Why do we need it
Maybe there will be skeptics who will say: what led the child to the theatre today, when every house has a TV, VCR and DVD and in stores is full of cartoons for every taste. So is it worth spending the time and money? But the abundance of cartoons is one of the main problems of our civilization.
Today's children are learning to use the TV remote before going to the potty, and TV (along with your computer) from early childhood is for them almost the only channel of information about the world.
You cannot deny that this information is organized and structured differently than in the books, and does not have the usual features of the text. It is quite possible (and this is confirmed by modern research in the field of neuropsychology), when working with video and computer files are included other parts of the brain than when working with literary texts. And as a result, children disrupted the formation of the text of thinking. We can arbitrarily to complain about this, but to stop the rapid growth of information technology is impossible, and most importantly - completely pointless, as it is impossible and pointless to try to prevent children to use modern media.
But you have to understand that today's children more than ever need to learn to be readers themselves, they didn't do it. What it means to be a reader? This is not the same thing Boyko and without errors to read allotted by age the number of characters in a specified period (although with this unfortunately, many children today do not handle! ). Being a reader is to engage in an internal dialogue with the author and the characters, empathize with them and try on their experience. The child, accustomed to active reading, enters favorite literary heroes in your game space: draws them, pretend play, comes up with new conflicts, even sees them in his sleep. And this can help in precisely the theatre.
The theatre could not be more suitable to the individual child's perception - it acts immediately on all the sensory systems of the child: not only sight and hearing, but also smell, touch. Good performance not just serves as an illustration of the product on which it is delivered, it complements and deepens literary work allows the viewer to experience - even the smallest - such layers of text, which escaped when reading.
Theatre erases the distance between fiction and reality, allows residue to dissolve into what is happening. Unlike the movie, theatrical performance involves a much greater degree of conditionality: by means of theatre, drama and puppet, not all can show how to actually", there is always the element of the game, the beginning of which the viewer as if to say, "Let's as if... ".
While actors and puppets - not somewhere far away, behind opaque glass of the TV screen, and here, very close, just to lend a hand. And they turn not in space, but directly to the audience, sitting in front of them small audience, and between the hall and the actors set a special touch, mysterious, intoxicating interaction, for which millions of people go to the theatre, and hundreds - become actors. That is, in the theater, the child is not a passive consumer of information, as often happens while watching a cartoon, but an active participant in what is happening. A good time to see the spectacle is able to turn over the whole inner world of the child, to make him a completely new way to see a long time ago a familiar book. Now, go to the theater.
What you should consider (tips seasoned moms)
The trip to the theater for the baby, especially the first one, a huge feast, infrequent, long-remembered event. What should be considered that the baby was not disappointed that the impressions have been preserved for a long time and was awakened in the child's interest in the book?
Let's start, as expected, with "hanger". Or rather, even earlier, with cash. Never take children to the theatre hoping to buy at the entrance "extra ticket". If you're not lucky, the child, nastrojschika on holiday, will not just disappointed, and thunderstruck. Not too difficult to plan a cultural outing and to buy tickets. If the play difficult to get, that's okay, better look while other, less fashionable statement, and a few months later, when the excitement wears off, go and coveted premiere.
Well you might want to find out about the play that you are going to look at: read reviews, ask friends. The child may protest, seeing unusual or too extravagant interpretation of the beloved tale. Not worth it led to very young children too terrible performances: even the most terrible cartoon produces less impressive than it seems much more innocent theatrical "horror stories". Ask what kind of actors are engaged in the play. If the composition is known to be weak or actors absolutely unknown, it is better to go to another show: an untalented actors could teach baby hostility to the theatre.
Do not plan a trip to the theatre, if the child is overwrought or over-stimulated by the abundance of other impressions: birthday, visiting, moving to a new apartment, and so on, don't go to the theater immediately after the illness, when the baby is weakened, and in the period of epidemic influenza: a large gathering of children easily pick up any infection.
Do not be tempted to look fashionable statement, if it comes at a time when the baby is used to sleeping. A tired child is unlikely to appreciate the play on advantage will be capricious, will emerge from the rut.
Now about the "hanger" take Care that the child was comfortably dressed and you don't have over an hour out of him in the crowded lobby (and then put back) thirty-three warm clothes just to show off in a delightful velvet suit or air dress. You can pick a stylish yet functional clothing, in which the kid will look elegant, but which will not cause a lot of trouble.
Do not resist the desire of the child definitely go to the theater snack bar. You could explain to him that he came to join the art - will not help. Lemonade and cake is also a necessary part of the holiday. If prices in the snack bar you can't afford or are very reluctant to stand in the queue, it is not hard to outsmart baby: buy in advance juice and sweets, and then, leaving the child in the lobby, "go" for them in the snack bar.
Children under the age of two and even three years in theatre in General led is not worth it, they get tired too quickly, and the theater is a special sign system, and very young child, most likely, just do not understand what is happening. In General the degree of readiness to enter the theatre can only be determined individually: if your baby is able to sit quietly, carefully watch and listen, not afraid of the dark and will not run during a performance in the hall, after two and a half years you can go to the first performance.
What theatre to choose?
