Protein diet pretty hard migrated: deprived, the body requires carbohydrates.
These two diets have many fans, but disputes (especially among professionals-nutritionists) cause no less. In the popular press to the heavens extol their advantages, however, many advantages, in fact, turn into disadvantages.
Let's try to clarify the most contentious issues and to dispel the basic confusion about "protein" diets.
Misconception 1: all evil from carbohydrates
So according to Dr. Atkins and unknown parent Kremlin diet. Partially they are right: carbohydrates flour finely ground, polished grains, as well as actively added food industry in products available sugars (glucose, sucrose, and so on), actually increase caloric intake and promote weight gain. However, there are also many useful carbohydrates such as sugar, vegetables and fruit, pectin, polysaccharides, without which our bodies simply cannot function normally. Because carbohydrates fuel your muscles and brain, regulate the bowels, support beneficial intestinal microflora, are involved in the metabolism of proteins, synthesis of hormones and enzymes.
Depriving yourself of carbohydrates, we subject the body to a serious danger.
Misconception 2: protein diet easy to follow, because you do not need to count calories
According to the authors of protein dieting: calorie intake really doesn't matter, important is only the content of carbohydrates. In the Atkins diet in reducing the phase is allowed to use not more than 20 grams of carbohydrates per day, to support the phase - 40, "Kremlevka" more loyal: 40 g of carbs per day for weight loss and 60 g to avoid weight gain. So what is considered still have: no calories, carbohydrates.
Find out how much you naeli, will help special table food nutrition that is available in most cookbooks and books on diet. And you will need an accurate scale to determine the mass products.
In essence, the calculation of carbohydrates is even more difficult than the calculation of caloric value: in many cookbooks and magazines calorie meals, like time, is specified, but the content of nutrients, including carbohydrates - no. Those who are trying to keep protein diet, regularly eating outside the home, even harder. Hardly in a cafe or restaurant will provide you with accurate information on "prevoditelj" food.
Misconception 3: on protein diets lose weight all
Refusing bread, cereals, pasta and most fruits and vegetables, people taken hostage by a very poor diet. By reducing calorie intake a lot and really helps to quickly lose weight.
However, there are exceptions. At the initial stage of protein diets in the list of approved products are mainly meat and poultry, fish, sausages, rare dairy products. In this "antimilitarism diet easily exceed the quota fats. This means that the total caloric content of the diet may even increase, and the weight loss will not happen. In such a situation most likely to be fans of sausage and sausages, because the protein in them is small, only about 8%, but fat from 20 to 45%, so that, unlike meat, these products can be called not protein and fat.
Misconception 4: after protein diets you can eat everything and not gain weight
Diets that provide a stable result after graduation and transition to a regular diet does not exist. Return to your usual lifestyle and nutrition are equivalent and return to the previous excess weight. For some, it takes a few months or even weeks, more lucky trying to enter initial body weight for 1-1, 5 years.
Those who wisely begins to expand your diet with fruits, vegetables, and legumes, are in a better situation. Those who on the next day upon completion of the diet eats cake, washing it down with sweet lemonade, could easily revert to a previous kilograms.
By the way, in the review of the National registry of body weight (USA) have shown that among people who have been long-term to maintain a reduced body weight, Atkins diet has been very few.
Misconception 5: protein diet can be followed indefinitely
People who long period lasted on the Atkins or "Kremlevka", units. Protein diet pretty hard migrated: deprived, the body requires carbohydrates.
Even when switching to maintenance mode, provide for the use of 40 or 60 grams of carbohydrates per day, the body suffers from their lack. This is reflected in violation of all metabolic processes involving carbohydrates, and high content of nutritional protein and fat does not improve the situation. As a result suffers appearance, decreases immunity, reduced physical and mental endurance and activity.
Disclaimer vegetarian diet leads to deficiency of some vitamins (C, P, b group) and minerals in the body. Lack of fiber causes dysbiosis and disorder of the intestine. In addition, prolonged and uncontrolled compliance protein diets can lead to the formation of kidney stones and gall bladder, the deposition of "salts" in the joints and spine, increased risk of malignancy.
Low carb diets attract naive fat women the opportunity quickly enough to part with a large number of extra pounds. The prospect of a decrease in the size (or two) makes you forget about the possible complications, especially because the authors of these diets reported in a very vague form.
Meanwhile, reasonable limitation of carbohydrates at the expense of sweets - translation cakes, cakes or pastries in the category of holiday and not everyday dishes; replacement of conventional bread on the grain and the rejection of high-carbohydrate foods and fast food lead to results not the worst. Of course, the weight decreases slower than on protein diets, however, health is not falter, and lost weight will not return.
The Atkins Diet. How it works?
Belousov A., dietitian
Be healthy
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