Historically, that at different stages of the life I've had to deal with the selection of a variety of staff, from the technical to the creative. And to be honest, many resumes, for which, perhaps, was hiding a great staff, and remained unread or were sent to the trash immediately after reading only due to the fact that their drafting authors reacted, to put it mildly, devil-may-care.
If you're a typical homebody and didn't want to get a job, whatever they say your man, just follow the following tips.
What's in a name?
In the algorithm for compiling and sending the summary of this item would be the last. But as soon as the specialist on the staff gets to know you from this, it will lead him at number one.
When you send e-mail with the story of his violent labor, it is not necessary to put it in a letter in the form attached file: you can simply copy the text in the "body" of the letter. After all, HR is definitely nothing to do, so he can easily copy everything in Word, if you want to print.
How to call the file? Well, needless to say, the "summary" or Western-style "resume"! You're probably the only one who responded to the vacancy, so a personnel Manager, seeing a file with the same name, will immediately understand that emotion. In case the selection of personnel in companies engaged in some slowpoke in the subject line again write "resume", then he will understand exactly what was happening, especially if it is not one, but several vacancies.
To accompany summary of some text is optional: it is clear that time you sent it, so I want to work for them. But it still will say that a lot of letters, and to read will not.
By the way, is very convenient to apply for a job with someone else's mailbox. You can't even imagine how exciting to get a letter from Xenophon Archibaldovich some information with the attached description of the career of Natasha Petrova.
And HR really like when in the field "sender" are different "kitty", "posacki", "witches" and other animals.
Names, passwords, turnout
What interests of the employer in the first place? Of course, the experience and the skill level that you have in there. Therefore, the contact information can be omitted: you don't give your address and phone number to the first comer! In the end, if you want to contact, there is your e-mail (well, or Xenophon Archibaldovich, it will pass).
Another fashionable in recent trick is to specify the mobile phone number without the code operator. Let HR will try to decide this quest!
My universities
On information received education can not bother, just enough to indicate that it is higher. You, of course, clever and finished a lot of different courses, but it is for the soul, right? So not worth mentioning.
Was my case in practice, when the girl sent a resume for the post of accountant, but in the "education" somehow meant that she graduated from the Conservatory. Naturally, I immediately threw resume in the trash. If she hadn't called back to ask about your chances, no one would have never found out that she graduated from the school of accountancy and already 5 years helps keep accounting my dad entrepreneur.
Nobody is forgotten, nothing is forgotten
But to come to the most important point is the description of the experience you need with the utmost care. In the first year you sold Avon, then six months worked in MacDonalds, then there was a waitress in a cafe during the holidays, then you brought in raclawice ads? Your commitment to making money deserves to be commended, but is unlikely to be interested in a company that is looking for an interpreter.
So what experts advise to specify the last 3 jobs or choose from the entire experience one that will be important for this job? Let everyone know that you all tried! Think CV is 4 pages tenth point, but none of your movements towards career growth will not remain without attention!
Form or content?
In General, it is unclear why reinvent the wheel and try to build something digestible, if you can visit the site any more or less decent human Agency, download out a finished form, fill it out and send it out to all vending companies? Think, in the header and footer spelled out the details of the recruitment Agency! Yes and the fact that companies involved in employee selection, why they develop different forms for workers, office personnel, managers, IT specialists, you should not worry. But all will see that you know how to use the Internet.
It is important to remember that the CV is the sort of thing that is created once and for all. Therefore, it does not matter what position you are applying for, stay true to yourself and don't change any of the letters. Can the same person be the principles!
More creativity
Most importantly, of course, what is written in the summary, not how it looks. So about formatting text and giving it a more or less "no" to not worry, especially if the position that you are interested in, assumes fluency in MS Office.
But if you are in the mood and inspiration, you can dream up: more text selection, different fonts and font styles. Especially nice looks the abundance of flowers on the same page. And if you decorate summary amusing katrinka, it generally will be.
To combat the personnel officer on the spot, you can prepare a presentation in Power Point or come up with something good." The main thing is that the file "weighed" at least twenty megabytes. Then you just will remember and probably will be asked to come for an interview.
At a glance
In an age when man was no longer seen as a meaningless cog in a huge mechanism, personality need to put the emphasis. In detail describe all of my Hobbies, especially if it is extreme sports - let the employer know that you are jumping with a parachute and at any moment can break a leg. This will allow him to accept the need to pay for your hospital before you will be hired. Their personal qualities also describe as detailed as possible and preferably as magnificent, let everyone know that you're not huhry-muhry, and the dream of any employer!
P.S. If you, contrary to expectations, I still want to get a job, do not spare a couple of hours of time to make a really decent summary, after reading which, as an HR specialist will be able to get an adequate representation of you and your qualifications. In the end, he is a man, too tired and irritable, so you need to protect yourself from getting your message got a hot hand and said "damn, teach nor learn the same repeat! " was not read at all.
Girls about important
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