"Go for a walk? "
For the most part, children voluntarily go for a walk in any weather. Torrential rain and Gale-force wind stops not them and their parents. The closer the child is to the various manifestations of nature, the more independent he thinks, the more diverse the approaches finds. It's so great: jump through the streams, building dams, and even pull out the boots stuck in the mud.
"How does the earthworm? "
The one who initially has a positive perception of nature, not to lose him throughout life. But it all starts with a leaf caught in the stream; with the little ones puddle, which is so interesting to look at; with colorful books, where it is written, who is called; with beetles and spiders, which the child picks up.
"The focus with peas pepper"
In a glass bowl filled with water and thrown several goroshkiv pepper. They swim quietly, but once you lower your finger in the water, what happens to the force of surface tension of water, and "trained" the pea will flee to the edges of the bowl. Perhaps the child will want to continue the experience and see what happens if you throw small pieces of paper or leaves. (Four years.)
"Magic pictures"
Take your child to copy. This is a very exciting thing. Put a sheet of paper, cover it with carbon paper, put any picture. Have the child trace her. Appear on the sheet "magic picture". For the child who has not yet sufficiently well developed motor skills, it is not an easy task. But it gives a lot of scope for creativity, because you can discover other copying techniques, for example by the method of forcing. (Five years.)
"Beautiful fragrance"
The recipe of "baby perfume at home is: to collect, showered rose petals and Jasmine flowers, put in a bowl to stamp and cover with water. Delicious-smelling water to pour into another bowl. Make sure that the child has not played with poisonous plants!
"As the Sun travels? "
Plug in the sand ordinary stick and watch with your child, both during the day changes the direction of the shadow. Using stones mark, where falls the shadow from the stick at ten o'clock, eleven... Maybe this experiment will be of interest to young researchers. Then you can continue the experience and build a sundial with minutes and seconds. Now is the time to tell the kid as there is a change of days, months, years. (Five years.)
"What will the weather be? "
At home you can make a sufficiently accurate for predicting the weather. This will require regular pine cone. Stick the cone scales up in a piece of plasticine. Under one of the scales shove a straw. If the air is dry - scales of the cones will be tightly pressed to each other, respectively, the straw will be directed upwards. This will be the sign of good weather. If, on the contrary, the air is humid, the scales will begin to open and the straw to fall lower and lower. (Five years.)
"How strong the wind? "
To monitor the wind can be made from scrap materials the chopper. This device will allow you to judge how was the wind yesterday and what it has become today. (Five years.)
"The rain, the rain and doggie"
Precipitation is also amenable to study. Just take a bowl with a flat bottom and strengthen the bottom line. How much water (in centimeters) will fall outside the hours? (Five years.)
"Starry sky"
Clear starry sky has to talk about the distant worlds, about the moon, about the possibility of life on other planets. Necessarily show the child on the horizon of your favorite star, draw together different planet. Usually, this kind of talk is preceded by serious questions about the Earth's rotation around the Sun; strange "behaviour" of the moon, which is something more, some less; that somehow, some planets have names and some don't. And yet, you may have to show on the globe, where is the equator. (Five years.)
Almost every child is unusually willing to tinkering with water: brushetta, lets swim ducks or boats, digging ponds and constructing dams. There is no limit to imagination, new ideas will arise constantly. And because you can build from stream channels.
"Don't frighten the imagination! "
Children are constantly innovating. Playing with a maple leaf, the child suddenly realizes that this sheet with a pattern similar to grandmother's hands. And the other kid grab an Apple and think: what if it's the very thing that the evil stepmother poisoned girl from a fairy tale. Do not distract such fantasiosa children their conversations. Such fantasies and reflections for a child is very important and interesting.
"Forest of silence"
Many children are so used to the constant background noise, which is very surprised, once in the forest and not hearing any other sound except the singing of birds and the sound of the leaves. And it's so important to listen to the sounds of nature.
