And, it seems, his expectations were rewarded. He married and now wants children in the new marriage, because the family for him to have children! He is the most die hard American cinema: Bruce Willis.
"What happened to me - the example of the American dream, and the basis of it - do not spare their Asses and work. Plow, plow, plow and to dream! "he said once Bruce Willis to journalists ' questions regarding the "formula of success". Well, the formula is simple in nature and very difficult to execute.
Bruce Willis was born on March 13, 1955 in West Germany, in the town of Idar-Oberstein. His father was an American soldier, mother is German, from local. In childhood, Bruce was called in the German manner - Bruno. Bruce Willis has always been a real "hard nut" - teachers and school friends remember him as sociable, charming, very independent and brave boy, easily would allow fists, especially if some of the peers tried to mimic his stuttering. And stuttered Bruce very much, but this did not prevent him always to ask roles in school plays.
In eight years Bruce independently joined the drama club. Went to speech therapy - while other kids parents dragged into the office almost by force. But Bruce really wanted to cure stuttering and some had him speech defects. He was still in his childhood he knew that his main desire is to entertain, and above all, he needed to learn to speak properly.
Bruce was sixteen when his parents divorced. Bruce and his younger brother David lived with his mother. It was a hard experience for animago teenager. Bruce broke. It was then that he began to drink alcohol will become a major problem throughout his life. Staggering through the streets, it was ruled by a gang of teenagers-hooligans fought. Known as the conqueror of the girls ' hearts. Fathers seduced girls were threatened with prosecution, but in reality the issue further threats not matter: as Bruce himself was a boy, and girls - all of them - were in love with him and was given to him voluntarily.
After school Bruce decided to try themselves in this male profession, in addition to the family needed money, and he went to the factory as a welder. The money was good, but was very concerned and more drinking. However, to change my life was not going: he had the bride, also worked at the factory, they were engaged... Maybe Bruce Willis would be a simple worker in a small Penny grove, if not a tragedy: during the accident at the plant killed his fiancée and his best friend.
First, Bruce was shocked with grief, he drank and went to work. Then he came around and decided that it is time to radically change the fate. Prior to this he was so afraid to take risks, afraid of failure, afraid to bet. But now it seemed to him that to bet nothing and have nothing to risk. His brother grew up and in turn began to earn a living, supporting mother and Bruce simply could not continue to stay in his hometown. Without a friend, without his beloved in his world, formed a huge, engulfing emptiness. Twenty-one year Bruce Willis seemed that life was over. And the only salvation is to start over at a new place with a new profession.
Bruce went to College, Montclair, played in student theatre, and in the evenings worked in the bar, sang and played the harmonica, he tried himself in the Comedy genre, in General entertained the audience. In 1977, do not quit the school, Bruce Willis moved to new York. Again got a job in a bar bouncer, and the bar was in the infamous area of hell kitchen (Hell's Kitchen). He still drank a lot. And regularly went to the audition. Its type is a "simple American guy", also "honest workers", was popular, but only in the episodes. But he replaced the bar in hell kitchen in the popular Bohemian Cafe Central, and work bouncers working "part of the entertainer".
In 1984 Bruce Willis came to Los Angeles to audition for the film "desperately seeking Susan".
No, Bruce never dreamed that it really was invited to star in the film with Madonna, but he still wanted to visit Los Angeles to attend the Olympics.
Casting Bruce has not passed, drunk, and with his new friends - the same as he, the losers of the acting party, as it happened to be at the TV Studio, where auditioned for the TV series "Detective Agency "Moonlight". And then fortune smiled upon him, from three thousand applicants for the main male role has chosen Bruce Willis - unknown drinker actor, who had, however, in addition to the desired type, still need life experience, which will not fake. Detective David Addison, who had to play Bruce, too, was in the past a street hooligan and simple hard worker. Partner Bruce on this series became famous at that time TV star Cybill Shepard: beautiful and aristocratic, she also played on the fact itself, and the hero Willis also not dare to dream about your boss like the Bruce dared to dream of benevolence brilliant Cybill. They proved to be extremely successful couple: all America was discussed and experienced - will love whether two detectives each other, whether the hero to seduce the heroine. Little in the imagination of viewers, the characters and merged with the performers and all of America was discussed, lie if Sybil Bruce, and how it's stupid that she's arrogant and doesn't notice that next to her such a nice guy... the Show went long. Bruce Willis was working 15 hours a day and receive 50 thousand dollars for the series. He still drank a lot and all the free time spent in the bars - he did not like to drink alone.
