After the conversation, aniston politely said goodbye to everyone and hurried to the car, where she was already waiting. "How was that, baby? "asked Vince, trying to catch sight of the girl. "Wonderful," replied Jen, kissing the man in the corner of her lips.
War of the worlds
Aniston did not believe in miracles. Especially those that happened to her. Didn't she believe in them and 5 years ago, when on the eve of the 2000 pitt on her finger engagement ring. Getting ahead of the Millennium Grand prize in the form of a proposal to get married, the girl is more strained than happy: the prospect of becoming a winner hands and hearts "the sexiest men on the planet" looked too unreal. However, Jen, having endured a sleepless night and sinking doubt in tears, agreed.
Didn't believe aniston in miracles and now, when her tortured by the tabloids life suddenly reigned in peace and silence. Somewhere her husband, so quickly reconciled with the prefix "ex", played in the yard a beautiful house (the house that five years ago they had chosen together with Jen) with a little dark-skinned boy, and "the sexiest woman on the planet" looked at his adopted son and candidate for the role of father with tender eyes. Somewhere pitt and Angelina built its present and future, forgetting the past, and hence about Jen.
Swift in punishment Hollywood awarded aniston title "the main losers of the year". Being in the midst of a divorce with her husband, Jen was horrified to realize that this is not her personal drama, and tragedy of the millions of Americans who regularly read daily Newspapers and on the third time went to the movie "Mr. and Mrs. Smith" to once again look at pitt and his new girlfriend.
Together with Jennifer was weeping thousands sentimental Housewives, the only joy which for the past 10 years was the TV series "Friends". Other supported pitt, who, in the opinion of the majority, have long been time to find a replacement for the silly Jen. The world has divided into two camps, and no one remained indifferent to the tragicomedy called "pitt goes from woman to Jolie".
In the biggest Department store in Los Angeles West Hollywood, California" there was a brisk trade in t-shirts and baseball caps with inscriptions: "Camp aniston" and "Camp Jolie, and respected newspaper "The Times", who took the decision in the case of the pitt - aniston long before the official date of the divorce, delivered a guilty verdict to a woman, unable to keep a sex symbol.
"No one wants to be in the camp aniston - wrote the journalists of "The Times". In relations with pitt, she was tearful, stupid and weak. Close your eyes and imagine Rachel that aniston played in "Friends". What do you remember? Teddy bears, Scrabble and lace curtains? At the same time when thinking about the new girlfriend pitt angelina Jolie come to mind motorcycles BMW, black leather boots, plump lips and something else, what not to say".
The role of misfit
Aniston did not try to challenge the role allocated to her "tearful and stupid losers. To her and to top ten played before images, Jen reacted with professionalism and responsibility, which could not boast every actress. Jennifer with sobs interrupted the interview, it was worth to go talk about her relationship with pitt, sought solace in the arms of her best friend and stylist Chris McMillan (the one that 10 years ago, has created a "brand image" Rachel, and after another 5 years, 29 July 2000, was combing Jen on her wedding day). He even tried to find the positive side of insomnia plaguing her since the very beginning of the divorce process. "Just imagine, I have learned to get pleasure from it! said Jen with a apologetic smile. - Get up with the sun, cook yourself a coffee and read. Because of the early Wake-up I have time to do during the day much more than before".
Apparently, so suddenly shook down on aniston miracle of peace and harmony girl perceived with distrust and alarm. Meanwhile, as otherwise a miracle it wasn't. Since her divorce from pitt it's only been 100 days, and Jen was again sleeping for a long time, have fun and smile reporters what was very surprised last.
The actress is no longer frightened by the prospect of meeting face to face with razluchnitsa Jolie at the Parking lot at the supermarket, although the possibility of such a plot was suspiciously large: Angelina lived in the house pitt in Malibu, which was a 20 minute walk from home Jen. Aniston stopped counting the days allotted for the death of the former husband, after which she could freely walk in hand in the Park with actor Vince Vaughn, who became her partner in the film "the Gap", and then an official boyfriend.
"Alone I? Yes. Broken I? Yes. Are there ever days when I don't feel the slightest remorse? No," continued speaking in an interview with aniston, despite the fact that could hardly remember a time when I felt calmer and better. All who have heard or read these words, were convinced that the cause of such statements lies in a bloody divorce. Anybody and in a head could not come, that is how Jen could describe every day of my life for the past 36 years.
