According to women, a man must first be a person. And if not outstanding personality, at least strong, able to achieve something in life. The woman feels the man's potential, she must understand that this person can achieve success. Strong men attract women. In addition, it is good when a man is fun and funny. Such a person is much easier to communicate, and even in the most difficult situations he can cheer up, cheer up. Very few women would agree to live with a man who constantly aching and in every situation seeks out negative.
No less important, the sensuality. For women it is very important to the man was sensual, treated her with understanding, was considered her opinion, especially in bed. Mind -- mandatory component of an ideal man. Without it - no way. Agree, the man may not be ideal, if a woman feels close the wiser. However, some men skillfully hide the lack of mind that sooner or later is revealed and becomes a cause of divorce with the phrase "it's not something to talk about! "
And lastly -- attractive appearance. The ideal man has to be attractive. Well, or at least not very scary, because each woman has their own ideas of male beauty. By the way, about what a man is perfectly beautiful, women can argue for years. One girls like tall blue-eyed blond, and the other stocky brunettes with brown eyes. Someone who likes brutal male model looks, while others like the stout dobracki. In General, the appearance of the perfect man is completely a matter of taste. What not to say about cleanliness. Almost all women by nature Cissy and accordingly they prefer men who have poor hygiene. It is understandable, who wants to meet and especially to have sex with a dirty, smelly, unshaven Troll?
Brad pitt ideal man to be not required, it should at least be well-groomed handsome with a sexy body. Handsome with a sexy body is not a mechanic with a beer belly and, despite the fact that beer bellies like some women, most women still prefer to see into the man's stomach sexy "cubes". So smart, well groomed men are not deprived of sense of humor, who achieved something in life, but not relevant to the masculine ideal in the absence of an elegant muscular body will have a lot to hang in the gym in order to become a male ideal.
However, even if your partner all the parameters of the ideal, we should not forget that the taste and color of comrades there and that one and the same man for two women can be quite different. One of the soul it does not rely and wait for the proposals of marriage, and the second will be wondering how you can get along with that person. One thing is for sure: calm, polite and self-confident men who like girls much more aggressive and ill-mannered.
Gloss is important not for everyone, so some women believe that the main thing that the person was good. Good at everything. That's only a good man, as well as the ideal man for every woman looks different. For one woman, a good man is first and foremost a good father, and for another, more romantic personality good man is the man, without which, it would seem impossible to live, and for the third - a good man is one who is able to deliver incredible pleasure in bed.
By the way on the bed. For men, as for women, the issue of sexual relations is important. How a man good in bed is important for a woman no less, what this man is and what it is. In order to be perfect in this respect man is not obliged to imitate the world sex giant -- the porn star Rocco Siffredi, who managed to bring to orgasm 14 girls in a row! Enough to be able to satisfy a woman at least 1-2 times a day and still be compelling.
In other words, this man should be a person, to have a mind and a pleasant appearance, dress well, be clean and be this good man.
Encyclopedia of women's life
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