Man-made miracle
It turns out to turn the world upside down is possible. Open women's gloss, and here they are - the top model of the large families of the Russian countryside, the singer from poor areas of Latin America, the actress who came to Hollywood with the last ten dollars in threadbare jeans pocket. About such people: I was in the right time in the right place. About such people: the spoilt children of fortune.
However, it is unlikely yourself "Pets" would agree with you, in the interview they never tire of repeating that the miracle is man-made. Yes and psychologists believe that magical coincidences happen only when they prepared the soil.
Strictly according to Jung
Middle Manager for years, writes prose in the table. Finally he gives himself to seek the advice of a professional writer and to find a suitable publisher. The next day at Billiards, he meets a writer who becomes his mentor and collaborator.
You talk about one fantastically interesting book, you light up the desire to find her no matter what it was, but after a couple of days gives you her friend, who had no idea about your desire.
Examples of ordinary miracles that can transform the life (the first example), or just to decorate everyday life (the second example). Ordinary miracles loved Carl Gustav Jung, a Swiss psychologist and student of Sigmund Freud. He collected and analyzed. The basis of his teaching Jung put synchronicity is a coincidence of events that cannot be linked to a cause, but will certainly lead to achieving the goal. Synchronicity is when events are arranged under your aspirations when everything works by itself and in the most wonderful way. Jung differed from other scientists, he, like the other genius Einstein built his teaching on the possibility of the existence of intelligent and responsive Universe, which acts in our interests.
But how to run this mechanism synchronicity? How to persuade events to line up in the correct order? Life can only be what we make it yourself. And, in fact, no matter what will start the realization of this truth: God, living outside, or with the powerful force that lies within us. It does not matter what beliefs you hold, the main thing - you can and should dream and to act.
To find your Africa
It was a stunning example of synchronicity. The Danish author Baroness Isak Dinesen dreamed of the impossible - the journey to Africa, she lived this dream and, of course, the trip took place. A feature film based on her autobiographical novel "Out of Africa" won seven Oscars, so fascinating was the achievement of a miracle.
You have to find your Africa. The dream that excites you to the core and instantly lifts the mood. Remove from the corners of the memory of his youthful aspirations, let them be, allow yourself to think about them without fear and shame. Yes, not everyone is destined to become President, but one thing is for sure - if the current President would not have appeared once such a desire, he never would take over the country.
Allow yourself to dream, and if you do not know what you will help elementary exercise. Think of what you would like to become, what to do, where to live, if any goal is easily achievable. Do not think about the means of achievement, don't think about what you lack experience. Thomas Edison was one of the greatest inventors in history, although I have spent in school only three months. The main thing - desire.
Not to dream and to plan
The next step is to turn the dream into a goal. Dreams are ephemeral, short-lived and futile. Objective - clear the binding of dream to reality, and setting a goal is the first step towards its implementation. Turning the dream into a goal, you represent yourself and the world that we intend to achieve our goals, whatever it was.
Be decisive! Brian Tracy, world-renowned author of seminars on business training, wrote: "the Determination is extremely important advantage of those who want to succeed. Knowing exactly what you want, you bring superbanana in a state of continuous operation. In addition, you will find that once you stop to hesitate and take clear and firm decision to act, why would you at any cost, all of a sudden will start to turn around for the better." He was echoed by U. H. Murray in his book "the Scottish expedition in the Himalayas": "that moment when a person decides on something, Providence, too, begins to act. To help one idea happens to be a lot of things that otherwise would never have happened. The decision entails a whole stream of events: useful matches, meetings and proposals... "
Consider whether you can make a plan to achieve the goal? Even if it is just some abstract points, this will greatly speed up the process. Planning will allow you to convince an incredulous subconscious in the seriousness of your intentions. And don't listen to the skeptics, never listen to the naysayers! The audience was laughing, when Henry Ford rolled out his first crudely built automobile on the streets of Boston. Some thought that this thing will never go, others said that no one will want to pay money for it. However, Ford said: "My goal is to gird the globe managed cars." And he did it!
Parting with sofa
The universe definitely need your help. You can as long as you like lying on the couch to visualize the Silva method, Shakti Gawain, Natalia Pravdina and Vadim Zeland, but synchronicity and you will not feel. I think your experience will confirm that all begins to emerge the best way, when you leave the sofa and resolutely go. Under the "sofa" can understand your comfort zone in which you are so familiar and comfortable, but to grow and develop nowhere. Under the "sofa" can understand your present life style, hated the work, the habit of killing time and wasting life away.
Begin to act, a measure of the strength and capabilities. Dream of becoming a rock star? Record a few songs at a local Studio. See yourself slowly strolling in the capital of Britain? Improve your English, to acquire foreign friends. Going to be a millionaire? Work like other millionaires: not forty hours a week and eighty, and not live working time in the usual drowsiness, and generate ideas, take the initiative and strive for continuous growth. Whatever your desire, there is something you can do right now.
The universe supports standing plans, especially large and enthusiastic. Illuminate the idea, the courage, begin to act without fear and doubt, and at some point you will certainly have the opportunity to implement what they want. Start practicing now, on small things and everyday purposes: never ask yourself, do you have to do something, but simply state that already do this. Get rid of very bad habits to doubt and hesitate: make the final decision, to burn his ships and cut all sources of retreat. Once you reach this ability to set goals, you will only have to fasten their seat belts. The rest will do the synchronicity of the universe or Fairy Godmother.
Pechorin D.
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