Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Why do we need wetgrass and how to grow house wheat

Why do we need wetgrass and how to grow house wheatWetgrass, or wheat grass juice, is becoming more popular. And this is not surprising. Someone wants to use this miracle elixir to postpone old age, and someone to cure a number of diseases.

So, what useful wetgrass?

1. Improves immunity

2. It may help slow the aging process, improves endurance

3. Contributes to the formation of connective tissue, which helps in the healing of erosions, ulcers, open wounds

4. Able to prevent the pathological changes of DNA molecules. Some researchers believe that the chlorophyll blocks the first stage of the transformation of healthy cells into cancer cells. Thus, it is also antimutagens. As well as a powerful prevention of cancer.

5. Removes from the body toxins, clears all bodies

6. Acts as a mild diuretic

7. Improves the function of the thyroid and pancreas

8. Helps with anemic conditions

9. Regulates blood pressure

10. Improves intestinal

11. Prevents hair loss, strengthens and whitens teeth

12. Cleans and rejuvenates the skin

Wetgrass: contraindications

As with any medication, wheat grass juice is one contraindication - wetgrass not be consumed by people with stomach ulcers and gastritis.

To grow grass in the home that will provide the required quality of the product, as there is self-control.

To grow wheat at home need:

1. Wheat
2. Soil for flowers or sawdust

3. Capacity depth of not less than 5 cm

4. Paper napkins and polyethylene

Day 1. Pour the wheat into the tank and fill it boiled water at room temperature so that the water covered all the grain at the level of 1-2 cm Wheat should be in the water about a day.

Day 2. Profile of wheat in a colander. At the bottom of the tank stacked paper napkins, fall asleep back grain and cover them with a cloth. Then pour in the capacity of a small amount of water, just to completely moisten the cloth and leave it for some time until you see a tiny white shoots. After drying, the cloth must be periodically wet.

Day 3. Fill containers prepared soil. The layer of the earth must be at least 3 see the Bottom of a wicker basket cover with polyethylene, so that when irrigation water is not leaking. The surface of the earth sprinkle water and uniform dense layer distributed grains of wheat, which does not need to be uminati, nor to fill the earth from above. Cover with a cloth, moistened with water and polyethylene, which make a couple of holes for air circulation. All containers placed on the windowsill.

Day 4. Liberally wet the cloth with water morning and evening.

Day 5. Remove the polyethylene and the napkin with sprouts. Pour times a day. Pour the wheat is not worth it, otherwise it will mouldy.

Germination of wheat at home can be a great source of health, because the juice from wheat grass are able to rejuvenate and cleanse the body.

According to the materials:,

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