The psychology of wealth write all and Sundry. There are millions of books. The world - popular authors, Brian Tracy, Klaus Joel, John Kehoe, Bob Proctor, Joe Vitale - and their scribes organize trainings and seminars around the world, what actually rabatyvaya millions. In the States the psychology of wealth is already known to fifty years. Maybe that's why there's much more millionaires than any other point on the planet. Moreover, it can be anyone. The path from zero to millions in the account has done many.
Readers of inspirational books on the psychology of wealth confirm: all authors talk about the same thing in other words. And in this there is absolutely nothing strange.
We are accustomed to with problems related to health, to go to the doctor, and domestic troubles to friends and girlfriends, which will vest and will always comforting, and some will even help with practical advice. Often we want to solve psychological problems themselves without the help of a professional reading <> books and articles on pravticheski psychology and a long think over the situation. Our mind and soul is not much different from other human organs, such as liver or heart. Therefore, to treat them should a professional. To this have all come. But let's not digress from the topic.
So, what is the psychology of wealth?
John Kehoe is one of the famous authors lived in a poor cabin, ate what and have not had even one extra penny. During this period, poor life, he invented his psychology of wealth, and after three years he lived exclusively in the presidential apartments. With his first step changed life. The secret is simple: he tried consciously to see the abundance all around. I have a lot. This should go in the head. He was counted berries, wild grapes, which are eaten for Breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Many would suffer and ache from his meager lunch. It turns out that he had not enough food, but on the contrary, a lot of grapes. He had not a few dollars, and a lot of cents.
The key point here - thanks! What can you say of the universe thank you? Just start to notice the wealth that you have now, even when you think just a little and say thank you for. If you are reading this article, you must have a computer, have a roof over their heads and access to the global network. It is much more than John in his time. Yes millionaire John Kehoe at the time only dreamed about what you already have. Every day think about what you have to say thank you, and after a couple of weeks you acknowledge that reasons to be grateful will become much more.
After the recognition of the abundance in your life, start to use the image of a millionaire. This is a fun game, you need every day to behave as if you are already a millionaire. You don't think about debts and credits, restaurant menu read from left to right, and not Vice versa, don't start complaining about inflation. You are already rich, so don't worry.
Budget planning is important. It should not be the place to black holes. If you have a gap, then something is not organized correctly.
Here are some exercises from books:
Esther and Jerry Hicks offer the following game. Get a notebook and write on the first page: "Today I received 3000 UAH. Below gladly "take" of this amount, detail of decoration that and at what cost to buy. Every day increase the amount received twice. When you mentally to deal with all the current expenses and household needs, you will earn fantasy, which will help you to feel truly rich man.
Joel practicing another exercise: it is in the wallet magic hundred dollars, and, passing by shops and cafes, mentally again and again spends the money. During the day, so you can "spend" a few thousand dollars, then your subconscious will sigh with relief: finally you truly rich man!
Remember sloba Buddha. "We are what we think." Think about the money and they will come. Read financial Newspapers, learn about investing and the economy, think about ways to increase revenues and to find an additional source. And opportunities will begin to appear. This scheme works for centuries.
Skeptics will say: "If it all works out and everything is so simple, why there are so many poor people? " I guess the answer is obvious. From numerous readers only units actually engaged in their own development. It's not magic and not magic, and work on yourself and settings subconscious.
Commitment, control over thoughts and slovanom, constant work on yourself - these are the components of success.
According to the materials
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