In many cases, girls, women follow generally accepted parameters beauty 90-60-90, dropping just superfluous weight, in pursuit of the "perfect figure". How to maintain weight after diety usually such superfluous pounds in a short time retried. It happens when the girl stops to sit on a diet and goes to the normal power mode.
Return this weight, the body "thinks" it is natural. So arranged our physiology. The body strives to maintain the relative dynamic constancy of the chemical composition, constant body temperature, regulate the composition of blood, lymph... (this phenomenon is called homeostasis). The physiology of the body also includes maintaining a certain amount of fat mass. As a result, if we spent those fat cells that our body considers inviolable reserve, he has to make maximum use of the incoming nutrients to build fatty tissue, or to reduce the level of metabolism, thereby saving energy. So first evaluate whether it is necessary to lose weight.
If the pounds you dropped were really unnecessary, the weight after the diet is to keep quite real. Excess fat is not healthy, the body is ready to give up. But... we have to help him. In order to maintain the desired weight for a long time, not necessarily to keep the hard constraints. Simply observe moderation in diet. Here is when the difficulties begin.
A good option poslednego power is a kind of "rule of the plate." The peculiarity of this diet is that you can eat any food, BUT according to certain rules. For this you need to pick up a plate, which is designed for a second course, its diameter should be at least 25 see This plate should be divided into two halves, one of which is split in two parts. Exactly half of the plate we leave for fruits and vegetables, one quarter is filled with lean protein, and the rest - foods rich in complex carbohydrates. This rule must be observed during each meal.
The advantages of this power:
- no need to count calories and calculate the necessary amount of proteins, vitamins, minerals, fiber and so on,
- you get a healthy and balanced diet in the required quantity,
- you have the opportunity to be completely free in the choice of food and to eat what you like, the only limitation is the "rule of the saucers,"
and most importantly, don't have to keep your body in starvation and constant constraints.
Of course, the first time it is difficult to constantly limit yourself to food. If during the diet you can console yourself that we have to wait a little more, not less difficult period of stabilization weight lasts as a rule, the longer the diet and all this time I want something to chew on. Over time the body gets used to this diet, but this time there need to survive, and it is not easy.
It is here that come to assist special drugs that reduce appetite. These are the SUPPLEMENTS for weight loss that are made from natural vegetable and protein components. Among such components often use cellulose, pectin, fucus, Garcinia, guarana, chromium, chitosan and so on, These drugs reduce the desire to eat sweets, they also normalize appetite, taste this in no way violated. But using the Supplements, you have to understand that they are not a panacea, if you were to do this, a sedentary lifestyle, it is necessary to accustom the body to love physical activity.
A few more tips for those who want to maintain weight after a diet:
- Include in your diet only boiled, stewed or grilled dishes. Try as little as possible to eat fried vegetables, meat and fish.
- No additives! Even if you are guest and the hostess offers you a Supplement, firmly say "No".
- Abstain from alcoholic beverages, they only increase the appetite. You can only drink dry wines, as they are actually useful for digestion and metabolism. But keep in mind that everything should be in moderation.
- Try to take in food in basically natural products. In order to be sure that food is not added various flavor enhancers, have to cook for themselves.
In the period of beriberi (winter and early spring), you must take complex vitamin preparations. If your diet is very poor in vitamins A, C, E and the minerals Ca, Cr, I, K, Mg you should take vitamins.
- Do not eat while watching TV or reading. Try to eat slowly, completely tuning in to the food consumption. This is the only time to feel satiety.
- Do not starve yourself, the best time to eat than to swallow calorie cake.
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