My tongue is my enemy! Unfortunately, this axiom is often applicable to the female gender. It's one thing when it comes to girlfriends. There is one something said second nedokazala, third reported not then, and in the quarrel. But there is one very good rule, in the form of a proverb: If you trust your secrets to the wind, don't blame him for what he will tell them the trees.
With men it's different. With them it is impossible to discuss all that wants. If you're an avid fan of House 2, do not even think to tell his chosen one, and if told, then stop to discuss all the vicissitudes of the main actors with him, otherwise he will ask squeeing. Let's talk about: what, after all, you can't talk to a man?
Male pride
Nature made it so that all men, absolutely everything (even with painted lips and skirts), I want to be leaders. He can be silent and even hide, but it is. So ordered mother Nature, the male breadwinner. And if your boyfriend straight to the contrary, can take the risk and tell him that he "rag". You in a moment, you will feel all his leadership qualities.Not saying of course that really male leaders more. From this leadership and commitment everywhere to be the best and first, and go to war, scandals, violence. Men's competitive instincts, dear ladies, for them is very important. Therefore, it must always be called the best. It of itself is not, if you want this man was next to you, tell him about his good qualities, and be silent about its shortcomings. In principle, this rule is suitable for all milestones communication. But if your friend'll forgive you for that, or even say "friends say all straight in the eye," that man better not to hear. In his profession he should feel strong and invincible. And where he can take this power? We! Man charged with energy during sex from women. The man eats her positive emotions. The man just eats, what she had prepared. And if it is, more and in addition, will tell him that he is invincible winner, he will move mountains. You remember the iron rule: behind every strong man is a strong woman.
Praise to the wrong address
Very risky, also, to praise in the presence of his men, other representatives of the stronger sex. Especially if it's his friends, colleagues, or acquaintances. He may think that you feed them tender feelings. Or, again, think about the competition, he wants to feel himself and only himself everywhere the best.
Moreover, these praise you can cause male jealousy. Someone thinks this is a great fact, but I want to warn you, male jealousy is not always good. Your companion can turn into an obsessive pursuer you everywhere. It can also be jealous of you, even to a simple passer-botany.
There are ladies who like to "piss off" their loved ones, and tell them about their suitors and admirers, when and who gives her flowers, candy, invites to the cinema (confess, you of these coquettes? ). It's not played on the hand. You do not warm up the interest, and bonfires. He is able to keep you in control, to call the work will certainly arise doubts about the fidelity, moodiness, and all this could lead to a breakup. Think about whether you play with fire.
The previous connection
Here and to speak there is nothing. Or rather, need only to be silent! Let him know that you have it is not the first. But, to know all the details, names and even faces - it was just too much. This knowledge is not even flaunts the girl, but the guy is even less. Tell him that you have it the first and only. Not to lie, but in order to defuse the atmosphere, because there are such masochists, who are you to question, and when we found out we start blaming. And questions like: "how many of you have partners? you smile and reply - only one. You.
Can't say the reason why men want to be always the first. It is clear that a girl may not even be the first two guys. But to trumpet about it at all angles not worth it. This is your experience, appreciate him, but silent.
I know a case when a couple broke up because of the fact that both partners have started too Frank. Here I will focus on what the guy told me about all their relationships, and the girl in the end I got bored. Then they began to be jealous of each other to the past, and as a result went.
Oh, someone at the memory of the mother of the wife already gets in a convulsive state. Yeah. Mother-in-law are different, but they all moms. As do not twist, and all men are Mama's little boy. And it's good. Perhaps you will have a son, and you will understand how beautiful it is, when he is an adult, loves not only his passion, but you. And even if someday, your man will respond on mother's incorrect, don't keep it in, or better yet let's remind, that she was his own mother. Then it will be counted. If your cute under her influence, it is better not to fight it, but to run as far as possible. I don't know marriages with avid Mama's son, which would have ended (or has lasted) well.
Not all men love to discuss their work with women. If your partner, do not put the spout in his case. It's his area, and let it there remains king. And maybe Vice versa, he's not a king, and wants those to seem. So let him alone. Let them play.
There are girls that purse noses and lips and asked: why do I need it? You know, this question can absolutely be reluctant loved to give gifts. He tried. Ran, sought, bought. So, if the gift you didn't like cute smile and give thanks for the gift. And then look, it may give such empty baubles another. And if you want your man gave you the "right" gifts, learn it gently guide. We, women, know how to manipulate men.
And now I will phrase that will destroy your relationship. If you want this, use them without fail, and success (i.e. the end of the relationship), you provided:
"You moron! " It is often replaced by the expression "you understand nothing, you simply cannot say", "you're nothing to explain" and so on, It seriously kills the self-esteem of your Prince to the floor. The man is generally better not to talk about the scarcity of his mind. He wants to be all smarter.
- "What would the fool were married you! " If it says the wife, in the context of a man hears: I did not meet her expectations; or, over the years I have become increasingly worse. Agree, if your man will think you the most will be not comfortable with him and even boring.
"You hands are not from that place grow! " Why would his arms have not grown, say they're Golden. Otherwise the risk to do everything themselves. Besides all my life. And possibly alone.
- "All men as men, and I got you! "... what can I add? Tell him so, and his time will grow complexes of inferiority, guilt, and a couple dozen of those. And diffident man, worse than a suitcase without a handle.
"Yes, in bed you are, of course, not very...! " Direct hit in the divorce (or consumption). Hardest hit by knee... only to say that he is weak in an intim. Some highly impressionable men, after such words comes temporary impotence (at least this woman). And let me tell you from the heart, it's just blasphemy, is to tell your partner. Because they all want to be successful in business, women and of course in bed. They have the second instinct is the instinct of reproduction. And if you tell them what is bad is possible, he will have questions about anything needed in the world.
"Everything in this house rests on me! " If this is true, because when you said "your hands are not from that place grow." That this did not happen, praise, Holte and cherish her Prince for broken washbasin, nailed the door handle, hung picture. If he's going to think that everything he does with a vengeance, he may have a desire to really learn to do it all well. But, if you reject everything in the beginning, this desire will not appear exactly.
- "Honey, I don't know how... (to cook soup, sew the buttons on, ironed shirts)". If you do not want all this made his mother (in your home), learn. At least pretend.
These plain tips can help you understand men, or, at least, understand when to be silent...
Elena Sukachev
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