To whom, when and how many
And yet harmless drink coffee cannot be called. Doctors do not recommend to drink it to the people who have coronary heart disease or atherosclerosis (although there is evidence that in the fight against these diseases coffee, on the contrary, it helps). It is not recommended and kidney disease, and elevated anxiety, insomnia, hypertension and glaucoma. Also, do not often drink coffee elderly people.
About when is the best time to drink coffee, there are, for example, such recommendations: do not drink coffee on an empty stomach, and after a very hearty lunch. In addition, it is better to drink it only in the first half of the day (evening Cup of coffee can cause insomnia or just to restless sleep).
And if 2 cups of coffee a day can relieve fatigue, improve attention, increase the reaction speed and physical endurance, large doses (for each person they own), on the contrary, cause irritability and nervousness.
Coffee and a pressure
If you have high blood pressure (hypertension), coffee, you'd better not abuse it. But does coffee increase the pressure in a healthy person? Although this fact remains controversial, probably, to appreciate it all the same. But only for a short time, and that for want of habit. Those who are constantly drinking coffee, this effect disappears.
But when low blood pressure coffee even useful. Many hypotensive just can't live without coffee, using it as a medicine. Though the main thing is to comply with the measure.
Does coffee to think?
Most scientists agree that coffee really can improve the health, relieve fatigue and stimulate mental activity. Is responsible for all this caffeine, which improves blood flow to the brain. In addition, he is a psychomotor stimulant, increasing the activity of the same brain. However, scientists warn that coffee on an empty stomach to drink it is impossible, because in this case it is almost "disables" the brain.
Can coffee to improve health?
First, similarly as in the brain, caffeine effect on other organs (heart, kidneys, and so on), improving their blood supply. Secondly, there is evidence that regular coffee consumption may significantly reduce the risk of gall stone disease. The researchers suggest that caffeine interferes with crystallization of cholesterol, which is part of the stones, or increases the flow of bile and speed the breakdown of fats.
However, the beneficial properties of coffee is not over. Here is just a brief list: coffee alleviates asthma and allergies, prevents tooth decay, activates the intestines (as a laxative), prevents the removal of potassium from the body, etc. it is also Noticed that the coffee fans rarely become chronic alcoholics.
Interesting studies have been conducted in India, where it was found that coffee can to some extent protect against radiation. Therefore, all who work with sources of radiation (radiologists, radiologists and others), doctors recommend to drink at least 2 cups of coffee.
There are data and that coffee can be very useful in low cardiac activity at low acidity of the stomach. Also, the consumption of coffee reduces the risk of developing breast cancer among women with mutations in BRCA1 and BRCA2. Reduces the risk of developing cancer of the mouth and throat, intestines. The mechanism of anticancer action of coffee is still unknown. It is assumed that it can be linked to the ability of caffeine to stimulate bowel motility, or be explained by the action of the antioxidants contained in coffee.
Coffee and depression
No doubt about the fact that, due to the content of serotonin (happiness hormone), coffee is a great antidepressant. Just 2 cups of coffee a day can three times to reduce the risk of depression. In addition, there is a statistics, according to which coffee lovers several times less likely to commit suicide than the opponents of this drink. And the one who drinks coffee, feels more confident, does not suffer from low self-esteem, does not feel groundless fears.
That coffee is useful
Well, about the caffeine they know everything. Most say it is not too useful, but because fans of a healthy lifestyle trying to drink coffee with minimum maintenance. However, doctors claim that caffeine is simply essential. If you deprive a person of all products in which it is contained (coffee, tea, chocolate and so on), it increases the likelihood of headaches and irritability. To avoid this, every day we need this amount of caffeine, which is contained in two cups of coffee, three cups of tea or half tiles of dark chocolate.
But apart from the caffeine in the coffee composition includes about 30 we need organic acids. One Cup of coffee contains 20% of the daily requirement of vitamin e, necessary for our blood vessels.
Instant coffee
Unfortunately, real coffee beans we drink infrequently. Usually the word "coffee" refers to the jar with its soluble counterpart. Unfortunately, according to your taste and aroma, it is very remotely resembles a real coffee. Many of us are convinced that caffeine in instant coffee is less than in the present. Now, it is just the opposite! Soluble according to this index significantly outperforms the coffee beans. Moreover, the better and more expensive instant coffee, the more caffeine it contains.
ABC your health
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