"The sun, air and water are our best friends" is the slogan, which you can verify yourself with the arrival of your first joint summer.
With the advent of the hottest season of the year, it is necessary to spend more time outdoors, even to go to the countryside or the sea. After all, the more the child to be outside, the more oxygen will flow into the baby's lungs, the blood will be filled with hemoglobin, the skin will get vitamin D. And, accordingly, the kid will be less likely to get sick, and endure the cold.
How to establish contact with nature
First stage: walking. You can simply find a shady, wind-protected place, cover the stroller special mosquito net, at a temperature of 18-25 °C, you can safely leave your baby on the street for the whole day. Of course, if the street is more than 25 °C, is limited to a few hours before lunch and after lunch.
Second stage: nudity. In warm days, is sometimes recommended to leave the baby naked, because the baby needed not only air, but also the sun. Begin to "naked" with 10 minutes, gradually increasing the time.
Step three: get out of the stroller. Do not forget to get the baby out of the stroller. It will be interesting to see the new picture, hear new sounds and smell the new scent.
Fourth stage: water. Water is the main one child in hot weather. In summer you can bathe the baby 2-3 times a day, so his body would be better to give warmth. And when very hot, you can use a bath right on the street. But at the same time, it is not necessary to bathe in inflatable pools, as they are very hard to wash.
Women's Magazine
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