But everything changes, and has already gone to the region of memories of times when things were really so bad. Now in any optical salon decent level you can find for a child frame, which he will wear with pleasure, feeling not a pariah, but the first mod in the class. A wide range of models, colors, new materials for lenses glasses of punishment for a child turn into an elegant accessory and are taught from childhood to define your own style and personality. And this is the key to future success, confidence. If the child hesitates points, it will tease, when proud - he will be envied. Children do not have a clear criterion "glasses - bad", just a children's team does not forgive uncertainty, instantly identifying shy, hiding a child's face low place in the hierarchy, and another, more lively the bespectacled leader position.
It's very simple - you do not want your child to be teased? Buy him glasses, which he will not be ashamed.
Currently, the production of high quality and elegant children's goods industry, which may not be unprofitable by definition, but the competition is very high. Therefore, manufacturers are forced constantly to keep the brand". Of course, the buyer benefits - wider range, more choice, and unreasonably increase prices no one can afford. Manufacturers are turning to a small customer and treat them with respect, despite the fact that the buyer will get their own purse. And the goods increasingly prominent reflect exactly the needs of children. This fully applies to the optician.
Manufacturers of frames and lenses for children are forced to take into account two features of its products: first, children's glasses should be functional and safe; secondly, their design should reflect the features of the child's mentality, and adjusted for the fact that it significantly varies from one age group to another.
Frames and lenses for glasses children currently made to produce so that the child with glasses didn't feel restricted in freedom of movement. Fragile plastic and glass lenses in the past. The most popular materials for frames, titanium and similar properties of the alloys, cellulose acetate, Kevlar - those who are strong enough and impact, and Flexural strength. Because in order to grow strong and healthy, the child needs an active holiday. Playing in the yard with the ball, skipping rope, riding a bike, climbing trees - all children need to become agile and brave. If the child will be afraid to break the rim, he will be forced to abandon many of such entertainment. But the frame of Kevlar or titanium try and break it - she will survive and the mess on the hill, and falls from height. Because made of Kevlar body armor, and titanium are the most important parts of the fuselage of the aircraft.
High-quality children's frames are made without screw connections, flexographic hinges, which increases their durability. For the little ones - and for the most active are also the temples of the points made in the form of a hook, such glasses are not so easily fall away from the face, and some models are equipped with a flexible, springy ear hook. The skin in children gentle, so most companies covers the metal temples special soft covers, these temples will not grate on the ears. The child frame rests not so much on the nose as it is on the ears, so special attention should be paid to the fact that the headset was comfortable, not pressured, not hurt, not stuck in the ear.
The most popular material for children's eyeglass lenses is polycarbonate. He does not beat - polycarbonate lens withstands even the charge of medium-caliber shot, and if the child sharaeza to break or split polycarbonate lens, it will not break into sharp shards that can cause eye injury, and just crack or split into two fragments with a safe edge. In addition, the polycarbonate is a relatively easy material in comparison with mineral glass, and the glasses create for a child less discomfort. Even more light-weight organic material is Trivex, which just recently appeared on the market. Spectacle lenses made from this material as elastic as polycarbonate, and are a good solution for children's glasses.
Most of the leading manufacturers of ophthalmic lenses produces for children all the same line, for adults, and, therefore, the toddler can use well-chosen points with the same pleasure as his parents. Aspherical lenses are deprived of edge distortion, very comfortable for the child, which requires a fairly wide field of view. Bifocal lenses are now also look much less rough than before. Produced and photochromic and polarizing baby lenses. Already starting to gain popularity progressive lenses for children, which is the optimal solution for a child who needs constant wearing of glasses for certain diagnoses. These lenses are specially appointed by the doctor.
Spectacle lenses, if they are issued by the manufacturer of the world level, not only ensure the safety of wearing and not wearing the child, but also provide additional functions: all quality spectacle lenses protect the eyes from ultraviolet radiation, which for children is particularly important. In summer, kids spend a lot of time outdoors, so eye protection and safety from excessive ultraviolet radiation they just need, children's eyes are particularly sensitive to the negative effects of UV radiation.
Childhood is the period in which is laid next the potential. It is known that there are no children from birth deprived ear for music - there are kids who have not studied music at all or had poor; no children, by nature devoid of color sense and proportionality - there are children in the education which the drawing was not given enough time. It's the same taste in clothes is laid at an early age. Things surrounding child at an early age, have an impact on his psyche, imprinted in his mind as "correct". A few years later, when confronted with the team, the child discovers that not everything that he believes the only true, as perceived by peers. In the children's company the concept of "fashion", right and wrong in clothing, toys, and other personal things hardly more significant than among adults.
But if adults are more important criteria are the prestige of the brand and quality, the children in each age group has its own accents, often incomprehensible to adults. "Why should we buy this hot pink with green monster when you can choose something more modest? ", - said the mother, coaxing her to abandon liked her "absolutely appalling" from the point of view of mothers rim. And for her five year old daughter this frame is very-very cute. Because such points from her favorite cartoon character or game. What to do? On the one hand - rim seems tasteless, on the other - I do not want to put pressure on the child. No need to impose a child of their choice, but you can show other examples to explain that the frame should not only like, but also to approach clothing, pins. But, in any case, the choice should be for the child: if forced to choose for him, he will obey, but the dislike of points is not going anywhere. You would like every day to be worn on a person thing that you don't like it, but it was chosen for you by someone wise and all-knowing?
In primary and middle school students their own characteristics. The world-famous bespectacled Harry Potter is quite a convincing argument to agree to wear glasses. Many mothers ought to thank JK Rowling for creating such an image. But, if glasses, preferably exactly like Harry Potter. Most manufacturers consider these trends in children's fashion and additional optics for children many children labels. Frames with your favorite cartoon characters and movies, heroes of the computer games, games and magic items are very popular among children.
Older children who are already children-it is difficult to say, probably teenagers, often familiar with the fashion parents cleaner. They are very susceptible to advertising that hits them from radio, TV, youth magazines. Any teen can can you name five brands of clothes to wear that cool! ". Usually, at this age, most teenagers are focused exactly on the mark, its prestige in the youth team. Therefore, most of the leading manufacturers always have a teenage line. Teenagers don't impress Mickey Mouse and Harry Potter, girls at this age want to quickly grow up, they are attracted by models that are well-known Actresses and pop stars, the boys also have their idols from the famous action hero to cool hacker. In any case, these images belong to the already adult world. Here the children are faced with a significant problem for adults rims they don't fit, baby - at style. But there is always the opportunity to find scores of teenage lines simultaneously and adults in style and small size.
School-age children often choose frames similar to those that are recognized leaders team. Many parents do not like this choice for their children, the criterion "as washi" or "so all go! " for them is not worthy. However, personality is not something that can be taught under duress. You can explain to the child what to wear or glasses as the other unwise; but not volitional decision to deny your child in this purchase. Any education of individuality does not occur, is the substitution of one steering the beginning of another, and the child is still deprived of the opportunity of their own choice. Besides, not every child is mentally ready to make your own choice and wear it results proudly. All children are different - someone not afraid to "off", some prefer not to stand out from the team. One sets the fashion, and the other prefers to follow her. Before rejecting the argument "like everyone else", think about how prepared is your child become a trendsetter in its class. If not, create it additional ground for self-doubt.
The choice should always be for a child. Parents can set a price group, but in the available range "from before" the child must make his choice. Parents should speak for him competent consultants to explain the basics of the compatibility of colors and materials, concepts, personal style, practicality and reliability. But to choose "the same, a single" frame should a child. So, as parents choose for themselves...
The family site
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