Drama theatre - this is a fairly conventional art, and to his perception of young children are not yet ready. In addition, in adult theaters performances for children rarely do at the same high level as the basic repertoire: the participation in the children's performance is perceived by the actors and Directors as a heavy duty, distracting from the main job.
In theaters with children can go from four to five years. While it would be better if you choose a specialized children's theatre (e.g., theatre). If I want to take your child to adult theater, select a good classic Comedy of Moliere, Shakespeare, Calderon). Even six-year-old kid, and especially the middle-school pupil will gladly laugh at the simple UPS and downs of the characters of silent Comedy, and a great language and colorful decorations will help your child to enter the world of high literature.
Opera and ballet
for perception is even more difficult than drama, so to teach him a child needs much more care. Be sure to tell the child what the Opera or ballet, tell us about the musical instruments that make up the orchestra. Maybe we should start not with a full performance, and the concert of the individual Opera and ballet. In any case, do not tragedy, if not preschooler will enjoy musical theatre. Perhaps he will find love at an older age, when you come up to the masterpieces of Mozart and Tchaikovsky.
For the first steps in the world of theatrical art, of course, is best
puppet theatre. Very often, parents think that puppet is something very serious, unpretentious farcical fun that will entertain the baby, but is unlikely to seriously contribute to its development. But actually the puppet theatre can be real, high art, not exceeding in severity and the impact of the drama theatre.
In addition, the puppet theatre has a special, endless scenic opportunities. Actors theatre can be a tiny elegant table dolls, and masterfully crafted puppets, and Trastevere dolls, peeping out from behind the screen, and large, of a man's height, ground dolls and masks, and even shadows. As varied may be the stage: and all the familiar screen, and open stage, and upholstered in velvet "black Cabinet" in which among the cleverly spaced rays of light are lost actors in black velvet suits and masks, and it seems that dolls like yourself soar, surrounded by magical lights.
But the puppet is a special art, which requires the highest professionalism, filigree technique actors, puppeteers, kind and skillful hands of the artist and master puppeteer. Otherwise, as is, unfortunately, often happens, the show will resemble the speech of Amateur drama club, and it will not save even the best play. So the choice of puppet theatre should be approached very seriously.
Children's theaters
Kiev academic theatre of young spectator Linden was founded in 1924 A. Solomenskiy and I. Deeva. First premiered November 8 - play "Mowgli". With theater collaborated izvestnie figures of Ukrainian art: A. Buchma, V. Tatlin, K. Koszewski, M Foregger.
For 80 years the Kiev academic theatre of young spectators were replaced with 4 spaces, only since 1954 the theatre is located in the Lypky district at the cave. The venue with two stages and auditoriums at 408 and 80 seats.
Kiev academic theatre of young spectator meets the aesthetic requirements of all categories of audience - familiarizes kids with the tale, introduces students to the world of literature, gives young people the magical atmosphere of direct communication with the actor. Older viewers will also find in the repertoire of the theatre a lot of standing.
Address: Lipsky, 15/17.
Phone: 253-6219.
Kyiv State Academic puppet theatre
is one of the oldest puppet theatres of Ukraine, the theatre was founded in 1927. In 2002, for his huge contribution to development of Ukrainian theater, Kiev State puppet theatre was given the status of academic theatre.
Kyiv State Academic puppet theatre is a very good theatre for children. When you get bored of watching the kid raised on cartoons about robots and intergalactic wars, it's time to remember the true national character, and a better place than the Kiev State Academic puppet theatre will be hard to find. In the theater kids are in for a pleasant atmosphere, fresh repertoire and is a great game and all this will give the child a good mood.
Address: Grushevskogo Str., 1 -.
Phone: 276-58-08, 278-0556.
Kiev municipal academic Opera and ballet theatre for children and unsectarian in 1982 and in 2002 was awarded the title of academic. In a team - Opera and ballet troupes, a Symphony orchestra, good company promotes national Opera and ballet art, speaking with great success in Europe, Asia, America at various International festivals and tours. This talented, professional musicians: singers, dancers, instrumentalists.
Kiev municipal academic Opera and ballet theatre for children and youth during the years of creative activity produced more than 80 plays, 40 delivered for the first time. Now in the repertory of about 50 bright productions, highly appreciated by domestic and foreign press.
Address: Ul. electricians, 2.
Phone: 425-4280.
Marionette theatre founded in 1989, thanks to the imagination great desire and efforts of the Director, artist, actor M. Yaremchuk and its adherents.
Over the years of its existence, the puppet Theatre has gained huge popularity in Ukraine and beyond its borders. His presentation " the House that swift built" and "the Cherry orchard" was awarded the theatre award "Kyiv Pectoral", not once actors were brought prestigious awards from international festivals, where the theatre was Ukrainian art.
In the heart of the creative quest of puppet theatre - creating original plays for children and adults on the motives of the best works of world literature and Ukrainian folklore. Actors have a special higher education, completely mastered the technique of recovery puppets and acting - this team is unique in that it is the only in Ukraine. The performances take place in the chamber hall with 100 seats.
Address: Kiev, street P. Sahaidachny, 29/3
Phone: 417-3058.
Stein A.
Magic lamp
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