Insight into the history of
That music has a beneficial effect not only soul, but body, said the ancient. Music was treating neuropsychiatric diseases, in the middle ages tried to use it as an anaesthetic... But all these experiments were conducted with adults.
As told by doctor of medical Sciences, Helena Petrovna Bombardirova, the influence of music on children first in our country began to study the eminent neuropsychiatrist C. M. Bekhterev in the early XX century. Already then it was clear: it helps children to listen to classical music and lullabies that music is not only developing children, but also heals them.
Ten or twelve years ago, scientists of the Institute of Pediatrics decided to find the scientific basis of the method of music therapy. And the first patients who received treatment with music, steel newborn premature separation.
What research has shown
In children, suffered from a lack of oxygen during fetal development, whether they are full-term or premature, normally, the enzyme activity of cells is reduced. After the babies were allowed to listen to classical music, the enzyme activity of cells was increased. It showed cytochemical analysis. Babies also measured blood pressure, heart rate, breathing rhythm. And everywhere they saw the classical reaction of adaptation: the body has adapted to the environment and felt better.
Maybe the children react to any auditory stimulus - the ticking of the clock, the conversation? Maybe harmony and melody nothing to do with it?
The researchers included infants metronome, which beat a slow rhythm in the rate of soft music. Outwardly newborn behaved well: calmed down, he fell asleep. But cytochemical analysis dispassionately noted: on the background of a running metronome in the cells is the inhibition of enzymes.
This, among other things, proof that rock music with a strong pulsating rhythm harmful to young children.
When babies left the hospital, the doctors recommended that their parents and home, along with massage, special gymnastics and exercises in the water to continue music therapy sessions. Parents have a different attitude to this Board, then someone gave my child to listen to music, someone-no...
But when a year later, all these children were tested at the Institute of Pediatrics, find out interesting things. Babies who constantly listened to classical music coped better with neurological disorders than those whose parents did not believe in the healing power of music therapy. So there was reliable statistics.
What kind of music should listen to the babies?
Children excitable, restless useful tunes at a slow pace - "Adagio", "Andante". These are usually the second part of classical sonatas, instrumental concerts. Since the beginning of their studies, our doctors relied on the experience of the Germans in this area in Germany was most literature on this issue in their programs was dominated by German and Viennese classics: Mozart, Schubert, Haydn... Then added Vivaldi, Tchaikovsky...
This can be, for example: part 2 "a Little night Serenade" by Mozart, "Winter" from "the seasons" by Vivaldi, duet Lisa and Pauline from Tchaikovsky's "the Queen of spades", a lullaby.
And the melody with the words affects children is stronger than the melody without words. And live voice - stronger than written to disk or tape instrumental performance. And no matter what language they sing, newborn well listen, for example, Brahms lullaby or Christmas hymns in the German language.
And for babies with the syndrome of oppression that suck bad, sometimes even irregular breathing, useful works in tempo "Allegro" and "Allegro Moderato" by Mozart, Schubert, Haydn... for Example: waltz from the ballet by Tchaikovsky, "the Troika" of his "seasons", "Spring" from "the seasons" by Vivaldi, and marching tunes.
Music therapy sessions are well affect healthy, normally developing children. After all, and sometimes you have to calm down or, conversely, to cheer up. So can this be done using relaxing or energizing music.
In no case do not give to small children to listen to music through headphones. Our ears are by nature adapted to the ambient sound. From directional sound immature brain can get acoustic trauma.
Music therapy is contraindicated
- babies with predisposition to seizures
children in poor condition, which is accompanied by intoxication
- patients with otitis
- children who have dramatically increases intracranial pressure
Rest at the cellular level
Now parents have a great choice - they can buy cassettes and CDS with classical music in the traditional version. Or cassette classics arranged especially for kids. There ensemble instruments entered bells. Someone such arrangement like it, some don't. You should see how reacts to it your baby. But cytochemical test this manner of performance is not passed to the lab now has no money for expensive reagents.
And still sold records of classical music in the background sounds of nature - sound of the stream, surf, the sounds of the forest... Audiocassettes and called: "the Kid in the woods", "Baby by the sea", "Little river"... Too pleasant medicine.
Listen to music together with your baby and relax, because mothers restless babies just need a good rest, at the cellular level.
Arguments and facts
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