The nature of eternal childhood
For the first time the term "kidult" (kid adult) had used an American journalist Peter Martin in the newspaper The New York Times. At the time of publication, in 1985, America was flooded by a wave of gambling: widely opened slot machine halls, and even adults have forgotten in their walls about family, work, and past efforts.
The nature of this very effective way of escapism was opened a little earlier in the book by psychologist Dan Keeley, "the Peter pan Syndrome, or Men who never grow up". Dan Keeley drew attention to the fact that some adults deliberately ignore traditional social values and prepared all his life to devote some children's hobby, if only to protect itself from an uncomfortable reality. These people are childish, self-centered and unable to take care of themselves. Very sharp approach to the eternal children was mitigated somewhat by comparison with a mischievous fairy-tale character, Peter pan, a resident of the Magic country, under any pretext not wanting to grow up.
Barbie, Peppy, Hello Kitty
Women kidults live in the girls ' childhood. They are delighted with the Japanese and Stockholm street fashion, style Fruits and outfits favorite characters of anime. Two extremes women kidult - Pippi Longstocking and a fairy Princess. Some wear socks, t-shirts with cartoons and colorful plastic beads, others bows, ruffles and skirts.
The first symbol of female kelterstube - brand character Hello Kitty Japanese company Sanrino. The famous cat's face is decorated with trinkets, phones, laptops and jewelry. In specialized shops for kidults, which is already in excess in Europe, Canada and the United States, you will find Hello Kitty in any person, including a platinum pendants, studded with diamonds.
On a nearby shelf live exclusive Barbie, Ugly dolls (creepy Gothic toys and designer dolls. Childish, their purpose can easily be determined by astronomical cost and related accessories. Barbie in dress from fashion designer and the diadem of precious stones - toy for adults.
All well and good, but on the forums of kidults girls constantly complain about life. The boss rolls his eyes, office dress code leads to depression, business partners are not taken seriously. The fifth young man goes to a normal girl, finally saying her unusual that she desperately asexual in their 28 in these bows. The world is rough, harsh and banal.
First - planes, well, cartoons then
In the world of men kidults acts unwritten law: the more, whose gadget steeper. They spend hundreds of dollars from each paycheck for the next high-tech toy, discharged straight from Tokyo's new robot and enthusiastically boast exclusive phone.
This euphoria in this environment has caused the emergence of Segway scooters, bikes-choppers and three-wheeled scooters. It kidults are willing to devote all their time and money one of the most expensive Hobbies - aviamodelirovanie.
Other kidults are going to have Windows with collectible toy soldiers, goblins and elves. With the seriousness of the child, the embodiment of the cubes of their architectural ambitions, they are looking at a miniature figurines, and discuss the quality of acrylic and remember the smallest details of each soldier of his army toys.
The kidults are the first members of city games, role-playing battles and competitions racing cars the size of a matchbox. Especially for them, the TV channel "2x2" bought dozens of cartoons for adults. They are interesting, passionate people, up until hobby not turn into escapism, and not a substitute for the whole world.
The reverse side of childhood
No matter how harmless neither seemed lifestyle kidult, he sooner or later leads to a deadlock. The kidults and infantile - brothers, they have a common origin, incredible spiritual connection, but different character. Those and other more than anything to be afraid to become a "normal adults", happily writing in the category of "normal" all white light. Besides yourself, of course.
In this attitude is clearly seen teenage, immature categorical and tunnel view of the world. When Outlook is compressed to a single point of view, personality development continues in a distorted trajectory. Magic land is transformed into the Kingdom of crooked mirrors. Sad, in General, the tale.
Against this background, totally nonsensical look such traits and habits of many of kidults, as irresponsibility, self-centeredness, extreme hedonism, conclusions and reasoning at the level of a teenager, and almost inevitable communicative difficulties. Often overgrown kid gets used to spend on my hobby money parents or working for two wives.
Staying the development compensates for natural buying beautiful gadgets and other toys for adults. But it is not helping to improve relations with the employer, the family and the second half, which now tired of the railway on polkastra or habit to wear striped socks.
The situation is complicated by the fact that the kidults prefer to listen only to other kidults. Thrown the lady will have the same cast girlfriends, and life lesson will remain without any kind of conclusions. Conclusions - the lot of boring adults.
Growing Up Peter Pan
Man gets older then when he realizes: Santa Claus never comes. Dreams come true, if you make some psychological and physical effort, and the world is bright and full of miracles only when we strive to be a complete person. Full - combining means in adequate proportion of maturity and childishness. A Mature view of the world and the children's enthusiasm, responsibility and faith in a miracle, honesty and inspiration any air lock to implement.
The secret of growing up Peter pan in order to grow and develop, protecting it from aging your inner child. The desire to fall in childhood should be turned into a positive stimulus. The best way out is to replace infantilism creativity to begin to be creative, allow the child to speak. Writer Julia Cameron, conductive worldwide courses development of creative abilities, says that creativity from childhood, and creative man is eternal Peter pan.
Some kidults - highly successful people. They turned a useless hobby into a profitable business, and it can be as a person. This is a known designers, writers, artists, photographers and businessmen. While the rest of the kidults day and night to build love The Sims and watching gigabytes of anime, they use for the benefit of dissatisfaction with the routine and the desire for bright, fairy-tale world.
The formula is simple: you must be Chidlom. But on weekends. In his Studio and in front of a blank sheet open Word. And any kidatu definitely worth to open a adult, at least experience's sake. Believe me, you will like it. Beyond childhood, there is a whole world, and the stigma of "normal" lurk most great discoveries.
Pechorin D.
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