Monday, December 29, 2014

What can I do to prevent nails from breaking

What can I do to prevent nails from breaking

Most women believe that men like us. Therefore, the clock time for about a mirror, trying to make his face more attractive, to emphasize the clothes their best shape. And rightly so! But do not forget about such seemingly inconspicuous details as manicure. Believe me, the man will pay attention to such a small thing as your nails, and inadvertently can compare with marigolds other person. Manicure at home is simple, just a desire to be irresistible. Do this step - curing nails, a manicure, and then decorate their fingers chic rings from

Bitten nails, pale greyish-yellow, with the presence of burrs - agree, not the most pleasant picture. What to do, what steps to take if your nails began to break and become unimportant? Here are a few tips on how to restore the health of your nails at home. For starters, try to determine what the condition of the nails began to deteriorate.

Possible causes include the following:

• Improper diet;

• Lack of vitamins;

• Inadequate care;

• Recent illness;

• Poor functioning of internal organs.

To install it cause breakage and strange appearance of your nails will be a qualified doctor. He will also advise the special means by which you can avoid such unpleasant infections of the fungus. If you have good test results, the doctor has not found any deviations, you can try to sort out the problem without leaving home.

Consider a few known effective methods that will help to improve the health of nails.

1. Among the most effective means of improving the condition of the nails, celebrate with the salt bath. In order to prepare such a dish, you will need water at room temperature, one teaspoon sea (ocean) salt. Keep your hands in the solution for 20 to 25 minutes;

2. Bath with warm oil. This may be of vegetable or olive oil, which add oil vitamins (vitamin e, a, D, and others). About 20 minutes keeping the fingers in the mixture, then dry them in a cloth and smear the remaining vitamin oil on the surface of the nail;

3. Lemon juice rubbed into the nail when the very first symptoms of stratification and fragility;

4. Add in the diet of foods rich in vitamins and trace elements.

Once the Shine and health back to your nails, you can take on the imposition of the favorite color of nail Polish.

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