Jen was 9 years old when she first realized that doesn't deserve happiness. It happened that day, when her parents decided to divorce. Father, John aniston, was an actor, and therefore the wife has chosen the most charming and beautiful girl of all, that at that time was near him, - model and an apprentice actress Nancy.
Least of all the man thought that 10 years later, when he was going to leave the family on the threshold of the house will be messy dressed woman, whose thickly painted mouth shout after him: "Get out, you bastard! You will burn in hell for what he has deprived me of youth and beauty! " Bringing the suitcase and slammed the door, aniston has left more than one woman, and two 34-year-old Nancy and 9-year-old Jennifer.
The mother and daughter had little in common, but one thing they all turned out to be a jointly - both believed that John aniston doesn't like them. Nancy did not think yourself to blame for the divorce, which can not be said about Jen. Charming and intelligent girl, whose main drawback is the love for sweets and starchy foods, has convinced himself that his father would never have left home, love it a little bit.
"Although, I wonder, that I can love? "reasoned the young Jennifer. - I'm fat and stupid. Smart go to discos and walk with boys, and I know only how to puzzles in math to solve it. I have no talents. The drawing doesn't count, I just walk no one".
Drew aniston is really good (one of her watercolor even hung a couple of months in the Metropolitan Museum of art), but with friends relationships have not been developed. Mother only poured oil on the fire, asking on a Friday night, why Jen unlike the neighbor girls not dancing. But when his lunch, which Nancy would be enough for a week, aniston was usually locked himself in his room, listening to Duran Duran and drew.
Over time, this practice was complemented by reading books on psychology, which helped a little to ease the nodes, which has embraced the heart Jen after her parents ' divorce. So, the girl decided that a serious profession of psychologist will deliver it at once from two problems - society mother, from which Jennifer was going to escape at the first opportunity, and private systems.
Over time, aniston realized that in the fight with her last able to help not only the knowledge of psychoanalysis, but the scene, the tendency of which was passed on to Jen from parents. 14 years old girl enrolled in school for performing arts.
Comprehensive therapy
After high school, aniston was torn between courses of psychology and acting lessons, which took up all thoughts of the girl. The mother was skeptical about the daughter's desire to become an actress, because they did not believe in the thick Actresses. "Look at yourself: flat face, narrow eyes. About the shape I generally keep quiet. Who you're going to need this? "she said to Jen.
To argue with his mother was to no avail: she had some vague role model past and present, in which Nancy, despite his age, looked toned and energetic. Although Jen and tried to convince her - she just went to the auditions and avidly read books on psychology.
However, the choice still had to do: having a role in the theatrical production of "Dancing on the grave of sneak, aniston gave up his studies and finally switched to acting. From still not gone, when aniston, which the script had to kiss a girl, brilliantly played this bold scene.
Jen admired him - free from prejudice, relaxed and easy, despite the extra weight. The success of the daughter visibly unnerved mother, so Jennifer hurried to save Nancy from his company and moved to Los Angeles.
Aniston knew that miracles do not happen, so I was not surprised when the show was taken off the repertoire. And yet she knew she would never return to his mother and ask for help from the father, and will achieve all by yourself. And Jennifer joined the ranks of the waitresses who dreams of Hollywood.
The price
The eatery, which was chosen unemployed actress aniston wore a very symbolic name of "Jackson Hole (Jackson Hole) and had the honor of second-rate institution. But even there sometimes looked right people.
The man who introduced himself as agent, suggested Jen, serving his table, their services. Miraculously, it could be called very conditional, because the stranger promised to make a career of Jennifer only if the girl will lose 15 pounds. The question of excess weight remained for aniston very painful, so the agent left the "Jackson Hole" with anything. A month later, the upset came Jen: the client, in which aniston dropped a tray of sandwiches, turned out to be a professional brawler, and the girl was left without a job.
After sitting a week on a forced diet, Jennifer was surprised to find that your favorite jeans stopped to dig in the ribs. Then aniston and remembered agent bent on losing weight...
Jen, which was very lonely in the huge Los Angeles, wanted not so much new roles as heat and friendly support. All this in abundance she got moved in artistic commune, where lived the same yet not found in the young Hollywood talent.
Once aniston with glitter in his eyes told your agent about what an interesting and lovely people I live with her under one roof, the man remarked with a smile: "What a coincidence, on NBC plan to make a series about the same madhouse".
To convince the agent to arrange samples Jen had not. The producers of the show was no less accommodating and offered aniston role girls Monica. Jennifer, inspired an easy victory in the casting, insisted that she gave Rachel a lover of Teddy bears, Scrabble and lace curtains.
