Sunday, December 28, 2014

How can I forget your love?

Love the most beautiful feeling that can be in humans. Love gave many people the joyful moments, which are impossible to forget. But what to do when your favorite people decided to see you go? To survive it is very difficult, especially when you love someone with all your heart and soul. But there is a way out of this difficult situation. Unrequited love can be forgotten and start his life anew. In order to reinvent yourself for the other kind of love you must free ourselves from suffering.
Many people say that the pain will go away with time. In many respects they are right, but at first the pain is very large. It might interfere with work, doing the usual chores. And the time will go very slowly and sometimes it seems that nothing changes.

How can I forget your love?

New Hobbies
In order not to fall into sadness need to do something exciting and new. You have to plunge into a new world of knowledge, where there is no place for tears and suffering.

This method will help you to escape. It is desirable that the passion that you choose not remind you of your unhappy love affair, so they must be a new opening in your life.


In the first stage is the most suitable method of liberation from suffering. Say you want your family, if for whatever reasons no one near who you could trust, then the best way to speak is paper. Write all what you think. Then read and soon, when you will once again begin to read what I've written in a moment of sadness, everything will seem different. You will not be so painful as before, this means that this method works.

Have fun and enjoy your new life

Arrange the holidays, spend time with friends. Even if you are invited to spend a fine evening, and you feel that you will not be able to enjoy, still go. This method entertains people. Because when a person is hurt, he mostly sits alone and thinks, and when he is in the circle of friends and it's fun thoughts about unrequited love is becoming less and less.

Find the cons
This method is good for writing on paper. You must find many disadvantages. All people are not perfect, and we all have our shortcomings. When the person he loves these shortcomings't notice, but when it happens, parting them can be easily seen.

The best medicine - a new love

Of course, at the very first stage to find a replacement is not recommended. Because subconsciously people will look for similarities that were at the former other half. But when the time, looking to meet new people. Before you start a new serious relationship not in a hurry. First, just make friends. New friends very quickly push unrequited love into the background, and eventually even thought about former love passes quickly.

Always remember not to leave it without hate. Hate to cause you even more pain. All thoughts of revenge and anger need to gradually let go. If you broke up with tears and hysteria, then be sure when it will take a little time to talk calmly and part beautifully. You will be asked to remain friends, you have to agree, but at the first stage need not answer calls or emails. You need to let go of the pain and suffering and only after that you will be able to communicate as if nothing had happened. But you should always remember that there will be a face, which it is unnecessary to cross. You will be able to communicate, but not as much as before. Try painful as it was not letting go of unrequited love. To let go of the love you need to understand to forgive and forget.


to be continued

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