If baby falls ill
Influenza in children under one year can occur very rapidly - with the rejection of the chest, vomiting, intoxication and serious complications, so call your doctor. Without waiting for him to shoot down the temperature above 38°C: it can cause metabolic disorders or seizures. In order to reduce it, first remove with baby all the clothes and spend air baths. This obturate baby diaper soaked in water at room temperature, and the crown put a damp cloth.
If this method does not give the result, make a enema with water at room temperature, and then put rectal candle with paracetamol or let the syrup with ibuprofen. Make sure the crumbs abundant drinking regime (a decoction of rose hips, Linden blossom), in order to "wash" viruses, and often put it to his chest. To ensure that the infection will not accumulate on the lining of the nose, bury his nose a weak solution of sea salt (1-2 K. 3 times a day). For this child should be placed at one side in the direction in which half of the nose you will be dripping, then change the position. But there is no need to follow my grandmother's advice and dripping nose breast milk is the perfect environment for bacteria to grow.
If the crumbs are no high temperature and strong cough, use a bathtub. Let go in the tub with hot water, in which dissolve pine oil, put the baby in your lap and breathe with him steam. This will moisten the respiratory tract, relieve swelling and facilitate expectoration. And don't forget 3-4 days later to re-call the doctor, so as not to miss the development of complications.
If my mother was seriously ill
Once you understand that helpful, try to limit your communication with your child and ask someone from the family to deal with the baby. For a speedy recovery you need to stay in bed and rest for at least 3 days: transferring the disease on your feet, you can earn serious complications. Try treatment folk remedies, if you are breastfeeding: herbal medicines are less likely to occur an allergic reaction.
Inhalation cough and rhinitis take oil of eucalyptus, sage, pine or birch buds (separately or in a mixture). 3 tablespoons crushed in a coffee grinder or grinder collection pour 2 cups of hot water, boil for 2-3 minutes and inhale the steam through your nose and mouth. For rinsing the nasal cavity and gargling use a decoction of the leaves of sage, chamomile, series, thyme, calamus, St. John's wort, marigold, violet, horsetail or eucalyptus (your choice). These herbs are safe for external use.
But some plants may contain potent biologically active substances. Therefore, uncontrolled treatment herbal remedies at your own risk may be dangerous. For example, cranberry may cause an allergic reaction in a child, mint leaves can cause increased regurgitation in children, reduce the amount of milk, Kalina kivalina contains substances that can cause gastritis, nausea, vomiting, sage inhibits the secretion of milk, and saffron in large quantities is toxic.
If the discomfort is accompanied by temperature, reduce its medicines on the basis of paracetamol or ibuprofen. If the cold gave complications, antibiotic treatment can not be avoided. While selected antibacterial drugs are compatible with breastfeeding. However, follow the basic rule: take the medication immediately after breast-feeding or before the long sleep of the baby, then by the time the next feed concentration of drug substance in the blood will be minimal.
The main problem that you may face after a course of antibiotic therapy, is a violation of the balance of beneficial and harmful bacteria in the intestines of the child, the so-called dysbiosis. However, that is no reason to translate the child on artificial feeding. Just make sure to eat more dairy products. Zakusyvayte milk, make homemade yogurt. If you have already entered the baby complementary foods, let these products to him in small amounts.
How to protect the crumbs
The main tablet for immunity of the baby - breast milk, so it is not necessary to separate the child from the breast, even if you do get sick ARD. In rare cases, however, some very fastidious crumbs refuse to breastfeed, if mom high temperature. In addition, check the external barriers to virus - lubricate the nose of the child oksolinovoj salve and moisturize the nasal passages. For this it is best to use a solution of physiological salt. It is well removes impurities and moisturize the mucous. Also tie to the crib chopped garlic in a gauze bag.
Obligatory condition of your communication with your child during illness should be gauze mask. Wear it regularly and remember to change (or iron). Before you take the baby in his hands, wash them with antiseptic soap and wipe with a separate towel. To deal with flying indoors with viruses aromatic oils that can protect the baby. Eucalyptus and tea tree is a good antiseptic.
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