the police.
Dietrich pretends that it doesn't care about the public reaction. Actually, it was a game. Marlene could not without spectators and was so actress that began to play, even if the room came the cat.
Her first American film "Morocco" has a huge hand and a plate with a husky voice diverge wildly runs. Marlene buys a house in Hollywood: a luxury Villa, internally lined in white - her favorite color - fur. Directors and producers she usually takes peignoir, "which shone all but ambition".
Lover - fighter
During one of his trips to Europe Marlene meets Remarque. At first, the writer has treated her as a frivolous little Canary and was surprised seeing in the hands of Actresses volume of poems by Rilke. And Dietrich, catching the surprised eyes of the writer, gave him the book and told to choose any work of the poet, which volunteered immediately to recite. Of course, Remarque could not help but fall in love with "steel Orchid" as he later called Marlene.
Relations actress with her lawful husband were more than strange. Rudolph lived with a Russian emigrant Tamara Casinoi in the house they filmed Marlene. But Rudolf took over the upbringing of his daughter.
To distract from the novel by Erich Maria Remarque Dietrich made the publication of the list of the most popular and cash Actresses of Hollywood, in which she played... 137th place.
Comfort Dietrich is looking for in the arms of a ballerina Vera Zorina, which periodically comes over to visit in Santa Barbara at its luxury "rolls-Royce". Communication with the ballerina was not her gift - worshipper in childhood Isadora Duncan, Dietrich once dancing in ballet party... Railways.
On Hollywood Olympus actress returned to the main role in the movie Joe Pasternak "destry sits in the saddle". Hitler came to power in Germany, wants to see the world famous Dietrich among their loyal subjects. He sends for her Goebbels, ordering any cost to return the actress home.
But Marlene remains in America and adopt American citizenship. Now it displays a new formula for happiness: "It comes only to those who are free-spirited". She refuses even from his own sister, which actively supported the Nazis. Until the last days of the actress will be argued that she was the only child in the family.
Shortly before the outbreak of war in Paris Dietrich falls in love with the cabin and persuades him to move to America. Especially for him every day preparing dinners and to Shine cleans house. Idyll will destroy the war.
At the first opportunity Gaben will go to the front, and a little later it will be followed by Marlene. They will meet on the battlefield. Gaben met shining with happiness sweetheart formidable challenge: "What the hell are you doing here? "
He loved madly Dietrich, offered to marry him and really wanted children. But Marlene was still the wife of Sieber, and civil marriage with Gabin it was okay.
After receiving an invitation to shoot in new York (they had no money, and a fee of $ 100,000 was quite by the way), she did not hesitate to accept it, leaving the cabin. What her favorite Jean will be able to leave, it seemed to her wildness.
Yes, Gaben was jealous. During bouts of jealousy - not always groundless - he could hit Marlene. However, she too did not remain in the black. Learning Hemingway several Boxing techniques, Marlene easily knocked out of a loved one.
But out in new York he could not forgive her. In a few days Gaben married 18-year-old model, who bore him three children. Marlene did not believe that it was over. Searched in vain for meetings, together with Jean Marais went to endless film with Gabin, and on learning that he had bought the place for the grave in Normandy, had acquired the neighboring area.
The filmmakers Dietrich soon became uninteresting. "What Dietrich? This is history," said producers. And Marlene begins his tour of Europe.
In 1963 she visited the Soviet Union and gave a concert in Moscow and Leningrad. In Moscow she has performed in Theatre, to which access can be had with great difficulty. The presenter said only two words: "Marlene Dietrich", and there was a fabulous woman. With a perfect figure, which was nothing more, like Michelangelo cut off all unnecessary. She wore a corset with rubber gaskets, which created the illusion of a divine figure who made Russian ballerina Tamara Gamsakhurdia. She was wearing her famous dress embroidered with sequins, and Swan coat with a Royal train. When she got to the microphone, the end of the train was still behind the scenes. Marlene sang husky voice in German, English, French. But the audience was still, as she sings.
At a concert in Leningrad singer knelt before Konstantin Paustovsky. The bewildered writer didn't know how to react. And the 62-year-old beauty admitted that she has a Russian soul and she bows to all Russians.
Abnormal grandma
Dietrich did not like to talk about themselves and almost never gave interviews. The only exception was last years of his life, when the actress was no money to pay for the apartment, and, being under the threat of eviction on the street, she is 20 thousand dollars agreed to answer questions from the magazine "stern".
