Monday, December 29, 2014

Most heat. All about deodorants

Most heat. All about deodorantsThe choice of deodorant is a serious thing. What details there are and how they properly Orient? Advises the candidate of medical Sciences, dermatologist Natalia Pavlovna Stukanov.

What is the problem?

- Actually two problems - the sweat and smell. But first a little about the mechanism of sweating. More than three million hard-working sweat glands continuously produce sweat, without which the body could not maintain a normal temperature. The pot is completely safe - this moisture has no smell. But in the armpits, and on the soles of the feet and gentle intimate places, prefer to settle germs and bacteria. Connecting with the moisture of sweat, they emit a sharp, sometimes unpleasant smell. Today to get rid of the smell of sweat is a lot of money. The freshness and purity of the most effective help deodorants. But, by purchasing them, should understand a lot of things.

Spray or talcum powder, cream or stick?

Deodorants in the form of a spray, as a rule, more effective for sweating. They give a pleasant sensation of cool freshness. Sprays, unfortunately, are not always suitable sensitive delicate skin prone to allergic reactions. Moreover, this type of deodorant is the most uneconomical. Sticks, available in pen form, convenient for travel: not spill will not be scattered and will not occupy much space in the Luggage. They, like ball counterparts, rarely cause irritation, although overreliance on them can lead to dry skin.

Deo-gel and deo-creams are quite expensive. They are perfectly soften the skin, and their action is prolonged. Perfumed scented only excellent for summer evenings. They cover not only the armpits, and chest area - satiny, and the outfits will not appear semicircular divorce. However, deo-only not suitable for very dry skin.

Deodorant, antiperspirant or two in one

If the pot is sharp and unpleasant smell, it means that your skin is very comfortable with bacteria. On their destruction directed the action deodorants. Ideally, when using deodorant potootdelenie remains, and the smell disappears.

Part of deodorants is one of the substances such as triclosan or farnesol. The first is a strong effect. It is at the root interrupts the reproduction of microbes, but does it too aggressive. Farnesol obtained from the synthesis of essential oils, among which tuberozov and sandal, not so effective, but spare the natural microflora. This caveat should be considered fair-skinned ladies with sensitive skin. They preferred to use the funds on the basis of less drastic farnesol.

If your body produces too much sweat, but it is not noted a pungent smell, it is better to help antiperspirants. They greatly reduce the sweating. Included in their organic salts of aluminum and zinc partially clog the excretory ducts of the sweat glands and reduce the amount of sweat loss about two times. No sweat - no bacteria. No bacteria, no odor. Outside, wet environment "odorous" bacteria just not live.

"Excellent, will buy antiperspirant and will lose all problems," you say. But the point is that the normal microflora of the skin you sweating - otherwise the skin will lose its natural defense. So always use aggressive antiperspirants is not worth it. They are only good at short-term use. Today a number of manufacturers offers deodorants, antiperspirants with double effect - it reduces sweating and kill microbes. These tools can be safely classified as the most promising.

As a doctor I should note that if you are unable to get rid of the sweat and smell using hygienic cosmetics, you should consult a doctor. This disease, as hyperhidrosis associated with profuse sweating, often points to the nervous and endocrine disorders, and is also a symptom of metabolic disorders.

Perfume odors

Perfumed deodorants give fantastic composition, flower and fruit aromas. Supplements-odorants used in deodorants-perfumes, do not differ from those that are added to Soaps, creams and perfumes. All kinds of deodorants only temporarily, just for a few hours, choke smell, as very little effect on the sweat glands and bacteria. Generally deodorants perfumes rather be classified as a light perfume. They choose those lucky ladies who do not suffer from the abundance and the smell of sweat.

Deodorants on alcohol

Alcohol, as we know, has antibacterial properties. Which is why it is included in many anti-sweat. Most often it is the ingredient of solid deodorants. A significant disadvantage of alcohol-containing preparations is the ability to degrease the skin, and therefore, if long-term use of such deodorants cause dryness and irritation of the axillary. If the deodorant includes alcohol, it is desirable that he was enriched with vegetable ingredients. Herbal extracts: chamomile, succession, mint, ivy - usually soothe the skin and reduce irritation.

What to remember when using deodorants

1 Put all the money only to clean, dry skin.

2 Regularly, especially in summer, remove hair from armpits - "lush" holds an unpleasant smell and is a place for bacteria to grow.

3 If redness, irritation of the skin in the armpits should temporarily abandon deodorants-antiperspirants and deodorants containing alcohol. In this period you should go to talc or baby powder.

4 do Not use antiperspirant on a daily basis.

5, do Not apply the funds before visiting the baths or saunas, heat may cause skin allergies.

6 With the spirits can only be combined deodorant unscented. By the way, they define the trend today hygienic cosmetology.

7 If you still combine scented deodorants with spirits, they must be of the same series. Mixing of odors not only "scare" others, but also can cause the growth of bacteria.

8 If after applying deodorant appear on your skin redness or itching, do not use deodorant.

9 for sweating limit yourself to eating spicy food and strong coffee and tea - they "push" the sweat glands.

10 do Not wear clothes, close the cut armhole. For warm weather preferable things from natural materials.


Roman A.


The truth.Roux

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