Monday, December 29, 2014

Directly from your computer: exercises for the neck

Directly from your computer: exercises for the neckTo strengthen the muscles of the neck and chin regularly do the following exercises. Starting position: hold your head straight.

1. Tilt head to the left and slide under the jaw to the left shoulder, return to its original position. The same right.

2. Tilt your head forward, return to its original position, then back to its original position.

3. Tilt head forward and turn it to the right shoulder, then swing it back, turn to the left shoulder. Return to starting position. The same tilted to the left.

4. Tilt your head back, while pull the lower jaw forward and up, trying lower lip as if to get the tip of the nose. Return to starting position.

Exercise repeat 5 times in each direction.

Try to at least five minutes a day to walk with a thick book on her head. You thereby get rid of double chin and get easy beautiful gait and a straight posture.


Women's Magazine

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