One fine day, you're getting on the scale and realize that it is time something to do with it.
Great solution for beginners
Yes, think you, is to visit the beauty salon for a long time to convince me not have to. "Soft" option of switching to diet is also not a problem. But what to do if ever you were not sitting on the bike, and martial arts were observed only in the movies? When was the last time you saw a sports projectile at unloved physical education classes in middle school, and one only thoughts about physical exercise starts to hurt the stomach? Where to start? In this case, to dispel the melancholy winter days will help water aerobics is a great solution for "beginners" in the sport!
The idea of Aqua aerobics was first described in the manuscripts of Ancient China. In those days when training martial arts Chinese monks were often forced his students to work out the sharpness and precision of strokes in the water. Modern athletes have decided to use this practice and to postpone the implementation of aerobic exercise in the pool. So there was water aerobics, which immediately gained popularity not only among professionals but also people far from sports.
The growing interest in aerobics due to the fact that it is suitable for almost everyone. There are no any limitations or contraindications. Water aerobics can engage both adults and children, men and women, and these athletes, and unreal. Water aerobics is an excellent "way out" in cases when regular exercise is not recommended. For example, for pregnant women or for people suffering from disorders of the musculoskeletal system, diseases of the veins or overweight. For Aqua aerobics do not need any special sports training. Not even necessarily be able to swim! You can not hesitate to start classes right now, regardless of your level of physical form! In any case, after a few sessions your muscles will be toned and joints will be strengthened so that will be easy to switch to other sports.
In addition, water aerobics is an excellent tool for weight loss! Due to the unique properties of water is the so-called effect of "double action". The human body has to put energy and inside the body - the muscles, and outward to overcome the resistance of the water. Thus there is a constant release of energy to maintain thermal balance. Imagine what number of calories you can get only one "water" lesson. And restorative properties of water. Its ability to relax and relieve tension in all muscles, but especially of the spine and the lumbar spine. Do you even think?!
Don't forget that being in the water creates a state of "weightlessness". So, now you your body does not interfere. So, feel free to do those exercises, which in other conditions and could not think.
Aerobics Lee, martial arts, "riding" Li "on the bike" or breathing exercises. Maybe you will like rock and roll in the water or "Mambo No. 5". Anyway, you can be sure of their safety in the water aerobics there are no injuries. Moreover, rhythmic exercises turn water into an excellent massage therapist. Your skin is cleaned and smoothed, cellulite disappears. What is there to talk about the huge emotional pleasure that can double, triple, Desaturate, if you take on workout friends or family members!
Of course, any sports training requires observation of the instructor. But, if you still can't wait to do it all yourself first steps, use the following guidelines:
First of all, these are special gloves for Aqua-aerobics". Such gloves - "frog legs" - will create additional resistance in water. If you like "deep sea" exercises to keep the body afloat have a special "rescue zone". There are special boots with "wings", various dumbbells and weights, flexible sticks "noodle", balls, etc. But at the initial stage, they are unlikely you will need. And don't forget, of course, swimsuit, towel and Slippers.
Now you can go in the pool. In the aerobics levels in the pool are divided into "small", "medium" and "deep" water. "Shallow water (waist level) is designed to work with the lower part of the body and leg muscles. Medium (chest level) - Central part of the body, muscles of the abdomen and pelvis. "Deep" (above the head) to work with the entire body. Beginners and those who have, there is a fear of water, recommended exercises in shallow water.
Water aerobics for beginners
As and when doing any other physical activity, 2 hours before workout exclude from your diet meat products and heavy fatty foods. (Usually 1 hour before workout refrain from taking any food, but on this occasion, necessarily consult with the doctor! To recharge the body drink a glass of fresh rappocciolo juice.
1. Warm-up
To raise the body temperature before exercise it is recommended that a little "warm up". Do light exercises for each body part, shake hands, just bruise my feet, make a few rotational head movements. Good warm up jumping or running in place for 2-3 minutes.
2. The main complex
Water aerobics will be more fun if you do them with a cheerful music. The rhythm is not required, shall sound exactly what you like.
3. Hitch and stretch
To restore breathing after a workout, make sure the "hitch". For this fit rises feet to the outstretched hands (right leg to left arm, left leg to the right). Completed classes "stretch" - easy stretching.
The following exercises are simple enough to perform, but very effective. Begin to perform 1 times a week and take up to 2-3 times. The result will see it yourself. Happy you aquaplane and good luck.
"For instance". The basic exercise Aqua aerobics ("movement of movements")
Starting position - the case upright. Raise the right hand up, while the left leg, bring back. Now change an arm and a leg. The result is a movement of movements," in which the hand moves in the direction opposite to the movement of the opposite leg. This is the main, basic exercise in aerobics. Mastered it, you can start doing other exercises.