Less than a year, as Jen began to receive for each series "Friends" on $500 million and to listen to the complaints of hairdressers, which the client has exhausted requests to trim them under Rachel".
A man in debt
If in the creative life of aniston had tremendous success in personal lull. Affair with vocalist "Counting Crows ' Adam Gerizim not brought the girl nothing but the mental experiences, and relationship with former boyfriend of Sandra Bullock - Autonom Donovan - awakened old complexes (communication with Bullock made the young man expert film industry, so Thaton never missed an opportunity to teach the brains of naive Jen).
Brilliant in all respects man brad pitt, with whom aniston met at a secular party, produced the girl a lasting impression. However, courtship actor Jennifer took cautiously, since he knew the price and myself, and him, and to love in debt is not wanted.
Everything that happened on July 29, 2000, it seemed Jen sleep. The pledge of love and fidelity in front of the altar ("I Promise always to compromise" on the part of the groom and "I Promise to always cook your favorite banana-milkshake" - from the bride), $75 thousand spent on only the flowers, exclusive rings, the design of which was thought up by pitt (white gold 20 diamonds and the inscription "Jan 2000" and "brad 2000" on the inside), secret ceremony on the shores of the Pacific ocean, for which the police blocked the traffic along the coast highway, - was this what dream of every girl? However, Jennifer, with which all this has not happened in a dream, and in reality, still did not believe in miracles. According to the tradition of the miracle never happened...
Brad wanted seven children, aniston has agreed to two, but the best physicians of Hollywood agreed that the couple will not have even one woman was so exhausted himself by starvation and dieting that could not get pregnant). House for 13, 5 million, public declarations of love, sharing, shooting in "Friends" (pitt could not refuse his wife, despite the fact that has long promised to act in serials), litigation over the right to be called "the most faithful to each other in pairs, plans for adoption is a beautiful story of "the sexiest men on the planet" and "silly creatures Rachel" lasted 7 years and ended as expected in Jan.
Pitt realized that in addition to the love of friendship, which he was with aniston, there is a love-passion, which happened on the set of "Mr. and Mrs. Smith" between him and Angelina Jolie. "Our love with Jen ended. She just took another form," says the actor in an interview, knowing that Jennifer would understand him.
Christmas magic
Jennifer was depressed and devastated, but not surprised. Clever girl aniston knew that their relationship with pitt was only a rehearsal for an ideal marriage. To raise children, to age at the fireplace and babysit grandchildren brad will be completely with another woman - perhaps with unparalleled Angelina, and perhaps, with the winner of the title "The sexiest woman on the planet-2008".
Official statement on divorce said: "Our divorce is in no way related and not caused by the scandals in the tabloid press. We remain committed and caring friends, will still be treated with great love and admiration for each other".
Freed from each other, each went their own way: the pitt adopted children Angelina and went to Africa for new orphans (actor couldn't stop even meningitis, caught them on the road), and aniston plunged into the work. Shooting in the picture with the symbolic name "Gap" miraculously delivered the woman not only from the emotional anguish and loneliness.
Actor Vince Vaughn, partner aniston in "the Gap", could not boast the title of "the best" - he was just a good guy. The guy who first friendly manner comforted Jen in the breaks between filming, then walked with her, holding hands in the Park, waving at the paparazzi, and eventually sold his apartment and moved with things in the house of the ex-Mrs. pitt.
While explosive tandem of brad - Angelina pleased Hollywood sensations (Angie decided to prick at his buttock tattoo rabbit, symbolizing the year in which pitt was born on the Chinese calendar, and the man, in turn, has signed a contract that agrees to financially support child actress, regardless of the development of their relationship), a couple aniston - Out decided to get married.
Dream, dream Jen in the morning, didn't leave her head. "I don't remember what exactly it was, " she said to Vince, who was dozing nearby. "But I distinctly heard a voice which said to me: "This is your man". And next to me in this moment you stood..."
"So what's going on, ' said Vaughn, - marry me, and then I officially become your man. Imagine how we'll be happy..."
"I'm sorry, but I don't believe in miracles," interrupted aniston. "Any problems, let's get married in December, smiling, replied the man. "Don't you know that under the Christmas even with these nerdy as you, miracles happen. And it doesn't matter, they believe in them or not".
Filmography Jennifer Aniston
Makarova P.
Arguments and facts
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