The law of attraction
"You work at the plant, most likely the master, although it is possible that the last time you promote trade Union lines. You are not married: look only executives and unmarried women," said Kate Tikhomirova his thoughts about her random fellow traveler on the train by the name of gosh. The portrait was correct, except for one circumstance, which is the story of the collision of the movie "Moscow does not believe in tears": the post occupied by his new friend, actually turned out to be much higher.
Why hero Batalova not recognized in the character Alentova top Manager? Yes because I didn't want to do, and took wishful thinking!
Making a first impression about a person, we build a hierarchical ladder, determining what step he takes towards us in the socio-age plan.
Cute stranger man seeks position in the hierarchy next a: it is one thing to take care of the master, the other for the Director of the plant! On this dare, not every: representatives of the stronger sex are difficult to reconcile with the female superiority in a situation of MIS-Alliance, even imaginary, when it comes to professional and material realms.
If you liked lady older man, as a rule, does not notice the age difference, thinking she is the same age. It turns out simply by Pushkin: "Ah, it is easy to deceive me, I am glad to be deceived! ". Well, with unpleasant personalities all the way around. If encountered in the field of view of the subject reminds teachers of physical education terrorizing you in two quarters, or former spouse, you automatically inflate his age and underestimate the social status, physical ability and mental capacity. To form an unbiased opinion about the person, do not allow the subconscious mind to keep yourself in a psychological trap!
By the way, French or American, too, would never have accepted dressed in a suburban woman of the train for the head of a large company, as the outfit and the setting do not match with the status of lady-boss. However, the face of a pretty foreign girl might seem like they are friends. English psychologists say: beautiful people automatically cause us confidence, because perceived as "their" already seen previously, and perhaps several times. The next time somewhere in a London pub you come to a lovely British, and Caribbean beach roll up coming cover tanned macho with the words: "I Think we've met! " - don't get it for international men's banality, and take as a compliment. Your beauty has introduced a young man astray, awakening in him a steadfast confidence that he is with you mark!
Feel the difference
That draws the attention of men, getting acquainted with a woman? About sociologists from Detroit (USA) asked 10 of thousands of Americans. It turned out that 12% of them the first thing I look at his feet, 17% evaluate the figure, a 24% drop in the lady's eyes, but the vast majority of men - 47%! - first fall under the spell of feminine smile, and then notice the rest. Will be in the New World to smile wider and keep in mind: Americans meet eyes when meeting only to ensure that those with whom they came into contact, correctly understood them. But the British regardless of gender prefer to read information about a person by his look.
However, it is difficult to keep up in the visual duel for the Russians: our culture is considered the "watch" in the world.
Specialists in linguistics warn Russian tourists and businessmen doing business abroad, even in the UK, where eye contact in the order of things, so it is considered indecent to stare into the eyes of new acquaintance, as it is accepted and even encouraged in our country. Open visual scanning, which we usually subjected to a new person in their environment, in the United States can be mistaken for rudeness, but in Japan this behavior is unacceptable! The etiquette of the Country of the rising sun forbids to meet the views, especially with the opposite sex. Men here don't look into the eyes of women, women to men, including at acquaintance: to look relies somewhere to the side or the floor, and to form an impression about each other's supposed auxiliary signs (voice, gestures, plastic, clothing style).
Persistent attempt to catch someone else's opinion when meeting with a foreigner can be interpreted as arrogance or molestation, and you encountering escaping the eyes of the interlocutor, in turn, will feel distrust and discomfort as if you are trying to hide something. So you have not formed a false opinion about those with whom you begin to communicate abroad, do a discount on the difference in the social psychology of different people.
Eye contact is just one of the elements of non-verbal behaviour when meeting based on optical-kinesthetic system of signs (cinesite). It includes all the wealth of expressive behavior of human facial expressions, gestures, posture, posture, gait, manner of speaking and dress: all this has a huge impact on the formation of first impressions of each other.
In some cultures it is customary to serve a special social media signals: for example, in Turkey or the Arab world by the color of clothing a woman can find out if she is married or not, or even how many weeks left before her wedding.
In Tunisia married men wear Jasmine bouquets for the right ear, idle for the left. If any tourist will solve these colors to decorate hairstyle, it would be accompanied puzzled looks and mocking smiles.
Feminine beauty through the eyes of men
Kovalev I.
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