With a young, unknown actress demi Moore, he met it at the bar. "Sorry, you do not accidentally Greta Garbo? No? Well, well. Come on then, I'll buy you a drink... And don't refuse it, I would be offended! "said the tipsy Telekomas young starlet. Starlet not refused. Demi also liked to drink. Actually on this and they agreed. First drink together. Then together they treated accidentally ended up in a clinic for alcoholics. After treatment, they gave each other a vow never to take alcohol into the mouth.
November 21, 1987 in a hotel room, in the presence of a priest, Bruce Willis and demi Moore gave each other the vows of eternal love and fidelity. It should be noted that no vows weren't met...Cinematic career of Bruce Willis started in the same 1987.
Demi seemed to have brought him luck: first, Bruce starred as a partner Kim Basinger in the Comedy "Meet the blind", and in 1988 he played the role of policeman John Macclane in the famous "hard nut". The film was a resounding success, Bruce in this role has become a visible embodiment of the American national hero, overshadowing such supermen, as Arnold Schwarzenegger and Sylvester Stallone. Producers rushed to take advantage of the success and took two sequels "die hard", and they both were good, as well as other militants with Bruce Willis - such as "the Last boy scout", "Hudson hawk", "12 monkeys", "pulp fiction", "the Fifth element", "Armageddon".
Bruce Willis can't stand to star in the sequels, arguing that the continuation is not interesting, it's just another Chapter in what has already been seen, and he abhors serial stories since his TV work.
He agrees only when it recognizes the scenario worthy continuation of the first part: this was the case with sequels "die hard", and the third part of the film did not like the Bruce that he refused even to consider proposals for new sequels. Later relented, saying that it will be agree on the sequel, but only on the condition that it will be the best scenario as in the first Nut. No one wants to look at the big Bang. It you have all seen". However, in the fourth "die Hard", he still played. Perhaps you like the script?..
Bruce Willis had a lot of good roles. However, fellow filmmakers gave him rarely, but ambition Bruce was more evident in the choice of roles, and the lack of awards he was not offended, and in terms of fees was not as ambitious as, say, his wife demi Moore.
"Whether the money is for me the main thing in choosing a role? No, you are not, " says Bruce. - Acting - heavy thing. Not so, of course, how to put bricks or dig holes, but heavy. Physically and morally".
Bruce, very quietly, without coquetry and games in modesty, acknowledges himself to be a star. He is a very unassuming star: according to who worked with him Directors and colleagues on the set, with it enough just to find a common language.
"I don't like to be in a crowd, " says Bruce. - Especially among drunks. In America believe that if you are a celebrity, then you need something to pick at least a minute of your time. At the same time, I do not suffer from " star disease: do not require to put in my room forty candles or remove from sight all the candy green... "
The only thing it is impossible to convince it to work in the film, which he considers unworthy of his talent. Or simply wrong - from the ideological point of view. Then it will not offend any fees, Bruce will stand his ground: "I have a moral code, and I know where and when they cross the border between good and bad".
"I am the luckiest husband in the world! " - said Bruce journalists immediately after the wedding with demi. One after another, were born three daughters: Rumer Glenn, Scott Lara, Tallulah Belle. In one interview, demi said that she will give birth until, until you get a son that she wants! "So in a few years I will have eight girls", of course, added her husband.
Bruce adored daughters, he bathed them, walked with them, carried on the shoulders, hours played, met from school - to him suddenly the favorite role in life was the role of husband and father.
Ambitious demi in the intervals between births actively made a career and even managed to take a picture on a magazine cover, and not just as a model, and being eight months pregnant, she stood completely naked, what shocked the public. But the scandal is the best advertising... And demi really wanted to compare progress with her famous husband.
But could not. Neither its original beauty or success in the movie "Ghost" - nothing made her a real star.
By a strange twist of fate, demi succeeded in the profession only after he parted ways with Bruce. Perhaps she was just jealous. She wanted to become famous - and it was only the wife of a famous husband. But perhaps it really was tired of his endless betrayals and his drunkenness.
And Bruce drank a lot. And cheated on her easily and thoughtlessly. Finally, his patience was exhausted, broke the scandal, and in the hands of demi were the materials collected by private detectives: evidence of multiple infidelities Bruce. When she brought her husband all these pictures and the list of his mistresses, Bruce was furious. He stated that California laws demi will not get after a divorce is nothing: it was drawn up a marriage contract. But demi knew that all threats from Bruce - it's only words, and he actually loves their children, and we never truly leave.
