5 ways to strengthen the immune system
1. Go douche. This procedure is well-coached vessels, which will have a month to adequately respond to cold and infection. The stimulation of cutaneous receptors in the pouring cold water causes a reaction similar to the stress. It releases the stress hormone adrenalin, which narrows the blood vessels, preventing the heat. And after this procedure, the body starts to produce other hormones, and blood vessels dilate. Start with a water temperature of 34-36 °C, every 3-5 days reducing to 1-2 °C, taking it for 2-3 months to 10-12 °C. During the first days spray only the bottom part of the body, gradually ascending to the shoulders and head. After each such water treatments RUB the skin with a towel. In a month when they met with the cold, your blood vessels reflex that not to miss the infection inside and not let heat out. If pouring is too extreme for you procedure, replace it with a cold shower, just alternating between cool water and warm. In addition, make water treatments and for his nose. It should be done like this: enter the water in the palm of his hand, pull her nose and release. And so 3-4 times every morning. This procedure enhances the blood circulation in the nasopharynx and the flow to this area of anti-inflammatory substances, creating local immunity.
2. Take Immunostimulants.
If your immune system "zero" and you are sick with the flu each season, talk to your doctor about medication with immunomodulatory effects. Proven medicines on the basis of Arbidol, which need to drink a course in 2-3 weeks. Children and pregnant women are more suited nose drops with interferon (human protein that is secreted by cells in response to invasion of the virus). They create local immunity and do not affect the organism as a whole. And those who are prone to bacterial infections (tonsillitis, sinusitis, otitis), preparations of bacterial origin, which contain bacteria and are a kind of inoculation, acting not on the body as a whole and increasing local immunity. These drugs cause the immune system to be on full alert and actively to fight infections. Of natural Immunostimulants proved extract of Eleutherococcus in the 10 to 20 drops in the morning on an empty stomach in 1/3 Cup boiling water (treatment - month). But to get involved in such preparations should not, each of them has its own clearly spelled out treatment. Otherwise, you run the risk of exhausting your immune system.
3. Try herbal medicine.
Be home to cook pharmacy alternative means to improve the body's defenses. Take 2 tbsp. of juice of red beet, 0, 25 liters of yogurt, 1 teaspoon of rose hip syrup, the juice of half a lemon. Stir and take, dividing into two parts, morning and evening for 10 days, with a ten-day break between each course (total 3 courses). And here's another great recipe for the same purpose: 1/2 head garlic, finely chopped half a lemon, and then pour two cups of boiling water and leave for the day. Store in the refrigerator and, since October, every morning, take a tablespoon on an empty stomach, 2 weeks.
4. Vaccinated In recent years, the flu vaccine has never been popular. And if you, together with your doctor, decided to vaccinate, then September is the optimum time, so as to provide immunity to the body will take 15-20 days, and the first outbreak of this flu happen just at the end of September - beginning of October. In Ukraine, as we have already mentioned, this season will come in three strains of flu. Among them was the ill-fated H1N1, which last year claimed the lives of more than a thousand Ukrainians (pandemic "swine flu"), and influenza A (H3N2) and B ("Brisbane"). Now you can inoculated only monovaccines second or third generation (from each virus separately), which contain the most important for the development of immunity particles destroyed the virus and do not have contraindications as vaccines first generation. The efficacy of this vaccination - 75%. But in the "Ukrainian centre of influenza and ARVI" of the Ministry of health of Ukraine said that the approach in Ukraine combined vaccine against all three strains. It is produced in Russia, France, the Netherlands and Germany. How much will it cost vaccination is still unknown.
5. Adjust your diet.
The liver produces defenders of our immune system - antibodies and interferons, and for full immunity, it must be healthy and not overloaded fatty foods. Most "hits" on the liver red meat (pork, beef), which is quite toxic to the body and can aggravate the situation, as well as alcohol and smoked meats. Prefer the chicken, rabbit and marine fish. In addition, start every day whole grain cereal: they are rich in fiber, which cleanses the intestines, acting as a scraper. This is an excellent prevention of dysbiosis (because it weakens the body's defenses).
Join the chronicle throat nose
Perhaps the most common chronicle - tonsillitis, inflammation of the tonsils. Few people do not bother recurrent pain or feeling a tickle in the throat and cause white "tubes". And tonsil - body, taking an active part in shaping the immune system, "gate" for infection. And if they are not in order, so the body becomes susceptible to viruses and infections. Microbes that live in the lacunae of tonsils, their livelihoods support the inflammatory process in them and spread through the lymphatic ducts. Hence the increase in cervical lymph nodes and infection of the whole organism. In addition, the production of immunity is sometimes delayed due to wrong treatment by antibiotics (for example, when a viral infection when antibiotics are powerless), and also in case of an unjustified taking drugs that reduce body temperature when it is low (if the body temperature does not exceed 38, 5 °C and you normally carry her to take antipyretics should not). This is a protective reaction of the organism, which is designed to activate the body's defenses to destroy the cause of the disease - bacteria and viruses.
