Wednesday, December 3, 2014

And do I need a wedding?

And do I need a wedding? Seeking the answer to the question, what is the wedding, you can find a lot of pathos, for example, that "Marriage is a bridge one day to the family happiness", or "Wedding is an important event in the life of every person. This is the birth of a new family, this magical holiday", or "Wedding - this event was awe inspiring and touches the heart strings, almost every girl and girl". Philosophy and principles of modern life are very different from the past. Some live without a stamp in the passport, and without many weddings for a variety of reasons. So do I need this onerous stamp in the passport? Or it is necessary only to keep the half that was at least some confidence? For what a wedding, if it was needed?

What is marriage?

The vast majority of couples say that after the entry into formal marriage, their relationship is really changing, becoming stronger. People are much overrated and begin to relate to partner more seriously and responsibly. So the stability of relations - for many, the reality and not a myth. Although in fairness it should be noted that not all marriage is affected positively.

Marriage is a word that is associated with the word responsibility, with the word of the law, with the word respect, with the word state. So if we ignore the meaning of these words, then, perhaps, then we have no state and human society will not work. Then we'll all be barbarians, our husbands will be waving axes and away from us and we, as wives of the Vikings will have the right to be, or not to marry the following men.

Maybe "civil marriage"?

Civil marriage is best suited self-sufficient people who value their freedom, those who don't want to take responsibility, to create a family, to get offspring. It is widely believed that the stamp in the passport does not give any guarantees stability, because if the love has faded, it still will not resurrect, and no matter married or not. In addition, free Union allows you to save money that you want to spend on a wedding, ring, dress and travel.

So: do I need a wedding?

In this special issue, everyone does as they see fit. You can live in a civil marriage, in legal. Stamp need not to tie the hands and feet of someone, and for confidence. It primarily affects women. People tend to live in a civil marriage and then for some reason get married, for example, when he should receive the child. But, nevertheless, the wedding need. Good, fun wedding. In your opinion, is good. In your opinion, fun. Because it's your wedding.


Women's Magazine

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