When she pointed to the discrepancy between certain dates, Dietrich responded that he wrote his memoirs, and not a diary. The press was the same actress. In the seventies before concerts Dietrich, one newspaper wrote that attend performances Dietrich can only necrophile.
It was called "anomalous grandma" for the first time in history who were not afraid to go on stage in a translucent dress "without top". And when there was a rumor about her death and Marlene called journalists and said that she was still alive, one of the magazines printed on the cover: "Dietrich calls and warns that she's still alive".
The only one who got "access to the body of the legend, was Maximilian Schell, who met with Marlene in the early sixties on the film "judgment at Nuremberg". The actress refused to withdraw, allowing the Shell to record the conversation on tape.
Her favorite words were "nonsense" and "has been written about it in my book. A moment of revelation came only after the maid brought her a lemon and a "brand" tea in the Cup holder. As it turned out, instead of tea in the Cup was brandy. Daily rate Dietrich - three glasses.
To drink she loved always. In between songs came backstage and did a SIP of Scotch whisky or champagne. One day she did not calculate the forces, and, needless venerating whiskey, stumbled and fell into the orchestra pit. But the fractures were for her habitual business. Standing at the stage, Dietrich with a broken shoulder stopped singing concert. The doctors she invariably replied: "I experienced two world wars. Do I stop some fracture? "
His last years Marlene lived in Paris all alone. In her apartment, there were two "special" wall dead wall with photos of her husband, friends, lovers and mistresses. And wall awards, where Marlene hung French Legion of Honor and the American medal of Freedom. From film awards, she was just a winner "Tony".
The only one who is Marlene spoke was the writer Alain Bosquet. "I'm so afraid of loneliness, " she told him. But this is the only proof of my independence".
That Dietrich bedridden, it became known only after unsuccessful attempts to evict homeowners actress from the apartment, and one of her friends was forced to turn to the authorities. Before Marlene, always answering phone calls, pretending to be a private housekeeper and wrote that the hostess behind the wheel of their own cars left at the airport.
She received many letters, including from Russia, some of which he answered: "dla vas s liouboviou". Loved to watch on TV performances of tennis she liked the glimpses of young strong legs. Worried that Boris Becker was spoiled character, and was happy for Jacques Chirac, who met with Madonna. In his old movies watched only the titles and remembered the names of the men who hugged her.
In his memoirs, she writes that "in the man she loves only two things - hands and lips. The rest of the application. Jean Cocteau called it "the most delightful and the most horrible woman he ever knew." Itself Marlene was a man without sex man and woman at the same time. It is equally loved Remark and Piaf, gabena and Torino.
Marlene Dietrich was and remains one of the brightest stars of the twentieth century. In men, it created the desire to possess her, and for women to emulate. This was never a great actress and gave himself in this report. She knew the price of his beauty. And paid for her expensive price. Before you can conquer Hollywood, she had to remove a few teeth and to turn from the stout naughty girls in slim and mysterious woman.
The creation of the myth, she started at the age of 22, by combining their name Mary Magdalene in short Marlene, became in a few years a household name for all the sexy and beautiful.
Due to excessive Smoking, she had impaired circulation, was badly swollen feet. But Dietrich, after a two-hour concert (applause sometimes lasted 62 minutes), soared swollen feet in salt water, again wore high-heeled shoes, climbed on the roof of the car and signing autographs.
Most of all in life she was afraid that someone from the audience will throw the egg in her Swan cloak. And never felt fear before going on stage. "They paid money to see the Queen of the world. And I she does," she said.
Dietrich thought about death without fear. "We need to be afraid of life, not death." When Steven Spielberg sent her a gift of your poster with a Declaration of love, she sent her daughter: "After my death, will sell at auction. Dead I'll be more expensive. And in any case don't cry when I die. Mourn for me now".
Died actress suddenly, immediately after the departure of the doctor, who proved that she is healthy. In France, on this day - may 6, 1992 - opened the Cannes film festival, which was proclaimed Marlene. It was said that Dietrich herself directed his own death by refusing food. "All Paris hung posters with my face. It's time again to go on stage". The last formulation happiness sounded like "Happy is he who remember".
Filmography Marlene Dietrich
Obolensky And.
Arguments and facts
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