Many people experience a burning sensation in the eyes, redness, blurred vision, double vision subjects, rapid fatigue. These are all symptoms of "computer vision syndrome" - pathological response of our eyes to an excessive load. This violation at the initial stage does not cause severe visual impairment (maximum, we lose up to 1, 5 diopters), and therefore, the vision is still possible to return to painless methods. How to restore eyesight on their own, said the ophthalmologist Elena Olenic.
Water treatments
The contrast of warm and cold water increases the circulation in the retina. In the morning 20 times splash in the eye with warm clean water and 20 times cold. Or take 2 large pieces of fabric. One dip in hot water, the other in ice. Attach a cloth dampened in hot water, to the eyes for 2 minutes, then apply to the eyes for 1 minute cloth soaked in water with ice.
Gymnastics for eyes
It provides improved blood supply to the eye tissues, increases strength, elasticity and tone the eye muscles, strengthens the muscles of the eyelids, removes fatigue. First, close your eyes and "look" right and left 10 times. Then make a circular motion with the eyes: clockwise and in the opposite direction (10 times), not opening his eyes. Open your eyes, keep the pupils of the eyes to the nose (10 times). Go to the window, look carefully at the close, well visible part (a tree branch, a speck on the glass), and then look into the distance, trying to look far. Finally, close your eyes and using your nose as an elongated handle, write something in the air, for example, your name and surname.
With sight glasses-trainers resemble a colander: instead of the lens - black plastic die in a hole. During such training artificially decreases the diameter of the pupil, resulting in increased clarity and enhanced visual acuity (10-30%). Glasses-simulators are beginning to wear from 5 to 15 minutes 3-4 times a day, increasing the duration of the session for a few minutes daily. The healing period lasts about a year. The main thing is not to buy a fake. Recently in pharmacy there are many fake "holes", which are cheaper, but can only do harm. The value of good equipment - 100-180 USD.
To restore sight in the initial stages of the violations are and through sport. The main thing - to choose this type of training, where the constant refocusing of the organ of vision, and therefore gymnastics for eyes. It could be tennis, badminton, football, basketball.
7 rules for prevention
1. Don't read lying down. If you read lying on his side, one edge of the book nearest to you another, so setting eyes on the line is constantly changing. If you lie on your back and hold the book in hand, the major vessels of the neck that carry blood to the brain, are clamped, and from this have affected not only the vision.
2. Don't read in the transport. Because of the chaotic movements of the bus will "jump" and your eyes, which is very increases they load.
3. Equip the workplace. Computer monitor set so that the screen does not read, and make sure that the top edge of the monitor is slightly below eye level. Characters and images on the screen should be 10 times brighter than the background of the screen.
4. Take breaks. While reading do not forget to take breaks from three to five minutes every 40-50 minutes. The optimal time of watching without harm to the optic apparatus 1, 5 hours per day. If your main work is connected with the PC, not the whole cosmicboy working day at the monitor. The pace is already six months or a year, your vision will fall on a couple of diopters. Every hour do relaxing exercises for the eyes or simply close them and rest.
5. Wear a special computer glasses. They will significantly reduce visual fatigue and improve accommodation.
6. Wipe the monitor. Regularly monitor the special cleaning with a damp cloth, which will remove dust and stains that can irritate the eyes.
7. Moisturize the eyes. During the working day, use special eye drops, tear replacement ("artificial tears"), which will moisten your eyes and relieve inflammation. They are sold in pharmacies without a prescription.
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