Fruit day
In summer and autumn it can be fruit mixture (a total of about one and a half pounds). Divide this number by four to five servings, and eat during the day without sugar, sour cream, and the like additives.
Fruit stimulates the activity of the bowel is removed from the body toxins and harmful substances. On this day, drink as much as possible. Better fruit or green tea, sugar free vegetable and fruit juices. The liquid necessary for the body to improve kidney function and normalize metabolism. Try to do without sweets, animal fats, salt, alcohol.
Dairy day
Milk day is collectively 1, 5-2 litres (milk, yogurt, kefir), divided into eight portions. Milk diet is very dehydrating, so during the day usually lose up to 1 kg.
Paddy's day
Promotes removal from the body of water and toxins. Boil 200 grams of rice without salt, spread on 5 servings per day. The rice can apply unsweetened Apple mousse or vegetables. In addition, rice day don't forget to drink 2-2, 5 litres of liquid (tea, juice, mineral water).
Day juice
On this day you eat only vegetable or fruit juices, mineral water, herbal tea - at least 3-4 liters. Avoid nicotine and alcohol, try to survive a day without black coffee and tea (recommended green).
During the diet you cannot perform grueling work. We each have our own normal weight, independent of meticulously designed tables. So no matter whether we are under the standards of weight and height taken in the table for the ideal. It is essential only how we look and how we feel.
Just a few steps
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