Not the economic crisis has brought the office of the quarrel. This phenomenon existed and will always exist. They cause the most common human emotions - envy, resentment, anxiety, struggle for power. A particular employee just to make more money, to be a professional in his field, so he began to build intrigue. There is such a category of people who start fights just for fun: for them to have a small team turmoil - it was a remedy for boredom.
How to behave in such a tense atmosphere - to adapt the behavior of mischief or to keep them at a distance?
The Blackmailers and alecks
Psychologists distinguish between several types of people prone to intrigue, which must be avoided or know how to build with them a strategy.
The first type is
the know-it-all. He can endlessly speculate on what "is happening in the company actually", pretending that it has exclusive information, out of nowhere produced. The worst thing you can do is to give the know-it-all whatever information about yourself and your work. You never know how he will distort to use for their own purposes.
The next type of intriguer -
lobbyist. Typically, this is a good specialist who is in any way defends your project and believes that only his ideas can benefit the company. If you disagree with him on some issues and openly Express it, you can run into trouble. With a lobbyist can be dealt with only if you share the enthusiasm for his project.
One of the most dangerous office workers one that
weaves intrigues. This can be not a Boffin, but very charming person, and therefore it is easy to find a approach to colleagues and superiors. And thanks to this moving service.
Almost every office operates the so-called
Advisorthat is the closest big boss and serves as the eyes and ears for middle managers. By the way, the role of the Advisor can play from senior assistant to the administrative officer. No need to suck up to this man, but to push it. He has considerable influence, so a good relationship with them can be useful to you.
According to some psychologists, to the above-mentioned main office characters can be added
the blackmailer. This is a man who notices the slightest weaknesses or failures of their colleagues, and if you need to carry out their plans, he can put pressure on you threatened to tell the authorities about your errors.
But the main contenders, who often directed arrows insidious employees. Under the wheels of office intrigue are beginners, too active workers (because it seems that they are moving at the expense of others). In addition, few people like colleagues with a higher salary. Often substituted scattered "idea generators" (because they are easy to deceive), middle managers (in that case, if the potential schemer "laid eyes" on the position of the chef) and ambitious and vain employees (they can easily catch on the hook of "friendship" or "partnership", and then substitute).
How to deal with bullying
Very often under the press of the old-timers office get new employees. They are office hazing for a simple reason: in the era of tough competition in every newcomer who has worked more than one year colleagues see as a real or potential threat. Who knows what can a newcomer? And if it will work better members of the old team? It is not excluded that then the boss decides to fire the veterans. Fearing for his well-being, employees are trying to quickly get rid of the beginner. To do this, use a variety of methods: boycott, neglect, ridicule.
Case of life. Andrew came to work in a large construction company Manager. The young man had high hopes for this work. However, they were not destined to come true, as Andrew at the new place, met with a very hostile. On the first day he didn't even gave the workplace. It became even worse when the newcomer managed to make some good deals. His boss saw him as a serious competitor and deprived of access to the client base. In the end, the Manager was forced to quit his promising work.
Victims office of hazing are often not only employees, but also leaders who are struggling to implement their own methods and principles. Of course, subordinates who do not wish to change their mode of operation, moreover, fruits, and resist radical change. New chef, who has not yet managed to gain credibility and to enlist the support of top management, risks to face a lot of problems: this "forgetfulness" of subordinates, and the provision of false information, and other "tricks".
So, Victor, the new CEO of a large enterprise, after the appointment has decided to show everyone who's boss, and that now everything will be new. He instructed the Director of personnel to control labor discipline, to fight against official abuse, IT Director to ensure information security and implement an information system to provide control over financial flows. It would seem that everything was in motion: weekly planning meetings all reported on this task. But when the most Viktor had to report the owners of the company were shocked - profitability fell sharply. The fate of the Director General was predetermined.
If you have been office hazing, don't think you have anything to do with. Yes, this phenomenon is often caused by problems of company management, but it is necessary to analyse why the team turned it on you. Of course, to blame himself of all sins is not necessary, but to calculate the laws of the pack in this office and your place in it will not hurt to continue to avoid such a situation. In addition, it can be helpful to talk with those who loves you the most aggression and determine its cause. Some psychologists, to relieve the tension in the team, we advise you more to smile and Express affection to people that you have got. This does not mean that you have to please everyone, just demonstrate their friendliness and willingness to cooperate.
