Monday, December 29, 2014

10 facts why you should regularly visit your dentist

10 facts why you should regularly visit your dentistDentists are an important part of our lives. But some people don't think so - here are some tips from the American dentist.

1. Strengthening teeth.
The dentist will help keep your family teeth throughout life, pre-warn You about the problem and will resolve without intervention, assigning the necessary liquid, or other medication to maintain good dental health.

2. The cancer.
Every hour, someone in the world dies from oral cancer. Only a dentist can make the right oral diagnosis and catch the signs of oral cancer early. Leave this task to the professionals, and do not forget that doctors do not replace a dentist in this case.

3. Periodontal disease can be prevented.
Regular cleaning can prevent this serious disease of the gums from the beginning, and its distribution in the future.

4. The treatment of periodontal or gum disease.
No one can know how seriously advanced periodontitis. This is important, and you should visit your dentist to determine whether the disease begins to affect you. The sooner you visit the dentist, the better.

In the dental center "Megastorm" you can try on a new method of dental treatment - dental treatment laser (laser dentistry). Read more about this method and rates you can find on the website of the dental center

5. Periodontal disease can be prevented in the early stages.
This can provide benefits for your health, in addition to the oral cavity. Periodontal diseases have been clinically observed that contribute to the development of cardiovascular disease, increase the risk of stroke, and can also increase the risk of premature birth in women, and low weight of the baby at birth. In addition, it is dangerous for people who suffer from diabetes, respiratory diseases and osteoporosis.

6. A dentist can detect other diseases at early stages, in contrast to a family doctor, including hypertension and diabetes.

7. Have a whiter and more attractive smile.
It is important to understandable reasons, isn't it? A visit to the dentist can remove many common causes staining. You can consult, and continue to undergo bleaching and treatment.

8. You can save money by detecting dental problems at an early stage.
If the detected decay, and treatment at an early stage, this prevents the need for more costly care in the future, for example, if the decay reaches the pulp of the tooth, it is necessary to bring the treatment of root canals. If the decay was detected previously, only a small restoration or filling would be good.

9. Setting the right standards for your children.
Teach children to visit the dentist at an early stage allows the child to develop a positive view of dentists, and will help to prevent future fears, and in addition, these visits can be very useful for other reasons.

10. Regular visits to the dentist will save you from losing their time in the future. Research in the health field has shown that poor dental health can also significantly reduce the performance! Dental pain can cause a person not to go to work. Secondary infections can lead to serious illness, and then have to undergo treatment for the same reason that were required to visit the dentist regularly.


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