How will you be treated? First you need to wash the contents of the lacunae of tonsils. To do this you need to address to Loru, t.to. do it yourself cannot. Wash out is usually a syringe with a cannula or a nebulizer, with compressor (10 sessions). The second method is much more efficient. In parallel with the treatment from Laura you should gargle at home (2-3 times a day) solutions - a choice of: garlic (2 cloves of garlic crushed, pour 1 tbsp. boiled warm milk, strain), acetic acid (1 h. l. Apple cider vinegar on St. warm boiled water), aromatic (prepare a mixture of essential oils: 3 drops geranium, 1 drop of Clary sage, 2 drops of juniper, 3-4 drops of the mixture at 0, 5 St. warm water or alcohol tinctures of herbs, which are sold in pharmacies (your choice). When gaps become pure, they begin to lubricate Lugol solution. Lubricate tonsil intensively, entering the throat swab 3 times, pause, 3 times a day for 10-12 days). In addition, your doctor may recommend you to take antiseptic. You can replace it with this mixture: 2 article. l. grated carrot mix with 1 tbsp. l. honey, 10 drops of alcohol tincture of propolis and 0, 5 ml of 5% ascorbic acid solution. Rassasyvaja 1 h. l. this mixture 2-3 times a day.
The second common ENT chronicle concentrated nose. It may be a chronic rhinitis, when you have a "flowing streams" from early autumn to late spring. But if you feel unwell after each cold - headache, feeling of pressure in the nose, nasal breathing, swelling of the skin in the cheek or eyelid, nasal tone of voice, and nasal discharge becomes purulent is a sign that the infection gives a complication in the form of sinusitis. And even during periods of remission you cannot be called healthy because the infection just dozing and waiting for favorable conditions for exacerbation. Gradually purulent discharge may fill your bosom. If up to this point is not adequate treatment, the pus can break into surrounding structures. First of all, responsive tissue of the eye appears gradually increasing swelling of the eyelids, they turn red and inflamed. Purulent process can destroy the wall of the maxillary sinus and to penetrate into the bone tissue. Develops inflammation of the bone of the upper jaw - osteomyelitis and t. d. Therefore, chronic rhinitis or sinusitis must be treated and not wait for the cold weather relapse when treatment will have heavy artillery - antibiotics.
How will you be treated?
If nasal discharge is always accompanied by congestion, the first 7 days of treatment bury in the vasoconstrictor nose drops. 15 minutes after instillation of the need to clear the nose of mucus (each nostril separately). After 10-15 minutes, take the nasal lavage. To do this, insert the tip of the syringe when dealing one-half of the nose, to a depth of approximately 0, 5 - 1 cm and point perpendicular to the face. The head should be tilted forward at an angle of about 45 degrees. Pour small amounts, gradually increasing the force of the jet, after 3-5 times clean the nose and again continue to rinse. At the time of infusion solution of breath need to detain. It is better to use natural solutions: green tea (1 h. l. 1 Cup boiling water, infuse for 15-20 minutes) or sea salt (1 h. l. in a glass of warm water). One washing - from 50 to 100 ml solution. Such procedures should be done 2 times a day for 10 days. After 20-30 minutes after washing drip into the nose 5 drops of fresh beet juice or lay wicks soaked in the juice for 15 -20 minutes (head while you throw back a bit ago).
If your defenses?
Answers: "Yes", 10, "No"-5 points.
1. Do you suffer from excessive thinness or overweight?
2. Protoribates more than four times a year?
3. You do not sleep, work wear?
4. Lead a sedentary lifestyle?
5. Often overeat, eat little fruit and vegetables?
6. Love to sunbathe, vacation usually spend at sea?
7. Do any chronic disease?
8. Smoke and unnecessarily consume alcoholic beverages?
9. Easily irritated or upset over nothing?
10. You have a few friends, socializing, and You are not satisfied with their personal life?
11. Live in the city? Whether by public transport?
12. You hard work, You all the household chores?
13. You removed the tonsils or you suffer from chronic tonsillitis?
14. Are you allergic to?
15. You constantly icy hands and feet?
16. Any disease you are trying to win with drugs?
The results
Less than 100 points. You have a pretty strong immune system. If you happen to get sick, it's usually passes without complications. Go ahead and continue to care about their health.
From 105 to 130 points. Grounds for serious concern yet, but it's time for you to change your lifestyle.
From 135 to 160 points. Your immune system is practically zero, so you complain about the constant discomfort. Complete examination by a physician, otolaryngologist and immunologist.
How does your immune system?
1. You feel the slightest change in the weather, the day often yawn and dream haste to get to bed?
- Yes, often - 9
- sometimes - 6
- rarely or never 0
2. You hardly listen to a long story and can hardly keep track of the discussions?
- Yes, often - 10
- sometimes - 5
- rarely or never 0
3. You are prone to allergies?
- none - 0
- suffered - 2
- Yes - 8
4. Whether you choose to Wake in the morning in a broken state, while in the evening time went to sleep?
- rare - 2
- often - 5
- almost always - 9
5. Easy if you irritable and short-tempered?
- Yes - 8
- sometimes - 4
- rarely, almost never 0
6. You don't like to leave the house, refuse invitations in the evening are in a locked state?
- often - 10
sometimes 5
almost never 0
7. If you start coughing, it for a long time?
da 7
- differently - 5
- none - 0
8. You can easily catch a cold?
- Yes - 10
- differently - 5
- none - 0
9. Do you sport?
- regularly - 10
- from time to time - 3
- none - 0
10. Have dry, flaky skin?
- Yes - 10
at times 5
- none - 0
The results
2-31 score. Can congratulate yourself, your immune system is quite stable.
32-61 score. Be careful, your immune system is in danger, although still functioning well. But do not overestimate their capabilities. Don't forget to have a healthy lifestyle, eat more vitamins!
62-90 points. Your immune system leaves much to be desired. You will be able to help her, thoroughly rebuilding mode power supply, increasing the duration of sleep, abstaining from alcohol and nicotine, and paying attention to the sport - at least 20 minutes a day exercise at the open window.
Prikhodko So
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