Yuliya Vysotskaya is the leading most popular not only in Russia but also in Ukraine, cooking shows, so all recipes tested it in practice. For convenience in the collection there is an alphabetical index. In the new book "Eat at home every day," Julia advises how to cook a particular dish quickly than to replace the missing ingredient, some special sauce to season the dish and even reveals the culinary cravings of his household.
Julia actively interested in the history of cooking, brings recipes from different parts of the world.
"I was a few days in new York and went to the bookstore. I could not tear myself away from the book shelves with cookbooks. Unfortunately, I got the husband, otherwise all my bags would be in books on cooking," says Julia.
It'll be interesting to prepare yourself using the book - Yorkshire pudding, meat casserole from new York, salad with herring in Spanish, duck Polish, crispy fish in Thai, lasagna with Bechamel sauce.
- How do You choose the recipes for the book? What influences their choice?
80 percent of prescriptions were used in the "Eat at home" before they got into the book. When I cook the recipes in the program, it does not mean that the house I cook the same way. The book includes the recipes of other authors who inspired me, and revised recipes. Recipes - it's hard to say that they were invented by someone. Even if we are going to cook the same dish, then all will turn out differently, even if we won't change the ingredients. I don't cook and didn't study to be a chef. Cook is not my profession. I had no time to master this profession.
Julia, what is your favorite dish?
- I don't have anything original. In my family we all love pasta, herring, cheese.
- And least favorite dish?
- There are some products that I feel more confident with some less. The gentler attitude I have with fish than with meat. I chicken quickly bored, although it is possible to make many dishes. I stopped eating spicy, although I adored.
- Julia! Whether Your fate is quite different: not if You were the wife of a famous film Director, You would have been able this project?
- I think not. They say that character determines destiny, but in my vzgyald not only nature, but also many other circumstances: to be married to the right person, to be in a certain place at a certain time. I can't say that I'm tired of this question... basically, tell me who your husband is and I will tell you who you are, tell me who your wife is and I will tell you who you are. It's not easy to work on television. Our product independent. We ourselves produced. Me no one dictates what I should cook. And this incredible freedom and great luxury. Very few who possesses it. I was so lucky.
The contents of the book "Eat at home every day"
- Salads
- Vegetables and mushrooms
- Soups and broths
- Pasta. Fig. Risotto
- Oil. Cheese. Curd. Eggs
- Meat
- Bird
- Fish
- Bread. Focaccia. Pies
- Drinks
- Desserts
By etoday
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