"Twist". Obliques (twisting of the pelvis)
Starting position - the case upright, hands apart. Start "jumping" on the spot. At each "hop" braid pelvis from left to right. Make sure that the upper part of the body remained motionless. Complicate the exercise, making twisting knees bent and tightened to his feet.
"Frog legs". The inner thighs (moving the leg to the side)
Starting position - the case upright. Bend the right leg at the knee. Take it towards the right. From this position straighten the leg. "Put it to the left leg.
The same repeat with the left leg. Alternate legs. Try the body to keep straight!
"Scissors" Buttocks (alternating legs)
Starting position - the case upright. Left hand up, right, bring back. Simultaneously pull the right leg maximum forward and the left - back. Alternate the position of the hands and feet.
"Spring" Press, abdominal muscles ("compression" of the body with alternate leg curl)
Starting position - reclining on the back, legs extended forward. Hand in hand or hold on to the support. Bend the right leg at the knee and start to pull it. At the same time try to maximize the reach of the tribe of the upper part of the body. The left leg remains straight. Do the same with the other leg. All the time series of legs. If you have problems with the vestibular apparatus, do the exercise two bent legs. "Simisa" and "raziyya" as a spring. Repeat a few times.
"Swinging arms"
Shoulders, chest, back (raising of the hands to the sides)
Starting position - the case upright, feet shoulder width apart. Arms stiff, straight, palms "look" down. Dissolve hand in hand on the shoulder line. With effort dip your hands in position at the bottom front of you, palms together. Repeat several times, you feel the work the chest muscles. Do the same thing, diverting his hands back behind his back. And then after a few sessions will forget about problems with posture! Gloves for Aqua aerobics enhance the effect of exercise.
Exercises with the ball The muscles of the back, the back surface of the hand ("drowning" of the ball)
Option 1. Starting position - the case upright. Keep the ball in outstretched hands before him. Straight arms try to "drown" the ball as low as possible. Repeat a few times.
Version 2. Take the ball in his hands. Upper arms and elbows to press the case. The arms bend at the elbows. Try to "drown" the ball as low as possible (without lifting the upper part of the arms from the body). Go back to the original position. Repeat a few times.
"Crawl" The back and upper hips ("Kroll" and "payroll legs)
Starting position - the case flat on his stomach, hands holding the sides of the pool. Intensively "talk" by the shins as in "payrole". Thus keep your feet tight in the upper part of the knee. Works the back of the thighs. Now "talk" straight legs (legs are not compressed) as in "crawl". In the morning will feel like a sore upper thighs.
How is the build?
Although most people have a fairly good idea of malacostraca or big-boned their structure, measurement of the circumference of the wrist, and sometimes the ankle gives a more clear definition. In General, women with wrist circumference 13, 4 cm or less have a narrow bony skeleton, between 13, 4 cm and 15, 2cm - medium, 15, 2 cm wide. Men: less than 15, 2-narrow bone skeleton, more than 17, 8 cm wide.
How is my ideal weight?
The so-called ideal weight can be determined in various ways. One of them is to use a table of optimal weight, gender, height and body shape (the size of the skeleton).
Ideal weight in adults with regard to physique
The growth of narrow average wide
163 54, 9 - 58, 5 57, 6 - 63, 1 61, 2 - 69, 0
168 58, 1 - 62, 1 60, 8 - 66, 7 64, 4 - 70, 8
173 61, 7 - 65, 8 64, 4 - 73, 0 68, 5 - 77, 1
178 65, 3 - 70, 0 68, 0 - 74, 8 72, 1 - 81, 2
183 70, 0 - 73, 5 71, 7 - 79, 4 76, 2 - 85, 7
188 72, 6 - 77, 6 75, 8 - 84, 0 80, 7 - 90, 3
193 76, 2 - 81, 2 80, 0 - 88, 5 84, 8 - 94, 8
The growth of narrow average wide
147 43, 5 - 47, 2 45, 8 - 51, 3 49, 4 - 56, 7
152 46, 3 - 49, 9 48, 5 - 54, 0 52, 2 - 59, 4
157 49, 0 - 52, 6 51, 3 - 57, 2 54, 9 - 62, 6
163 51, 7 - 55, 8 54, 4 - 61, 2 58, 5 - 66, 2
168 55, 3 - 59, 4 58, 1 - 64, 9 62, 1 - 69, 9
173 59, 0 - 63, 5 61, 7 - 68, 5 65, 8 - 73, 9
178 62, 6 - 67, 1 65, 3 - 72, 1 69, 4 - 78, 5
Women's Health
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