For this you need to know the following:
Before you delve into the details, try a better idea of the issue as a whole.
For example, when you take to read difficult books, don't try to break through the text from cover to cover. First, examine the table of contents, Preface and introduction, review of the titles of the individual chapters and sections, tables, figures and diagrams. All this will greatly facilitate the understanding of the book.
Regardless of whether you're building a house, whether the development of the network of public transport or choose the Vice - before deciding, try to see the problem in General.
Don't make decisions until you consider all the options.
Disclaimer careful deliberation solution is valid only in case of emergency: fire, flood, or earthquake. In all other situations hasty decision makes us sorry about it or to spend significant additional efforts and resources in order to eliminate the undesirable effects of haste. The best way is to try several solutions and to make a final conclusion is based on the first results of their implementation. One should not neglect the old wise saying, existing in various forms in many cultures: "sleep on it". Maybe tomorrow morning you will find the most rational solution of the problem.
't doubt.
Even the universally acknowledged truth that should cause you to have doubts, and you should not be afraid to reject it. Edison solved the mystery of electricity only because he had enough courage to doubt all the claims of his famous colleagues: if they tried to get the light, reducing the resistance of conductors, he has done just the opposite - increased resistance. The result is known.
Try to look at the issue you are facing with many different points of view.
Even if the chances of success seem to be minimal.Sometimes instead of moving forward step by step, it is better to "go back", that is, from the desired goal - the problem that gave rise to the need for decision-making. Here is a simple example. Suppose we want to know how many matches will consist of tournament players, which of 1025 participants need to choose the best. Certainly most of us will start from the beginning: 512 matches (but remains one maristany" participant"), then 256 matches (again one maristany") and so on, meanwhile it is sufficient to understand that each of the participants (except one) have to play one match in which he will lose. Therefore, we immediately obtain a ready answer: you need to 1024 match.
A typical example of such a strategy - chess or poker.
Look for a model or analogy that can help you better understand the problem to be solved.
This can be verbal model or graphical, mathematical formula or scheme. It is difficult to overestimate the value of analogies - we all know how important role in the development of theoretical physics has played such analogies, like "wave" or "particle". Charts and diagrams allow us to capture the complex and extensive problems in just one glance. More complex mathematical models, but they give the opportunity to present not only the correlation between different elements, but also the impact of changes in one of them the others.
Ask as many questions.
Sometimes just one word spoken or heard in passing, helps to find the right solution. Remember Hammurabi, the mighty ruler of ancient Babylon, which replaces the question: "What needs to be done so that people could get to water sources? "revolutionary at the time the question: "How to make water come to people? "
Correctly a question sometimes can radically change the content of the response. Once a young monk asked the Abbot if he could smoke a pipe during prayer, and heard in reply categorical prohibition. Then the more experienced monks explained to him that the answer would be quite different if a newbie asked if he could pray while Smoking.
Not satisfied with the first solution that comes into your head.
Try to find its weaknesses, try to find another solution to this problem and compare it with the first. Remember that the basic principle of knowledge, a comprehensive validation of the obtained results with different tests.
Before making a final decision, talk to someone about their problems.
This conversation will help you to relax, organize the problem and see new aspects. It is also worthwhile to hear what others will say. They may be able to see something that has escaped your eyes.
Do not neglect your feelings.
Of course, the leading role of logical thinking and common sense in problem analysis and decision making without doubt. But can not be understated and the value of feelings and intuition. The feeling that you define the words: "I felt very strongly that the rights of(a), deserves to be treated seriously. As a rule, it does not lie to us.
Remember that each person looks at life and emerging everyday problems with his special point of view.
It is this difference in views on life - the main obstacle to the adoption of a satisfactory solution. It should be remembered that in our dynamic system time values are changed almost every year and often have to solve problems, which in the past did not exist.
It is worth mentioning that a powerful tool that facilitates decision making, is the computer. Shifting on his shoulders all the routine processing of large amounts of information, we can free up your time, strength and mental capacity for making the most complex, the most creative solutions. "Computer revolution" means the development of human intelligence in making more difficult decisions as well as the industrial revolution once meant a further increase energy capacity of mankind.
But the principles of the decision-making process remain to be solved if we problems that affect the lives of thousands of people, or simply choose the furniture for your office.
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