Office tabu
In order to avoid intrigues, psychologists recommend to follow a few office taboos. Most of all self boss doesn't like it when employees talk to each other salaries and bonuses. Often, for the same work by different workers receive different wages. Moreover, they do not understand why this is happening. Naturally, this creates a dislike to each other. It follows from this rule: never to communicate, even with whom you are on friendly terms, the size of his remuneration. Moreover, you should not share with someone raise. People usually painfully react to such news, if their income remains unchanged.
A lot of conflicts in the office caused by the lack of sensitivity of individual employees, which they justify their own "spiritual simplicity". This person has a habit of criticizing everyone and everything, and colleagues, and superiors. Under his sight fall and the appearance of others, and ideas of the chef, and so on, it is Easy to guess that the employees of such employer will make every effort to get rid of him.
Many chefs have always reminded his subordinates that they must use a creative approach. Many professions do require constant creativity. On this ground also can be born intrigue, as many companies are cases of theft of ideas. With this situation to cope quite easily. Enough not to discuss their ideas with colleagues, and to deliver them directly to your boss. If you discuss your thoughts with my boss about a project is not possible, then announce them at our meetings and planning meetings. Then encroach on your ideas no one will be able to: your copyright will be fully protected and excessive conflict will not.
Avoid gossip
Of course, in any office, which employs more than two people, there are gossip. This problem almost impossible to fight. But you can keep discussing your person to a minimum. First of all, in the workplace need to refrain from stories about his personal life, family problems, intimate detail, your health and the health of your relatives. Rare people miss the opportunity to gossip behind you, discuss your problems, and then to start you advise how to resolve them, even if you're in the councils don't need. If you do not know anything, and there will be nothing to discuss, well, almost nothing.
In addition, excessive talkative can turn against you. The individual is able to distort the information you provided that you can stand in front of others in the most unexpected light.
Moreover, often gossip are born out of nothing. For example, you sit in the lunch break with a colleague of the opposite sex, drink coffee, and you notice some kind of activist, keeping track of all employees, and this is present in almost all workplaces. After she asks you: "we Have office romance brewing? ". You laugh off, you embarrassing, because even thought this was not the case, and gossip appeared and flew across the expanses of the office, starting to acquire new details, because everyone can embellish her "addition". And eventually, it may happen that your innocent conversation over a Cup of coffee has turned into preparing for the wedding, and if the same colleague married, then you do run the risk of being branded as malicious razluchnitsa.
So women it is best not to brag about the number of their knights. Already more than once proven that the girls swarm around which a crowd of fans, the attitude, to put it mildly biased. And it hurt the opponent will nachinat that in a nightmare not present.
By the way, it is a mistake to suppose that men are not prone to gossip. Representatives of the stronger sex with no less than women, pleasure to discuss colleagues, jobs, bosses, talk about intimate details of their family life. So, with them also desirable to keep his mouth shut.
It is not necessary to inform employees about roughly a weekend, that a valid reason for the absence in the workplace was not the flu, and headache after booze, or tell how choose the hospital you went to relax at the resort. Discussions with colleagues in the office of the novel (as strange as his own) is also better not start, even if you think about it and already know everything. Who can guarantee that the "well-wishers" accidentally't tell me this manual? If you can't control yourself when drinking, corporate parties should be limited to a glass of wine. The language will be tied, and will not cause the next day to catch on to condemn the views of colleagues.
Of course, to sit and be silent in the workplace no one is forcing. Merely desired to talk on neutral topics, which if you want you can come up with quite a lot. For example, it is safe to speak on the subject of weather, trends in one or another fashion season, the benefits of your favorite car brand, cooking. But politics and sport psychologists do not recommend you discuss. The preferences in this regard everyone can be so different, that here and to major quarrel just. Why do you need to make unnecessary enemies.
So, in the office wars need to keep your eyes open. And if there are problems you need to solve them immediately, and not to hope that they will resolve themselves.
House Of The Sun
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