Farewell, youth!
A year ago, much less two surrounded by a crowd of fans of Ashton Kutcher, the new star of TV and film, became famous after the movie "Hey, where's your car, dude? ", "Married" and "my boss's Daughter", and could not think that his carefree life will suddenly become a "family" serious. And with whom? With Demi Moore! He wanted, it seems, all my life. With 12 years at least, when I first saw her in "Ghost". This reference was brought to the Megastar mad...
When the last of his love before meeting with demi Moore, Brittany Murphy, actress and just "Barbie doll", I learned that they are no longer together, they fought long hysterical. To give it a young and loving, the one that only uses cute boys as vibrators, and then gives them resign", and the body which is probably already covered indecent unpleasant folds and wrinkles... However, what she, Brittany, had hoped? Their romance was, from the outset, though not seriously. So, rave. Like most other novels and Ashton, lover relationships with models, and to her. And as the heroine of her latest film, "City girls". But still... This guy seemed to her good, him she, perhaps, would go further in life, offer it to her hand and heart.
But girls waiting for this moment! Sometimes it seems that all tales about love, all love story for the sake and come to light that the man mumbled: "marry me," and it strongly, waving her arms and screamed at first, "Oh! " and something beating accidentally pushed down on the floor, whispered, almost fainting from happiness: "Yes..." What happens then, can one voice, as slim Georgian choir, precandidate 99, 9% of couples. Bytovuha, claims, then Yes... But the moment the "gift" of the heart is so romantic... And Ashton now what will be a "heartless goat"?
Okay, okay, it's just a bad joke...
So what Brittany? She almost immediately after separation from the insidious Ashton met with ordinary commercial Manager, who did not take the girl out of his nose, and took and called her to wife. She took and agreed. Not even looking in the direction of the former star boyfriend and his new older girlfriend.
Such a typical model of a person, like Kutcher, often decorated with representatives of sexual minorities. However, this playboy in homosexual relationships has not been noticed. Moreover, before I get into amorous network demi Moore, he was carrying mostly with delicious stuff. Only one star of this "Playboy" on the cover, she showed her charms, what is worth. Their love was passionate and brief as unbalanced lighter. Well, how else can have those characters? True, and they, of course, in the end, the dream of eternal love and warmth of family nest. But while young, lit. That's Mr. Hollywood party predicted the fate of the "spree before gray hair Lovelace". And he take it razocaro all. And how!!!
And it is not from the point of view that, well, settled down on big love, and all that. He at some time in the eyes of some celestials became an outsider. First, as an actor. Yes, popular, but movies all TraceVue, too pop (the last film is an exception). With such records special career does not make. Secondly, it is simply not understood and even felt that the relationship with demi it discredits again as an independent unit of Hollywood. He even broke a couple of projects. With him just yet didn't want to deal with, calling it "another boy Moore".
Moore or Moore?
But Moore or Moore that "fault", but the guy is clearly growing. In a recently released in wide screen sci-Fi Thriller "the butterfly Effect" Ashton played a dramatic role - a guy who could return to their childhood in order to solve the problems of his adult life, preventing the most terrible events. For example, the death of his girlfriend. And in the end to understand that all will be well, only if his life is not going to happen this love. Hmm, maybe it is, as they say English people, "message" for Ashton?..
...So what are they whispering and crying from time to time laughter, future mother-in-law and daughter-in-law? Well... They have something to talk about, that having many children mothers. Both after all three children. And, of course, the main topic of their boy, their adorable Ashton. Demi was so in love that can't even control myself not to follow him on the set. Comes when you have time, and watching her lover, enjoying. Of course, while she's there, none of leggy young girls to Ashton not approaching closer than five metres.
And she, demi, was not an exception among 40-year-old women who have got young friend. As soon as Roman whirled her head seriously, she felt a second wind, dropped as much as 100 thousand. E. plastic surgery, diet and exercise. The victim Ashton - thrown Brittany. However, from demi is not a victim. This is an incentive for itself. Anyway when large income is a sin not to work on improving their beauty. But before the meeting with the "boy" Moore was conscious of a hermit, doing only children, almost never appearing. It can even be called depression by Hollywood account...
Strange Trinity
Demi and Ashton met on one of kinetosomes, and Moore immediately summoned the youth to take boat trips on the yacht of her fellow rapper to an island called Paradise (it is already translated into English). The walk was fatal.
...And here he kneels before his Queen knee, takes over the wrist, puts on his shimmering diamonds bracelet, recite the sacred words and freezes in anticipation of the answer. The Queen says, "Yes! "
And then scatters news: wedding newlyweds appointed for Valentine's Day and the celebration will be held in Las Vegas, will cost a tidy sum. Aha! Contrary to this, the groom publicly angry and shouts that all of this newspaper fiction, nothing more. The wedding if there is, then it's not February 14. The couple were married on September 24 2005
Asked whether demi "approval" on a new marriage with her ex-husband, the father of the children - Bruce? Whatever there is between them no matter what happens, they have repeatedly spoken: demi, Ashton and Bruce. And once even came together for the premiere of "Charlie's Angels", starring Moore after a long "sabbatical leave". Demi kept both men's hands. I found many evil languages, who whispered and laughed at this "Swedish family". Trinity was totally devoid of any prejudice. High, high!
Flour dust
Where Kutcher come from Hollywood? After all, he's not even acting education. He just one day lucky. After school he went to study in the University as a biochemist. Needed money, so he worked at one of the factories is sweeping the flour dust. History (if not composed its agents) accurate contact with the work turned out to be banal and old as the world. Noticed him at the bar one of the model agencies and offered to serve the podium. Kutcher won the boys competition models and almost immediately a trembling hand signed contracts with themselves Versace and Klein. Well, after photos in glossy magazines, friendship with people from the business model beyond the film world Affairs with Actresses and models and offer to play. All, the track was beaten.
Now there's a new trail - love-family. Because demi and Ashton, if not joking, I want to have a baby...
Filmography Ashton Kutcher
Molodtsov A.
Arguments and facts
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