"Do not destroy! "
Day in the nursery inevitably ends up cleaning. Many children do not understand why they have to disassemble just built a castle out of blocks, because the game still could continue tomorrow. The best option in this situation is to go to the child to meet. Better together remove all after the game is over.
"Quiet! "
Try sometimes to have "reserves of silence". Must be time spent without TV, phones, computers; a time when you can work out in the silence with something.
"My treasure"
Many children are very willing to save the treasure. They can be, for example, the objects found in the Park: stones, twigs, plants. To the category of treasure can be traced and painted shells or cartons. Don't throw them away! They are really very important for a child!
"Be patient! "
No one wants to interfere in that time, when he is on the verge of some discovery. When the baby something's making, he's proud to know that myself until something thought. And here you come with your ideas for improvements. Take your time, let him bring in his life, not your idea. (Five years.)
"Treasury of knowledge"
Young researchers are constantly finding new material for their research, and the toy is quite difficult to cope with this role. Often, this function is performed by the most unexpected things that are more interesting than the best toys.
"You use it? "
Small children will fit most simple things from the category of household. Popular daddy's shaving brush or my mother's plastic Cup. And yet a variety of advertising catalogues that you can browse in different directions, socks that can be pulled not only on the legs, and on his hands, caps and umbrellas... (two years.)
"What are you making? "
Ideally, when in the same room or in the attic, collected a lot of material from which something can make: cans and cardboard, wooden boards and a variety of paper, straws for cocktails, brushes for cleaning Smoking pipes, rope, tape and even a variety of items that you may need young "masters" to make, for example, a skyscraper or a doll house, or maybe even a space station. (Four years.)
"Paper and scissors"
Now has come the time when the child has already learned how to use baby scissors and begins to discover all the new things that can be made with paper, scissors and glue. Violent delight is the fact that from a simple paper suddenly occurs mask or garland. The most important thing that brought joy to the baby, that he took pleasure from the result. (Four years.)
"And the material can be found everywhere"
Children embody their ideas with unprecedented ingenuity, finding the most unexpected use of the things that surround us. If there is not enough space on the table, it takes up the whole floor space, where for a long time "settles" a box of material for future articles. It can be the most unexpected objects: package from eggs, reel toilet paper, colored paper, a set of colored cardboard, bottle stoppers, pens, glue stick, baby scissors. Most children will be delighted with this collection of useful materials. With all this you can build whatever you want: from ocean liner to the zoo. Here are useful and your tips.
"Comprehensive worldview"
Hearing, sight, smell and touch are the keys to our business. If you want to make your child a pleasant, then watch what gives him pleasure, and choose classes based on their discovery. Let during the games will be more jobs of this type.
"Big celebration"
Already in early childhood toddler with delight makes a noise, using all possible subjects. In the course are rattles, keychain, lids on pans... He seems to say "Hooray, I can make noise! ". If you notice that such pursuits are receiving increased attention, subscribe, try together to find a loud celebration". (Four months.)
"Not enough of sweets? "
If the kid knew how to stand up for themselves, perhaps he would be in terror fled from the abundance of sweets, which his parents are stuffed: with the main dishes, cakes, juice... Look, please, and suddenly he has different taste preferences! (Two years.)
"The dog - man's best friend? "
What happiness written on the face of the child when he is stroking the dog, and he wags his tail and looks at him with love and devotion. But be careful! Try to keep a dog or a cat is not scared baby. Select animals with a gentle nature. (Two years.)
"Music is more than just a song"
Absolutely everyone has musical talent. It is not necessary to study music and learn to play musical instruments. Singing, dancing, ability to clap is a manifestation of these abilities. Children love to beat the drums, choosing its own rhythm, dancing under it. They can remember the tunes and get to know them, to hear the music the expression of joy, rage and anger... Music can calm them down and, conversely, to excite. If you teach your child to music in early childhood, perhaps he wants to sing in the choir or learn to play musical instruments. The music is very closely connected with the development of intellect. The musical children do not have problems with speech and mathematics. The best age to start music lessons for one year prior to school.
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