Monday, December 1, 2014

Home sex without interference

Home sex without interference

Sex the house does not always go smoothly. Most external stimuli distract women from intimate mood. But sexual desire men, too, can be disturbed persistent disturbances: pet or child. How to cope with them and still get the desired sex - a few tips.

Sex and disturbance - pet

Sex the eyes of the pet, and put his paws on the bed, is the real test. He can look at you without even blinking with confusion or resentment. Or, for example, plaintively, postulate or meow. Another "interesting" when the pet begins for you to hunt on moving objects. Pet can regard it as a game or as a threat, or to show their jealousy of one of the owners. What all of this does not focus on their senses - no doubt. Fight pet, or make him sit still very difficult. Even if you once drove a pet, then a few minutes later there is a big chance that he will return again. More likely, that will start barking or cat'or from behind the door...

Of course, you can have fish instead of any of actively communicating animals, and you can find other outputs.

  • Cat or cat try before night love to feed to satiety. After a heavy meal cats love to NAP.

  • To lure the dog into another room need a big bone or a large piece of meat. Disturbances will not, and classes of food will last for a long time.

  • For sex it is better to move away from the room, where will your pet. Or have sex too loud.

Sex and disturbance - child

Sex young parents can easily disturb the child. Moreover, the older the child, the greater the danger to your sex he is. A very young child can Wake up at any moment and cry. Then he can Wake up to ask for water on the pot, to complain of a bad dream, etc., After waking up he might want to stay with my parents, sitting between them. And all this not only prevents focus, but also discourages all sexual desire, or simply makes sex impossible.

What to do? And here there are solutions.

  • Get great tradition: a grandmother's/ grandfather's day or the day of the cross. Of course, this can be a weekend or even overnight.

  • Don't limit places for sex. In addition to the bedrooms, it can be a kitchen, bathroom, balcony...

  • To make sex safer in the deep sleep of the child. Of course, the dream of each individual, but usually this phase occurs within 30 minutes - 1, 5 hours after falling asleep child. This phase lasts about 1 hour. Attempts to behave a little noisier, will help to determine this phase your child a little more precisely.

Thus, in spite favorite "interference", sex has the right to be in every family. By the way, sex is necessary not only male body but a female no less. And easier to take care of each other in sex, nothing prevented.



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