1st fact. The more often weigh, the faster you lose weight
Principle: lose weight without weights - is bad. Studies have shown that overweight people who were weighed daily, lost without dieting 6 pounds for the year, those who once a week - only 3 kg And who did and forgot about balance, lost 2 lbs. this effect experts explain that regular weighing keeps women in a tone that makes you to control the number of servings, calories and relate nutrition with lifestyle. And this is despite the claim that the constant thoughts about the weight, lower the self-esteem of the beautiful half of humanity.
: sveshivalas daily. The rule is to keep a diary, where you will enter all the data.
2nd fact. Cheap - best of
This is the case when the price is set. But not in the sense you are used to. If you have spent a lot of money on fancy scales with the system determine the percentage composition of body - fat, muscle, water, nothing but unnecessary concerns you have acquired. American physiologist Kara sea - specialist weight loss says: "I always discourage their patients from purchasing scales that show the fat content in the body. Because this figure often has nothing to do with the actual amount of fat. The fat percentage readings will vary depending on the amount of fluid you drink". But not worth very much to save and buy the home of mechanical scales, as experience shows error less still digital.
Council: buy a simple digital scale with memory, but without the parser.
3rd fact. Weight during the day can be changed to 2, 5 kg
More than the change in mass during the day is affected by the fluid, including the one that comes with the products. Do the math: calories obtained by you from one liter of soda, if you will not burn, will settle on your sides 50 grams. But if you stand on the scales immediately after he drained the bottle - then the arrow will show 1 kg. Look to the ladies ' room, and uzvesties after, most likely you will lose 500-700 grams.
Don't forget that water is consumed on the breath, sweat, tears - per day you can lose about 1 liter of liquid. And another note on food: salt and salty foods water retention in the tissues. The weight affects the menstrual cycle. It is very important to consider all the facts. Pickled cucumber eaten today at lunch, not promises an increase in weight tomorrow, but the extra 100 kcal for Breakfast, lunch and dinner, will lead through the year to the appearance of extra 15 kg
: to obtain an objective picture, sveshivalas every day at the same time in the morning on an empty stomach after a visit to the toilet, naked. Thus, neither clothes, nor what other factors will not affect performance. Don't worry if today the scale showed 50, Look at the General trend. Weight can jump from day to day, but from month to month he should fall. And if you noticed that he began to grow the time had come something of me in his way of life!
4 fact. You can become slimmer without losing weight
At the University of California conducted a study: women aged 50 in a period of 12 weeks I worked on the bike and follow a food, which would not allow them to lose weight. As a result, if women and weight indicators weights, losing only 500 grams, but the size of their service decreased by 2 sizes. Fatty deposits decreased by 7%. In other words 2 kg of fat turned into 2 kg of muscle. Because muscle tissue structure is more dense, volume 2 pounds of muscle to 2/3 less than the same amount of fat. However, to achieve such results need to exercise regularly.
pay attention to other indicators. Measure hip circumference and waist. Watch sitting on your clothes and as you have energy.
5 fact. Position on the floor, has the value of
Note on the floor: it is whether it is suitable for placement of weights. It should be flat and smooth surface. If the floor is covered with carpet, the scales do not show the exact weight. Any pile "reduces" values. Even some expensive scales equipped with special sensors for use on carpet, do not guarantee the accuracy "as in the pharmacy".
: Sveshivalas always in the same place. Even if the scales show the weight is not very correctly, you will be able to assess the overall dynamics. For accurate measurements, find in his apartment Piglet with a smooth, hard surface. Just in case, check the accuracy of scales, weighing them down with a pack of rice or sugar.
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