How many of them get a full load? A little. Especially from those who follow conventional wisdom: keeping the immobility of the face, later we will not have wrinkles. In spite of the preventive effort possible "to play" face, many of us on the face visible muscle "terminals": frowning eyebrows, pursed lips, narrowed eyes. The result is not relaxed, unnatural facial expression, and all those same facial lines.
If to choose between sluggish weak muscles and muscles trained, the advantage of the latter is obvious: the presence of a tone, fit, fat loss and improving blood circulation. This works for both muscles and muscles of the face.
The idea of exercise on the development of the facial muscles was born in the 50-ies of XX century. Names she too few: hasbinding (face building), yoga for the face (facial yoga), or personal training (facial training).
6 major signs of facial aging
low eyebrows and muscle tone around the eyes weakens, and the area under the brow begins to break;
- sagging lower eyelids;
- sagging cheeks:
- thin, hard lips;
- sagging skin of the chin (or double chin);
wrinkled neck.
Exercises for facial muscles cannot carry out:
- clip of the facial nerve;
within two years after plastic surgery;
during hypertensive crisis
"Face lift" of the muscles in these areas ensures a daily (or at least 5 times a week) exercise for 15-20 minutes. Outset: we talk about the basic exercises, there are just about hundreds.
Exercises to strengthen the neck
We shall warm up the muscles of the neck, tapping the right palm on the left
side of the neck from the bottom up, left - right, bottom-up. Knock
minute, gradually turning on the cheek. Similarly heated cheeks.
chin 20-30 degrees, slide the lower jaw. Feeling
the tension of the neck, strengthen it. Hold this position for 5 seconds,
relax. For the first lesson enough for 5 reps, but no
limit to perfection. Can practice it as much as you want and where
anyone (public places still advised to avoid).
parallel to the floor. Tightly stibnite teeth. Remove the lower lip and pull
her down. Tighten your neck. Hold in place for 5 seconds. Offended
the face of the child. Relax.
Lie on your back. Squeeze the palms of the front part of the neck, as if suffocating itself. When you raise your head at 1-2 cm from the floor. Hold this position, then lower your head to the floor and relax.
The second part of the exercise: lie on your back, turn the head from side to side 20 times.
Exercises on smoothing nasolabial folds
Sit down and imagine a single point in the center of the upper lip, the second in the center of the bottom. Open your mouth, "stretching" these 2 points vertically. The upper lip should be pressed against the teeth. Small circular movements smooth nasolabial folds, moving from top to bottom and then from bottom to top.
Exercises for chin
Tapping his chin with the back of your palm will prepare it for further action.
Smile to yourself. Bolder, the smile must be Hollywood (teeth exposed). Already good. Holding the teeth. Now with the power uprates language in the sky. Count 5 seconds. Relax. To feel the muscles, put your finger on the "second chin" - you will see that your efforts are not in vain.
Carefully, without sudden movements, with love to yourself and your neck, tilt your head back. Open and close your mouth, trying lower lip to cover the top. Hold this position for 5 seconds. Stop. Removed. Relax.
Exercise for lips
Pull the lips, as if trying to kiss the mirror, hold on a moment. Relax. Repeat the exercise for a variety of sending her reflection a kiss.
Smile, clenched jaws. Lips with a force push to the teeth. After a couple of seconds, relax. This exercise is aimed at fighting lip wrinkles.
At the conclusion of the cycle for lips, make known exercise: proboem sound "On", rounding the lips. Five seconds will be enough. Sing well! The applause. The curtain. Relax.
Exercises for cheeks
Lower jaw down, as if you have something very surprised. Lips took the form of the letter "O". The maximum strain region of the lips and cheeks. However cheeks become sunken. Count to five and relax.
Make artificial smile: stretch lips as much as possible, the teeth in this tightly compressed. In order not to provoke the formation of wrinkles around the eyes and lips, can hold these places fingers.
These exercises raise and rounded cheeks.
And a small recommendation: apply cream massaging in a circular motion from the corners of the mouth up to the ears. This simple method tightens the muscles and tones the skin of the cheeks.
Full relaxation of the muscles entity
The final stage of gymnastics. If you sit, the head must have support, if possible, lie down. Close your eyes. Mouth shut, but the teeth are open. The tip of the tongue does not touch the teeth - this will help to relax facial muscles. For enough rest for 5-10 minutes.
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