What is immunity?
It is no secret that the immune system is a universal ability of living beings to resist the action of damaging agents. Without the immune system, we would be absolutely helpless against a variety of bacteria, viruses, etc.and thanks to the work of this system is our body successfully protected from pathogenic microorganisms and their metabolic products. In addition, immunity diligently protects our body from antigens, which can understand extraneous microorganisms, toxins and foreign bodies and inclusion, and allergens, kills cancer cells and prolong youthfulness. The immune system provides four levels of protection. The first presents the Central organs of the immune system: thymus gland, bone marrow, lymphoid tissue of the colon and Appendix, as well as nebnymi tonsils. Here Mature immune cells. The second level is the secondary organs of the immune system: the spleen and lymph nodes. Here lymphocytes are in late stages of development. The third level is a Mature lymphocytes maintain a specific immune complex reactions designed to protect the body against specific antigens. It is at this level preserves the memory of you have already migrated the human infections, and thanks to him we, after some disease in childhood some chickenpox or rubella, not secondarily infected by these diseases under no circumstances. The fourth level of immune protection - non-specific immunity works against fungi, viruses and bacteria. Here involves not only the types of lymphocytes, but many cells, substances and tissues of the body: skin, mucous membranes, etc. Thanks to its special composition, the cells of these tissues not only prevent the penetration into our body of harmful bacteria, but also ruthlessly destroy the cells of its own body that have become cancerous or infected with herpes viruses, measles or flu. Nonspecific immunity is only in its early stages of disease development, when specific not yet formed.
Doubtful bodies
Among the many agencies that support our immune system, there are a few "extra" from the point of view of Soviet medicine. The authorities, who ruthlessly deleted if the inflammation. It Palatine tonsils, adenoids and, of course, the Appendix. But now scientists have come to the conclusion that the amygdala, for example, belong to the Central government, the Manager of the local immunity of the mucous membranes! In addition, for immunity, they are equal in value to such luminaries as the thymus gland and bone marrow. Now the doctors are confident that before reaching the age of 8 remove tonsil is absolutely impossible, and at an older age is highly undesirable. The fact that the mucous membranes of the opening in the folds of the tonsils kind of insidious traps for antigens and at the same time here to develop a special kind of In-ofmotion responsible for the security of the respiratory tract and upper digestive tract. Their development begins at the 18-week fetus, especially intensively it in age from 3 to 8 years later, the intensity of production of b-lymphocytes is on the decline, but never stopped completely. In addition, there is the theory that inflammation of the tonsils is a kind of natural inoculation, allowing the body for many years to obtain immunity by causing inflammation of the antigen, for example, Streptococcus or a particular strain of influenza virus. Accordingly, the sooner removed tonsils, the more vulnerable is our body to infections of the mucous membranes of the pharynx and esophagus. Interestingly, the removal of tonsils in the middle ages was made simple: the doctor scratched their nails from the pharynx of a patient. A similar function and are adenoids. Together with nebnymi, lingual and laryngeal tonsils adenoids form the so-called lymphoid ring Pirogov, a closed line of defense against infection. Pull one link in the chain, the whole defense will crumble to dust. However, if the adenoids grew, they must try to reduce homeopathic remedies prescribed, of course, homeopath. But adenoids III degree is difficulty in nasal breathing, and in some cases, hearing loss, therefore, the pity of it, you must delete them. And, of course, let us not forget about the Appendix. A few years ago in America even removed the Appendix for all children preventively because cosplays, vermiform process created a lot of problems, sometimes causing General peritonitis and even death of the patient. But in the submucosal layer of the wall of the Appendix found a large number of lymph follicles, which protects the intestine from both infectious and oncological diseases. However, if the Appendix still got infected, in any case do not try to save it, so as not to shake the body's defenses. Thank God, it is not the only body responsible for the immunity.
How to save immunity
Doctors divided into two subspecies of immunity: innate, he nonspecific, i.e. the one that the mother passes the baby at birth, and acquired due to vaccination or a single transfer of disease - specific immunity. It is curious that from birth we are given more than 60% of the immune status, and only 40% we have acquired in the process of life. To weaken the immune system is so easy, but recovery will take time, effort and - let's be honest - significant financial costs. So how to keep and increase this nature? For starters, let's begin to monitor their diet. Reduction, for example, specific immunity is due to lack of blood sugars such as fucose and mannose required for the synthesis of lymphocytes and immunoglobulins. And this food must be animal proteins. In addition, the immunity of the person is reduced with long-term antibiotics, which many of us take for yourself, even if viral diseases. Antibiotics kill both bad and good microorganisms that live in the colon, causing dysbiosis and disturbances of the gastrointestinal tract. In addition, of course, undermine immunity and moved on his feet, illness, and poor environmental conditions, and stress, and poor diet. So, if you get tired, feel tired in the morning, ARI visits you 5-6 times a year or as an adult person, you suddenly enriched allergies is suspicious and visit immunologist. Modern medicine has developed immunomodulators, which the physician selects for each patient individually. And, of course, do not neglect the "folk" methods of maintaining immunity. Most of them can be used even without consulting with your doctor, just as a preventive measure against the traditional autumn-winter colds and flu. Put it a rule to eat daily for 5-6 walnut kernels. It is also good to stretch ½ kg of cranberries, add 1 Cup of walnut kernels and 3 green Apple, diced. Pour all ½ Cup water and ½ kg of sugar, bring to boil, put the weight on the banks and take 1 tablespoon in the morning and in the evening. With some tea, instead of jam. Or squeeze ½ Cup carrot juice and green radish, add 1 tablespoon of honey and cranberry juice. Eat the mixture 1 tablespoon 2 times a day in autumn-winter period. And many of the recipes you will be happy to show your mothers, grandmothers and girlfriends. Only there is no "chemistry" and remember that herbal decoctions and infusions require special care in the use - consult your doctor. And is not the root.
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