For Bruce it was a shock. He even quit drinking. But this was no help: demi was set too seriously. "Demi is beautiful. Our wonderful daughter. I love them, are not able to live without them. But everything is over between us! "that - sadly said Bruce in an interview at that time.
Officially their marriage was terminated in 2000, quietly and without scandal, to the disappointment of yellow journalists. Demi and Bruce continued to meet. They lived next door. Demi confided to him about all of my new Hobbies, but that this is the true friendship trust or feminine coquetry, in an attempt to stir up jealousy her former husband? Bruce changed women as gloves, but still kept the old contract with demi: when someone of them on the set, the second one should stay with her daughters. Anyway, he was in a hurry to demi and the girls on the first call.
"Bruce was and will always be one family and can't imagine life without each other," said demi Moore in an interview with the magazine "Vogue". However, soon after forty-two years of demi married twenty seven years of Ashton Kutcher. Bruce attended the wedding and wished the newlyweds happiness.
"Can't complain about destiny - I have three wonderful daughters, " said Bruce in a recent interview. - Demi I was married for over ten years. We are very different, but what unites us is that we follow the advice of will Smith, put children first. In Idaho, our homes are very close, just across the road. Of course, right after the divorce was difficult to get married easily, and to part - Vice versa".
It seems that he still misses his family. But to the credit of demi, she is not trying to separate the girls with his father, and welcomes the active presence of Bruce in their lives. The eldest daughter starred with his dad in the movie "Hostage". However, Bruce argues that "it was honestly samples". But the producers of the film knew how loves Bruce Willis for their children and how hard you work in the presence of his daughter. However, due to the presence of daughter Bruce suffered very much during the "Hostage" because he is used to a role, and here is his girl scenario was kidnapped! "Day of filming this scene for me was worse than a nightmare, " admits the actor. We demi sent her to private school in order to protect not only the glory of parents, but also from possible troubles, including kidnapping for ransom..."
Bruce says that teaches their children to "always tell the truth. I warn their daughters from drugs, including alcohol is a legal drug".
In General, Bruce Willis is the perfect father, and his relationship with his ex-wife very well. On top of the actor is the proud owner of six mongrels: one by one he picked up and gave shelter in his house. So the question alone is he, Bruce Willis honest answers - not alone.
But in his righteous life yellow journalists to profit was absolutely nothing. Neither divorce with demi and her new marriage does not become an occasion for scandal involving Bruce Willis, and then the journalists appealed to another interesting topic: Willis is getting old! He was fifty, and everything sounded the alarm - he is aging, he is not a "die hard"... But Bruce brilliantly found a way out: the roles of Superman, he moved on to roles in psychological and Comedy films such as "the Sixth sense" and "the whole Nine yards". He is still in demand and highly paid actor. That is not surprising: Willis proved to be extremely convincing in the role of the psychiatrist in "the Sixth sense" and as a "crazy" Hitman Jimmy the Tulip in the "Nine yards". Surprising the audience with the image change, Bruce returned to his more familiar type of macho - true, old macho: he appeared in the fantastic "sin City", "Sixteen blocks" and in the film "Lucky number of Slevin", and in recent fantastic "Surrogates". And he voiced cartoons and he really likes this lesson.
Bruce is not going to go the distance, and the Directors continue to invite him.
On snide questions about age - what is he to feel fifty? - Bruce Willis turns everything into a joke: "I'm still a kid at heart. Seriously, every person, regardless of age, feels old..."
As for his personal life, for a long time Bruce was so secretive that journalists didn't know if he had some kind of personal life.
"I am comfortable one, but at the same time, I am in constant search of the mysterious woman, " said Bruce to questions about what does he hope still to find love. On the other hand, I don't believe in the oath: "I will love you forever." Who knows what can happen to you in twenty years, not to mention eternity. The most important thing in love is friendship".
In 2009 Bruce Willis was married to actress and model Emma hemming. She is much younger than him, she's only thirty-two years... But maybe Bruce finally met the woman who would become for him not mystical, but simply loved? And best friend in all the remaining years. In the end, he deserves it like no other.
Himself Bruce no doubt that Emma is the same. He even said that he was going for the fourth time to be a father! Embracing husband, Bruce says that so fascinated and shocked at her perfection that hasn't be surprised if she soon becomes pregnant. Well, this is a kind of Declaration of love.
Filmography Bruce Willis
Prokofiev E.
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