Unfortunately, about 50% of our population are familiar with angina not theoretically, but on personal experience. The thing is that sore throat in children in most cases cause a Staphylococcus or Streptococcus, and adenoviruses. Where do they come from? Perhaps bacteria "asleep" on the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract and intensified when the child froze for a walk.
They can also get into the body of the child from the outside, for example, from the adults who will be with him in the house or on the street.
The symptoms of angina
Angina begins with increasing the temperature to 40 41 C. Children complain of a feeling of weakness, headache, weakness, sore throat, joints and throughout the body, chills or chilling.
When disease angina reduced appetite and restless sleep. For sore throat difficulty swallowing because of severe pain in the throat, saliva often stems from the corners of the mouth.In the mouth visible enlarged, red, swollen tonsils that are experienced by children as a foreign body.
For sore throat inflammatory process continues with the tonsils on the arch of the soft palate, the voice acquires a tinge of gnyawali. Angina can cause difficulty breathing and temporary hearing loss. In some children there is vomiting. Tongue coated white bloom.
Symptoms of catarrhal angina. If the tonsils find yellow dots, resembling in color, shape and size of millet grain, it is the symptoms of follicular tonsillitis. Solid purulent deposits on tonsils characteristic lacunar angina. With timely and proper treatment of angina child recover quickly for 5 to 7 days.
How to cure a sore throat?
Of course, first of all, at the slightest signs of a sore throat in a child, that there should be no complications, it is necessary to go to the doctor, but if this is not possible, there are ways that will help a little to improve the condition of the child.
Propolis is the most effective folk remedy for sore throat at any stage of the disease. You need just after a meal, chew a bit of propolis, approximately 2 grams.
Iodine amenable to all chronic purulent angina, better than a lot of antibiotics! Simply wrap the wool of the spoon end, impregnate with iodine and anoint yourself tonsils. It is quite possible that it will be one time is enough!
When this ailment as well helps infusion of Valerian. Take 50 grams of the roots of elecampane, pour half a liter of vodka and infuse for 3 days. Need about a third of a teaspoon to fill in the throat so that the infusion has covered both the left and the right gland. A little cough. Drink water cannot be used, it is also desirable not to speak to anyone in this day. The procedure to do every hour until your health is restored.
The crackers. If you have severe pain in the throat, and don't have the right tools, you will help ordinary crunches. Pour a handful of crackers with boiling water. When they are soaked with water, drain water, and crackers will quickly shift into a cotton stocking or sock.
The cabbage. Cabbage quickly picks up the heat and takes away the pain. You can simply every 2 hours to make a new cabbage leaf to the throat and bronchial tubes, winding wool scarf.
Treatment of angina therapy. In a quart of boiling water, she added one tablespoon of tincture of propolis, top, wrapped with a towel to keep the pair is not left in hand. In the center leaving a small hole, through which the pant. However, hold your breath for a few seconds breathing, so the healing minerals of propolis was deposited on the entire surface of the lungs. After 2-4 sessions will be allocated sputum.
More about the disease of respiratory organs read the Doctor.itop.
Women's Magazine
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